Comic Dudes With Attitudes

90: Top 10 G.I. Joe The Movie Moments!

Matt & Dave Episode 90

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In this episode of the Comic Dudes podcast, Dave and Matt discuss their top 10 moments from the 1987 animated movie G.I. Joe: The Movie. They cover various scenes, including Cobra Commander's transformation into a snake, the introduction of Nemesis Enforcer, and the fight between Sergeant Slaughter and Nemesis Enforcer. The hosts also touch on the controversy surrounding the limited release of a G.I. Joe action figure and the prevalence of resellers and flippers. They also mention the importance of diversity in the G.I. Joe franchise and share some fun facts about the movie and its characters. Overall, the episode provides a fun and nostalgic look at a beloved animated film.

00:00 Introduction and Discussion of San Diego Comic-Con
05:59 Top 10 Moments from G.I. Joe: The Movie
37:37 Diversity and Inclusion in G.I. Joe
42:21 Fun Facts: Behind the Scenes

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Dave (00:02.331)
Welcome back to the Comic Dudes, a podcast about comic books and comic book related things. With me as always, my esteemed co -host and wonderful friend, Matt. Matt, how are

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (00:14.04)
I'm doing well Dave, how are you doing today?

Dave (00:17.359)
I was doing great until you gave me that really weird robotic response to my question about how you're doing. Now I'm throwing off. I'm off my game a little bit now after

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (00:22.862)
I'm doing very well. watched a wonderful motion picture that I didn't think I was going to have the time to watch, but I was captivated last night when I watched it and finished it a little bit over lunch. So it was a good time. I'm glad we ended up doing this.

Dave (00:40.005)
Me too, me too. So before we get into that, you know who we are. My name is Dave if I didn't say that. You can follow us on Instagram and TikTok. You can also follow us on Twitter. All of those acts will be in the description of this episode. Also, if you want to talk about anything that you hear in this episode, you can join our Discord. We actually have people joining the Discord now. Conversations are popping and we'd love to have you in there to talk.

You know, whatever you want to talk about. get multiple channels. have video games, comic books, non -comic books, whatever. Yeah, no one's using it yet, but we got a sports channel. We're big sports guys. We don't talk about it on the podcast much, but Matt and I are sports guys too. So if you want to talk about sports, the Discord, join the Comic Dudes Discord to talk about sports. Why

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (01:12.28)
Kind of... We got a sports channel out here? Well, that'll be fun. Alright, alright, a little sports action.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (01:27.246)
Cricket championships anyone? Let us know.

Dave (01:29.679)
I ain't talking about that. I don't understand cricket. The only thing I know about cricket is what I learned in the Ninja Turtles live action movie, which isn't much. You gotta know what a crumpet is to understand cricket.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (01:35.63)
I don't know. don't even remember that. Maybe that'll be that That'll be next on the list. I guess it's been a while since I've seen that so I Know you're a big fan big

Dave (01:44.878)
I watch it yearly.

I can quote that whole movie. Anyway, this week, for all of you, this is the week of San Diego Comic -Con. For Matt and I, it's the week before that we're recording this. The reason why we're doing the episode that we're doing today is because of a special G .I. classified figure that's being released by Hasbro at San Diego Comic -Con. It is the version of Cobra Commander from G .I. Joe the movie, the 1987 animated.

After he gets hit with the spores and cobra lods starts to turn into a snake. We're getting that action figure. I am, I've mentioned on the podcast before, Matt knows this intimately well now. I am huge into collecting the six inch G .I. classified series figures from Hasbro, like deep into it. I'm really excited about this figure. Made me want to watch G .I. Joe the movie again.

So that's what we did. We watched it again and now we're gonna talk about our top 10 moments from G .I. the movie. I will give a spoiler warning. This will spoil a 37 year old animated movie. If you really care about those sorts of things, maybe now is the time to leave this episode. However, if you haven't seen it yet, you probably weren't going

Dave (03:09.583)
Anything you want to add there, Matt?

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (03:11.316)
No, I think you got it. I think you got

Dave (03:13.265)
Okay, I'm gonna add one thing actually. I'm a little chapped about how Hasbro's doing this figure because they're only releasing it at San Diego Comic Con. You have to sign up. It's basically like a lottery if you're in person at SDCC. You have to sign up for a slot, a time slot to go get in line and buy this figure. That's the only way to get it except...

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (03:20.672)
Wow. Yeah.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (03:30.433)

Dave (03:41.541)
They will release limited quantities for pre -order after San Diego Comic Con on the Hasbro Pulse website. And when I tell you that resellers and flippers dominate the pre -orders on those sites, I am underselling what really happens there because the stuff that's going to be sought after disappears so fast and within minutes people are selling their pre -orders on eBay for two, three, four times the cost.

It's a $40 figure and I know people are gonna be flipping it for $120 almost immediately and that bums me out. So if you're someone that does that, if you're a flipper, humbly fuck you. I don't like that. No one likes that. No one likes you. Stop doing this.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (04:17.974)
and these preorders

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (04:29.834)
Well, it's definitely not gonna stop. We want it to stop, but it's not gonna stop. Are these pre -orders, I'm assuming, on the online pre -orders, just like first come first serve? Like there's no order to, yeah, sweet. yeah, thanks bots, thanks flippers, like,

Dave (04:32.451)
It's not, but I'm still gonna rant and rave about it when I can.

Dave (04:45.157)
Yep, yep, yep. Now the one thing that Hasbro does do, they will give a one hour early head start to people that are Pulse Premium members. If you're a Pulse Premium member, you get early access to all pre -orders and back in stock sales, as well as free shipping on every order. So there is incentive to do that, but still, it's still shitty. I am a Hasbro Pulse member.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (05:08.718)
took you a...

Dave (05:12.497)
Pulse Premium member, I did pay the $50 a year for that and it's paid for itself a couple of times over because of the free shipping for how much I buy. But I won't buy like five Cobra Commanders to flip them, I'll tell you that much.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (05:17.154)
Yes. Yeah. Damn

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (05:25.282)
Yeah, that makes sense. Good

Dave (05:27.985)
Anyway, my nerd rant sidebar is now complete. That is how we got here. Let's get into Dave and Matt's top 10 moments from G .I. Joe the movie. Again, this is the 1987 animated movie, not G .I. Joe the Rise of Cobra from 2009, that shitty live action movie with the Waynes brother. Or were they both in there? There was a Waynes in that movie.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (05:33.902)
It's all right, it's how we got here. It's how we got here.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (05:46.454)

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (05:56.066)
Now just one. That's kind of racist. They're both in there. There's only one of them in there, dude.

Dave (05:58.641)
Channing Tatum? That wasn't racist at all. What are you talking

Dave (06:05.605)
I don't know if they're, I haven't seen the movie. I don't

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (06:08.322)
I think it was Marlon Waynes, by the way.

Dave (06:11.663)
And then fake -ass Shia LaBeouf was Cobra Commander, can't remember that dude's name.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (06:15.208)
no, that's Joseph Gordon -Levitt. Was that him? Yeah, I think this is him. Take that shot. I love it. I love it. gosh. All right. Our list. So I think we were, you've already prefaced this, but this is definitely our list. If you watch the movie, there, there might be some other things that you might think are higher quality moments or more resonant, but these are moments that are impactful for me and Dave. So I'm going to start off the list.

Dave (06:18.179)
Yeah, yeah, that's what fake ass shot of the buff.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (06:45.006)
there's a quote that sergeant slaughter. We're really dating ourselves here. So if you know anyone who's like sergeant slaughter is He's a professional wrestler, but he was also a gi joe, character And he sergeant slaughter played sergeant slaughter on gi joe he is talking to lieutenant falcon, right lieutenant falcon not cap not captain falcon from nintendo falcon punch So lieutenant. Yeah, exactly. So he's talking to lieutenant falcon

Dave (07:06.641)
Right, right, yeah, not that guy.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (07:12.726)
Long story short and quick summary is a GI Joe character that's kind of does some dereliction of duties, half cock, he's doing whatever he's, he needs to be disciplined. He's a fuck up. So he, so he gets sent to Sergeant Slaughter's training base called the Slaughter house. So there's just a quote that Sergeant Slaughter like utters to Falcon when he gets there, when he first gets there and he's talking about training him and he says, there's only two ways out of my command.

Dave (07:21.329)
He's a fuckup. He's a

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (07:41.452)
You go on your feet like a man or in a ditty bag in itty bitty ditty bag and just how he says it and how he enunciates itty bitty ditty bag. And I thought it was a titty bag when I was a kid because I listen to everything with subtitles now. So I actually know what it was. But when I was a kid, I was like, what's a titty bag?

So yes, the itty bitty ditty bag is number 10. And based on that laughter, it probably should have been higher up on the list actually. I thought it was a teddy bag, dude. We didn't have good

Dave (08:22.385)
I'm only laughing because you thought it was a tiddy bag What what did your what did your child's mind think a tiddy bag

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (08:33.656)
Dude, didn't know what sex is, but I got a titty bag. I don't know what a titty bag is, but I don't know. What's a ditty bag? I don't know what a ditty bag is. don't what a titty bag. All right, what's a ditty bag?

Dave (08:42.221)
I can tell you, I can't tell you exactly, but it's a reference to like a real like military thing. No, it's like, it's something to do with like when a soldier DIYs like a sack or something like a backpack to carry their stuff in, it's called a ditty bag if they made it themselves.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (08:48.302)
Is like a body bag?

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (08:58.572)
Yeah. Okay. Okay. All right. Well, there we

Dave (09:06.139)
So I, yeah, I don't know. I don't know the exact details. I'm sure someone knows that better than I do. That's just what I picked up on a quick search of the internet.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (09:16.44)
Dave, number

Dave (09:16.677)
am I doing number nine? yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're right. You're right. We're we're going from the first act all the way to the climax of the movie for number nine. The shit's not in chronological order. These are our favorite moments, our top moments. No, no, whatever we want. Top moments. And like Matt said, these are top moments for us. There are some things in this list that have

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (09:19.938)
Yeah, I think so, yeah, this, this, this your jam. This your jam.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (09:28.012)
You know, like we're going like exactly...

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (09:33.4)
We probably should have done that, but yeah, top moments.

Dave (09:43.505)
deep inside long running jokes for like 15 years between Matt and I. You won't think they're as funny as we do and we don't care. However, number nine is not one of those. This is legitimately just a cool thing that happened in the movie. we're at the end, Lieutenant Falcon has got his shit together. We're in Cobra Law. I'm not gonna give you context here. If you haven't seen the movie already, like you're probably even this far into the episode, you probably bounced already.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (09:54.537)
Yes, I said

Dave (10:13.649)
That's okay. He's fighting Serpentor. Serpentor has thrown a snake at him. The snake has wrapped itself around Falcon. He's trying to fight the snake off and then who shows up? But Cobra Commander, who is now fully devolved into a snake after being exposed to these spores that turn people into mindless creatures, shows up to save the day, attacks the snake.

that's wrapped around Falcon and lets Falcon wiggle free to continue the flight with Serpentor. So that's probably the one and only time we'll get like a true Cobra Commander redemption ever. Unless Kirkman pulls something weird in GI Joe when they finally do the ongoing in the Energon universe, I don't

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (11:03.564)
I was just like, is Cobra a commander on GI Joe now? you see, I, well, that, we can talk to you about that in a little bit. Actually, actually this is perfect. our number eight kind of segues with our number nine a little bit. Like there's a quote. So Cobra commander is pretty much court -martialed by. Globulus. But yeah.

Dave (11:27.363)
a polite way of putting it. Like, Globulus just doing like a, it is a show trial. man was guilty before it started.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (11:34.08)
It is a, it was a show trial. He is held, you know, he's been court -martialed at Cobra law and they break a lot of spores in this movie. A lot of spores. If you're a fan of the last of us, a of spores, you'll probably like this, but a spore is brought in and like explodes in this man's face with his mask on, but that's okay. It got through the seams, but starts to turn him into a snake. So he's, he's devolving into a snake throughout the course of this movie.

And I don't remember the exact scene, but Roblox and Cobra Commander have to team up because Roblox is blinded by one of these spores during a fight. So they're like accompanying each other and Cobra Commander starts saying, like, I once was a man. And as he devolves more and more into a snake, like that's all he can kind of say is once was a man. like, I don't know why, but once was a man is definitely something that me and Dave have exchanged.

And even I feel like a couple of weeks ago when we were together, once was a man was at least uttered one time. So that is definitely like our number eight. But like my question to you is I don't remember after this movie, does Cobra Commander come back or is he like a snake for forever? I don't know if you remember, like I want to watch the series now cause I don't remember.

Dave (12:53.809)
So this movie was the wrap up to the first series of animated show. So the one that started in 82 with the mini series, like the period of darkness. like that show carried through until this movie, this movie wrapped that up. then, yeah, series two was the one with the armored Cobra commander. Totally different.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (13:00.502)
Okay. Okay.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (13:07.79)
Yep, pyramid of darkness and all that. Yeah.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (13:16.203)
Okay, so then the reboot was...

Dave (13:24.091)
vibe with that series. Was it a Deke show? Old Dick had some good animation back in the day

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (13:25.048)
Deek! Deek! That's who the D .I .K. did it. Old Deek, Old Deek, yeah.

I feel like that's the one I watched when I was a kid and then I went back and watched all this other stuff and I was like, this stuff is much better. Like, I don't know.

Dave (13:43.793)
but also some of it's still like really weird.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (13:47.075)
yeah, the tone of this movie is way more serious than the show. That was one thing I was going to mention as well too, the cartoon show.

Dave (13:53.925)
Yeah, like I will actually I watched an episode today while I was eating lunch of the old the old episodes from series one and there's like there's this scene where like Lady J and I forget who else are like supposed to be in like a bad part of town trying to find a gang leader or something and there's just like a bunch of random people break dancing like breakdancing cars breakdancing in the street and they're talking to this kid and she's like show us where the leader's at or I don't know what she said then this

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (13:57.484)

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (14:13.291)
Jesus, yeah, I know.

Dave (14:22.769)
This kid, he's like 10 years old. He's like, what's in it for me? I'm 10 now. I gotta think about my future. And then Lady Jane's like, you're not gonna have one if you don't tell me where this guy's at. And kid just goes, whoa, you mean business lady. I'll show you where. And I'm like, what is, this is some of the worst, even as a child, I would go, this is dumb.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (14:32.142)

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (14:43.734)
There's a... I watched the... I watched this movie on YouTube, actually, and there was a comment... They had the whole movie up on YouTube, so if you want to save yourself a couple bucks, you can watch on YouTube. But one of the comments of the guy was like, I own all the Transformers and G .I. Joe box sets. I can't wait to retire and watch these until I die. I just thought that was funny. That's one way to do it, so... All right. I guess this would probably be me, too. Number seven.

Dave (15:04.145)
I mean that's one way to do

Dave (15:12.027)
Yeah, you're taking number seven

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (15:14.328)
All right, so we talked about Captain Earth, Captain. He talked about Lieutenant Falcon and our first introduction to Lieutenant Falcon, very debonair man, very good looking guy, but he is Don Johnson. Yeah. Great, great voice acting. Don Johnson, Miami vice fame. he starts off our introduction that Lieutenant Falcon is he's bringing a female into

Dave (15:23.397)
Don Johnson.

Dave (15:38.619)
Hold, wait, wait. That's our first introduction is Beachhead training the new recruits saying, where the hell is Lieutenant Falcon?

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (15:46.23)
Yeah, that's true. Good call. Good call. Where the hell is Lieutenant Falcon? We count to him bringing a date into a government military installation, abandoning his post. And then after he gets confronted by Duke, what are you doing? Like, shouldn't have anyone in here. No visitors, no cameras, XYZ. Person gets kicked out. Of course that, I don't remember exactly. I'm off my GI Joe, but I think that's Zirana.

Dave (15:48.955)
Then we cut to him doing all of these things.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (16:16.128)
is actually in disguise. That was the date. So Falcon blew it. and then he's having an encounter with a conversation with Jenks, who's a female agent on the team. And he slaps her on the ass, like flat out, she's like working on a car or something. He just slaps her on the ass. like, damn dude, this, you were, you were batting a thousand and like, I know things are different back then, but not that different, not in the military, not like, bro, what are we doing here? So yeah.

Dave (16:44.593)
I would say the military is probably... The... That type of stuff happened for a very long time. A lot of unreported sexual assault, the military actually. That's probably more accurate than you give credit. Do you remember what he said after he smacked her in the ass?

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (16:47.022)
No. you said... Yeah.

Yeah, that's right. That is, that is true. That's true.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (17:03.894)
Did say like sweet cheeks or something? I don't

Dave (17:05.903)
He said, you want me to kiss it and make it better?

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (17:08.025)
Dave (17:10.545)
because she said ow.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (17:13.272)
Not good. He's done. This guy's toast. This guy's cut.

Dave (17:13.797)
This man was a full on creep.

Dave (17:21.745)
So fun fact about that scene, well guess it's the scene after that when Ziranna gets back to the Dreadnocks and Pythona and Nemesis and Vorisar show up by that little pond or whatever, lake, I don't know. Initially, that scene was intended to be a topless scene with Ziranna. When she removes her dress, she was going to be topless, but instead they went back and changed it to her wearing a bathing suit.

Because, get this, they were afraid they'd get a PG -13 rating if they kept her topless.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (17:57.609)
PG -13, that's really bad.

Dave (17:59.823)
I guess animated titty is better than... Yeah. But they didn't want her to show off the titty bags.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (18:02.337)
I guess.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (18:07.719)
Those weren't itty bitty tinny bags, I'll tell you that. See through this. Alright then, calm down. Calm down, calm down.

Dave (18:11.153)
Alright. Alright. Alright. Come on.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (18:20.94)
So get back, let's get back on the list. Rated in, rated in.

Dave (18:22.853)
Alright, number six. Another fight in the climax of the movie. There's another Cobra Law fight. Sergeant Slaughter versus Nemesis Enforcer. Pretty much everything that Sergeant Slaughter did in this movie was awesome, if I'm being honest. I don't think there's anything he does that I didn't like. He was such a badass. He's one of my favorite G .I. Joe action figures as a kid.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (18:48.664)
He's a cool figure.

Dave (18:50.257)
He's also one of my favorite figures in the classified series. They did a really great job with that figure What happened you good? you looked concerned

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (18:58.604)
I'm just Googling it, I wanna see the figure. No, I'm concerned that I might have to buy it.

Dave (19:04.817)
Oh yeah, you should. Good luck though, it's hard to find. I paid 40 bucks for it. It retails 24 .99. It's very cool. Now, you're not looking at the Slaughter's Marauders one, are you? There's two.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (19:19.379)
it's, it's glue packaging.

Dave (19:21.881)
Is he wearing blue and green like the Slaughter's Marauders stuff? Okay, then that's the original one. Yeah, it comes with multiple hands so you can do like finger points and like fists and open hands, all kinds of cool stuff. You have him do pushups. Yeah, cool figure. Anyway, so Nemesis Enforcer is probably my favorite character from the movie and one of my favorite Cobra characters of all time. I am well aware that a lot

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (19:24.286)
No, he's wearing the black thing with the little whipping stick in the air. That's cool.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (19:36.642)
That's a really cool thing here.

Dave (19:50.993)
purists in the GI Joe fandom really didn't like this movie particularly because of the way they kind of They retconned Cobra commander a little bit into not being like a regular human people say they didn't like all of the the sci -fi elements with Cobra law and how they were all organic and snake -like Yeah, one you're wrong and to nemesis enforcers so awesome, I think Matt you you said it best he's like

an Archangel knockoff kinda. Archangel's one of my favorite X -Men. the, yeah, so I love Nemesis Enforcer. I love everything that he does. I love Sargeant Slaughter and everything that he does. This was the coolest fight in the entire movie. At the end when like Nemesis Enforcer's beaten, Sargeant Slaughter's just like dropping these double elbows on his chest saying like, this one's for Duke and this one's for, I don't know who he said, all kinds of people. He got a lot of hits in.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (20:22.114)

Does sense?

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (20:46.946)
For me, and this one's for, no, the last one was for the US of A. Yeah, you omitted that one. That's okay. You know, when he, when he was just beating people down, it reminded me of like, when you went to church as a kid and they would explain all the people that are sick and you make like a prayer chain, he was just calling off everyone. Like, this is for McDonald's, this is for Duke, this is for me, this is for, he's just, every name he could get in there. Just get it

Dave (20:48.635)
The last one was from him,

Dave (20:52.785)

Yeah, I did. Not on purpose. That's just how my brain works.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (21:15.936)
Love it. Love it.

Dave (21:17.659)
I will, before we move on, I would like to, I wanna talk about, maybe I should talk about this later. The fact that so many people that say they're fans of GI Joe, and I'm not saying you're not if you don't like this movie, but the number of people that I've seen online speaking about how like the movie is where they stopped caring about the line and like this ruined it for them because it was so over the top

all these sci -fi elements. I'm sorry, but did you watch Pyramid of Darkness? There's like little furry guys that turn into giant like ram, bison -like creatures with whips. That wasn't too much sci -fi for you then. I just watched an episode from season one where Cobra Commander literally resurrects ghosts and G .I. fights ghosts.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (21:48.536)
do you like?

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (21:58.731)

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (22:08.556)

Dave (22:09.893)
That's, do you mean Cobra Law was too far? Like there's so much weird, goofy, sci -fi stuff in GI Joe. That's one of the coolest things about it. It's always been there. This isn't new. Cobra Law didn't bring sci -fi elements into GI Joe for the first time. You just, I don't know. You didn't like it for whatever

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (22:26.158)
I do like, I mean I love this movie, I do like, well I don't even know if that's a comic origin or maybe, I don't know if that's a show origin but Cobra Commander was like pretty much a pyramid scheme, that's how he came to power, I do like that better than, I don't, yeah so I don't know if that has to do with the animated show or whatever but yeah. He's just there, he's just, yeah.

Dave (22:37.561)
Yeah, that's like that's his comic book origin.

Dave (22:43.813)
The animated show origin for him is pretty similar. It's still pretty similar. I think they do it at some point, because I read about that not long ago. But yeah, the comic book origin is hilarious, because he shows up in Springfield, Illinois, economically depressed, that he starts doing pyramid schemes, and all of a sudden starts to organize them into a paramilitary organization. It's crazy how that happened. And the States government was like, no problem.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (22:57.282)
Yeah, it's just

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (23:10.006)
Yeah, Gallabula putting these brain implanters in Dr. Mindbender though, that's kind of ridiculous. They could have came up with something better than that, but yes, that's fine. Whatever. I'm okay with it guys. It's fine. It's

Dave (23:11.601)
Don't worry about

Dave (23:19.105)
Eh, eh. Me too. Moving on, our number five? Yeah, number five. So there's a fight that happens in the Himalayas as Cobra is trying to steal the broadcast energy transmitter from GI Joe. And Sir Pantor gets captured. Cobra Commander says to retreat per usual.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (23:27.212)
That's it. You gotta explain that one.

Dave (23:48.901)
And then he says, hey, I know where we can go. know where there's a safe place to hide. And he's talking about Cobra Law. The Joes are chasing. Cobra gets into Cobra Law. The Joes get defeated in the fight that ensues. This is the first time we see Nemesis Enforcer. And he takes quick care of the remaining Joes. And Cobra Commander

very excited to see Nemesis Enforcer. This is our first indication that Cobra Commander is from Cobra Law. And as he walks up to Nemesis Enforcer, there's some of the effect of, Nemesis Enforcer, it's so good to see you. And before he can finish the sentence, he gets backhanded like a bitch. Nemesis Enforcer hits him with the biggest backhand I've ever seen in any animated show ever. Had a nice satisfying crack. I know the Foley artist was in the studio with a big bundle of celery smack in a couch cushion to get that smack on there for us.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (24:43.106)

Dave (24:44.518)
It was wonderful. I loved

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (24:48.)
A complete side tangent, but have you ever seen the movie Casino Royale and the torture scene with Daniel Craig?

Dave (24:55.087)
I mean, I've seen it, but I don't remember it all that well.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (24:57.11)
It involves him getting hit in the balls with something by this whipping thing. There's also a good backhand in this when Sir Penter is just repeatedly interrogating and backhanding Lieutenant Falcon so disrespectfully. Tell me where you're at, pop! The sound effects people had, the lettuce as well, they're pop!

Dave (25:11.471)
Yep. Yep.

Dave (25:19.409)
I think the Nemesis Enforcer backhand was better, but the Serpentor backhands were funnier.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (25:23.052)
Yes, it was overall a better backhand.

There were multiple back -ends, that's why.

Dave (25:32.753)
If I remember correctly, he was even swishing up arms too, right? Like he went, it wasn't like forward slap backhand with just the right. No, it was like all backhands. He chose disrespect.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (25:35.079)
yeah, he -

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (25:41.568)
Yeah, it was, this was, he used the whole body, the whole body rotation, planet fitness. used every, every part of his body on that one. So, all right. I think number four, just a quick one, not, not overly crazy one. we get our first introduction to the status of Cobra, where Cobra commander is, I mean, Cobra commander's on trial a lot, but this wasn't really an official trial.

The first lines of the movie that were uttered by, think anyone honestly, were Sir Penter saying to Cobra Commander, saying to Cobra as an organization, he called them blunders and fools and was just going in on all of them because they just constantly screw stuff up. And then he pinpoints his focus specifically to Cobra Commander and just goes off on him and his horrible leadership. And from

we go to see the worst peer to peer review I've ever seen where the entire Cobra Command just unleashes on Cobra Commander how incompetent he is and how horrible of a leader he is. And I don't know why, I just thought that was hilarious that like SirPenter came in hot, calling him all blunders and fools. I don't know. I just got my performance review at work. That's probably why, but I don't

Dave (27:05.717)
The best part was how Destro started out like he was in a Defend Cobra Commander and then he hit him with the 180. He was like, no man, you're cooked.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (27:08.364)

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (27:14.457)
Yeah, he pretty much did say he was cooked, for

Dave (27:17.841)
He cooked him. He cooked

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (27:21.106)
All right. All right. I'll do no. I'll do number three. there's a pretty epic battle in this movie where Sir Penter has the Cobra, the organization and Cobra law have the Joe's on the ropes and a vehicle carrying, I think, Sergeant Slaughter and Lieutenant Falcon gets blown up or whatever. They get ejected from the vehicle and Sir Penter is coming up and he is going

Dave (27:21.233)
You're taking number three also,

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (27:51.754)
seemingly kill Lieutenant Falcon and he has hit the snakes around him if you're familiar with Sir Pinter's character design and one of the snakes he grabs it goes straight like a javelin and he throws it and it's meant to hit a Cobra Commit or it's meant to hit Lieutenant Falcon but Duke dives in the way and takes the the snake javelin for for Lieutenant Falcon

We didn't talk about it, but in the movie, I did not know this. Lieutenant Falcon is actually Duke's half brother. So that's another layer that you can add on to this as well too. So he saves his brother. I think this is a pretty impactful thing in the movie. I find it more impactful because of some of the outside of the movie things about this. Duke was supposed to die. And if you watch this movie, clearly he's supposed to

Dave (28:46.577)
Mm -hmm.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (28:46.668)
This scene even, like at the end of the movie, there's just like a go away line where like there's just a call and it's like, Hey, Doc called in and say, Duke is going to be okay. And everyone's like, go Joe. Like I remember that. But like in that scene specifically, general Hawk is there and he's talking about, we'll get Duke the best medical care he can. And he turns around and he's like crying. Like he's dead. Like what Duke says, he's like, I'm not going to be here for much longer.

Like you got to carry on like something about like, got to be the best soldier you can be or something along those lines. He says to his brother, and then there's just like kind of fades away. Scarlet's crying. Like everyone's crying. Like he is supposed to be dead in that moment, but they like changed it. This movie came out after it was supposed to come out before the transformers 80, the transformers movie, but the reception to them killing optimist prime in that movie, this, this got delayed for some reason,

After that happened, the Transformers are like, we are not going through this again. they changed and changed the ending at the end, if I remember correctly. And that's why Duke lives. Cause there had been another traumatized wave of children that summer. So

Dave (29:54.737)

Dave (30:02.491)
Yeah, actually, I have that as one of my my little fun facts. I have a whole paragraph about that. You actually hit on almost every single thing. Good memory, unless you just looked at it recently.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (30:06.317)

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (30:10.528)
Okay. Okay. I don't - I remember that specifically because of this movie. I just remember that,

Dave (30:19.323)
So I can tell you why Transformers came out first. G .I. Joe, they were being produced at the same time at the same studio. There were some production delays to G .I. Joe. G .I. Joe was supposed to be the movie that came out first. Because there were delays, they just went ahead and released Transformers the movie because it was done.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (30:22.903)
Yeah, I don't know.

I do not know that yet.

Dave (30:49.145)
And because of the backlash from Optimus Prime dying, that's why they went back and changed. But in an alternate universe, there is no delay to G .I. Joe. It comes out first. Duke dies. And then we don't kill Optimus Prime and Transformers the movie. And if you have been listening to this podcast since the beginning, there's some Dave lore here that I've talked about on the podcast before. I talked about how traumatizing it was for me as a child seeing Transformers the movie in the theater.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (31:04.11)

Dave (31:17.701)
watching Optimus Prime die. So there's somebody that worked on this movie on the GI Joe side that is directly responsible for my childhood trauma and having to watch Optimus Prime die.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (31:31.596)
I mean, I like Duke. I like Duke a lot. But honestly, it makes sense for him to die. means a lot. His death means a lot more, in my opinion. there's an... I... Dude, like... There's just a lot of... In this movie, like, there's a lot of samey white leadership guys, Like, there's Lieutenant Falcon, who look... Or Lieutenant Falcon looks like General Hawk, who looks like Flint, who, like, there's just a lot of...

Dave (31:39.953)
Bro this was a kids movie man, this was just to sell toys, like, it wasn't that deep.

Dave (31:56.497)
Another fun fact, Lieutenant Falcon was originally going to be General Hawk's son.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (32:05.676)
Okay, that makes more sense. Yeah, I don't know. I did not know that. all right. A lot of fun.

Dave (32:05.723)
Then they changed it to Duke's half brother. I don't know why. Another fun fact, Duke is a first sergeant and Falcon is a lieutenant and a lieutenant technically outranks a first sergeant. So when they get into that argument after, yeah, and Lieutenant Falcon gets upset saying like, you you can't or I'm gonna pull rank or whatever he said, he actually could do that because technically he outranks him in the military.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (32:23.522)
Porn rake.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (32:34.859)

Dave (32:36.015)
However, the creators decided that they preferred to stick with the hierarchy of G .I. Joe and not necessarily ranks within the military. So because Duke was second in command of G .I. Joe, Falcons still had to listen to him, even though he technically outranks

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (32:46.378)

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (32:54.294)
nice day for the fun facts all right

Dave (32:56.281)
Interesting little facts. Yeah, the fun facts. That's it. We're that was number three. Top two. Number two. And this is not necessarily a moment in the movie, but it is still the best part of the movie. The intro to the movie when G .I. Joe is fighting Cobra at the Statue of Liberty.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (33:05.176)
We're almost done, man. This is, yeah.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (33:14.205)
this is a moment. This is a vibe, baby. This is a moment.

Dave (33:25.905)
And that theme song, my God, that thing still bangs in 2024.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (33:29.966)
the internet.


Dave (33:39.281)

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (33:41.143)
brah! You gotta be descending on your little parachute. brah!

Dave (33:47.39)
That is, it still gets me hyped up when I hear it. I love it so much.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (33:52.256)
I watched that like once a year. know, the covert troops to send in the news guy taking the picture got punching it and breaking it like it's just good stuff. dude.

Dave (33:59.823)
Yeah, it was so well animated too. I feel like that intro was better animated than like the rest of the movie.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (34:04.896)
it definitely was. definitely, it definitely was the animation in the movie was still much better than the TV show, but they spent a lot of money on that introduction. Yeah. I that, I mean, if you don't want to, I don't care where you're from. If you don't want to pick up that American flag, like Duke and soar up to the top, G I Joe American. So good. It's so.

Dave (34:30.446)
I don't want to do that, but...

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (34:32.074)
I thought you specifically, you're specifically the guy I of. No, but it was a great introduction.

Dave (34:34.129)
Of course you do. Of course you do.

Dave (34:42.043)
Fun fact, another fun fact. The intro was originally intended to be the climax of the film in early drafts when they were writing the movie. Yeah, but they changed it, particularly because without that as the intro, the movie opened with Serpentor just yelling at Cobra and they were

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (34:47.534)
It's another thing.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (34:57.59)
I could see that to send you home.

Dave (35:11.685)
This doesn't make sense. And they expected, because it was supposed to be a theatrical release, they expected people that hadn't watched G .I. Joe or didn't know anything about it to come to the theater. So they decided that putting that, taking the original climax of the film and making it an intro introduces everyone to kind of what G .I. Joe is and what they do. And then immediately ties, it flowed better into that opening scene of Sir Pendor just losing his shit, which I thought was kind of interesting.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (35:17.762)

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (35:31.915)
the character.

Dave (35:41.969)
So yeah, another fun

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (35:43.532)
I mean, that makes sense.

Dave (35:47.387)
Yeah. Number one, I can do number one without even having to speak.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (35:49.068)
Dave, just, just take, let's go number one too. Just roll it. Yeah. Just roll it.

Dave (36:03.281)
but I will give you the time stamp. At one hour, nine minutes, and 31 seconds, for the first and only time in the movie, Sir Pantor says,

Dave (36:24.017)
To most people, that is a very innocuous part of the film. It may even be a little weird or feel out of place. But to Matt and I, it is one of the oldest and strongest inside jokes that we have. I would go as far as to say it is foundational to our friendship.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (36:50.126)
It is. I remember us eating like chicken nuggets in your your back apartment watching this movie. Like the best part is like, where does it even come from? Like they don't, he doesn't meant it just like watching this again. I'm like, he literally just comes out with this chant out of nowhere. Like it just comes from nowhere. It's probably Cobra law, but this route. Yeah.

Dave (37:07.055)
Yeah, well, it's not totally from nowhere because like the those like insect looking troops in Cobra law kind of do a variation of that that we're not going to mimic here on the podcast. But yeah, it was so weird that it just came out of like it did come out of nowhere, kind of. But it's so incredible. And it's it's one of my favorite inside jokes. don't know if it's an inside joke. It's just a thing that Matt and I do from time to time.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (37:15.99)
Yeah, yeah, let's not do that.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (37:34.67)
You get a chuckle every time. You get a chuckle every time. It doesn't matter.

Dave (37:36.397)
I can't, I know. the part about it that warms my cold black heart the most is that there's no way for me to explain to someone that is not you the context with which we use it, but there will be in the middle of a text conversation or a actual real life conversation, there will be a time where it is contextually correct to say that.

And we both get it. No one else could ever possibly understand that. And that is

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (38:10.318)
It's like if there's like a body snatcher or an imposter, like I just put Cobra Lot, if they didn't get it, I would know it's not really you. You know, like if there's like an alien that took over something, like if they don't get the Cobra Lot joke, I know it's not him.

Dave (38:17.745)

Dave (38:23.525)
Yeah, yeah, exactly, exactly.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (38:25.614)
It should be my authentication statement when I log into my bank. Scream the pitch of Cobra law? I don't know.

Dave (38:29.105)
Yeah, it's my two factor.

Dave (38:37.553)
I got a fun fact about this too. Yep, the name Cobra Law was never intended to be in the movie. The writers wanted to replace it after they came up with it because they didn't love it. And then Hasbro came back and they had already heard that they were going to call it Cobra Law from earlier drafts of the script. And Hasbro loved Cobra Law so much they wouldn't allow the writers to change it to anything else. So thank you Hasbro

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (38:40.288)
About Cobra La? Really?

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (39:04.072)
Mmm. Good call by Hasbro.

Dave (39:06.373)
keeping that and allowing Matt and I to have this wonderful ongoing joke between the two of us. That is also not a joke.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (39:10.675)
Good call by Hasbro. Good stuff.

Dave (39:15.675)
We have some honorable mentions. Do we want to do the honorable mentions

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (39:18.734)
I don't know if we have to like if you're if there's something that calls to you minor I Just think it's funny that this whole movie is about BET I didn't know that black entertainment television was that important back in the 1980s, but apparently it was I Don't think it was either I'll get I'll get a quick Google. I'm on

Dave (39:34.513)
I don't think BET was around then, was it? Can we get a quick Google search on when BET was founded?

Dave (39:45.103)
What if black entertainment television was founded by someone that loves GI Joe and they were like the BET, I can work with

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (39:56.084)
Sir, we are so wrong.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (40:02.922)
I figured it would have in the 90s or something.

Dave (40:06.459)
Me too. Okay, well then yeah, you might be on to something there. Maybe Hasbro stole it from

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (40:10.422)
We might be ace.

They might have. You just see the device and it said BET on the side.

Dave (40:20.003)
So, so that's a wrap. Little hip

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (40:24.894)
threw me off a little bit. Just, hey, if you ever get in a pinch, rap, melt spores. Just remember that. we're gardening, when we're gardening, I turn a little trick daddy gets rid of all those weeds.

Dave (40:32.209)
That's right.

There you go, there you go trick that is a weird choice for that but

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (40:41.634)
That's where my head's at. I need to go to bed, apparently.

Dave (40:45.809)
Isn't isn't he the Nevermind I'm not gonna say it but after I hit stop on the recording, I'll ask you this question I'll just I'll run through some pretty quickly so in that that fight right before Nemesis enforcer back hands the shit out of Cobra commander He lifts up a havoc which is like a it's like a weird kind of tank like

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (40:52.325)
Don't say

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (40:56.081)
If you've been canceled, I apologize. don't know. Whatever.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (41:12.151)
I'll dude you.

Dave (41:15.641)
It's like a mixture between like a tank and like an armored personnel carrier where like the pilot lays down in the front of it and there's like a glass case and like you can shoot rockets and shit. So, Nemesis Enforcer lifts this thing up, uses his forearm blades to cut a hole in the bottom of it and then just pulls Snowjob by his legs out through the bottom hole that he just created in it. So, another badass Nemesis Enforcer moment. They get me every time.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (41:40.332)

Dave (41:44.529)
Also, Nemesis Enforcer being in the Energon universe already, he showed up early on in the Cobra Commander miniseries. Man, so awesome. Give me more of that. However...

Nemesis Enforcer is no longer called Nemesis Enforcer. If you didn't know, now you know. Hasbro lost the copyright to the name. They're doing a Nemesis Enforcer figure in the Classified series line, and he's been renamed to Nemesis Immortal.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (42:16.814)
Boba Fett's Starship instead of Slave 1.

Dave (42:20.421)
Yeah. My thoughts on the name Nemesis Immortal.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (42:27.054)

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (42:32.994)
What has the copyright to Nemesis Enforcer? I'm gonna find out.

Dave (42:35.953)
Yeah, find that find that out. Well, I'm reading off these last two so again back to the the final Fight scene in Cobra law another lieutenant falcon moment He stabs galobulus in the eye with that knife that has the time worm creeping around the the blade of it very gruesome very cool very Like you mentioned earlier like this this movie is a lot more serious and like kind of you know gory and that's the right word, but it's

It's more adult themed. Yeah. Yeah. And then last, and certainly not, I should know there's two more. One of these was yours. We skipped the big lob one. Matt's a big lob guy. I don't know if anyone knew

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (43:06.454)
It's dead serious. They're taking this movie dead serious.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (43:17.922)
I'm a big, lob guy. He shoots, he scores. He talks about rim jobs. He talks, I just, he's not, you know, he's no Al Michaels. He's no Jim Nance, but he likes to commentate whatever he does. Big fan. I'm a big fan of big lob. Know he might be a little stereotypical, but hey, it is what it is guys. I'm here for a fun time. I'm here for a fun time. I know, I know that's not for everybody. You know, I'm a big, I'm a big lob guy

Dave (43:46.148)
Big Lob is a little bit of a caricature.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (43:48.386)
These are caricature. I'm a big Barrett guy from Final Fantasy. You know, it is what it is, but.

Dave (43:53.947)
I will let it go because in general, think GI Joe did a pretty good job in terms of diversifying. Before we got Big Lob, we had Stalker and Roadblock and Alpine. We got some color in there. It wasn't all just white dudes.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (44:01.944)
They diversify their team.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (44:09.964)
We do. So stalkers probably like the most normal, like roadblock. lot of rhyme, a lot of rhyme. There's a lot of, a lot of jive talk. I'll see you, but I gotta go take a doo -doo. Like, he's just like, what? Just everything he said had to rhyme. But Hey, Dave, it was, it was a different time. It's okay, man. We got to move forward now. So he, he hit him. He hit him with some rhyme. I'm just saying.

Dave (44:16.908)
yeah, okay.

Yeah, you're right.

Dave (44:32.755)
He hit Cobra Commander with some of those rhymes too.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (44:39.874)
Roadblock, the BET, I'm just saying guys, just saying, a lot of rhyming. Big Lob, Big Lob, the BET, I'm just saying guys. I'm gonna let it go, I let it go, you opened up this door, remember that.

Dave (44:44.475)
Yeah, okay, I wish I hadn't brought that up.

I regret a lot the last several minutes. I know, I know, I know. I have to live with that. The last honorable mention, when Jinx and Beachhead are sparring during like the new recruits training montage, specifically after Beachhead beats her ass and is like, hey, you better pack your bags. You're not gonna be here long.

This is to me, this is one of the most badass moments in the entire movie. But she gets up and she goes, okay, now let's try it my way and blindfolds herself and absolutely destroys this dude. Like she breaks the training staff into two pieces and just like Beachhead doesn't even get a hit in after that. I'm a huge Jinx fan. I don't know if other people like Jinx. I don't know what the general consensus is on Jinx.

I do know my Jinx Classified series figure just shipped and I will have her tomorrow or Friday. I'm very excited about

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (45:49.264)
Did she come with the American Gladiator's Q -tip or no? The sparring thing?

Dave (45:53.701)
I don't know, probably not because it's a six inch scale figure that would be too small. It's one 12th man. We're on the three points seven five inch figs anymore. And I never had jinx in the small figures back when I was a kid. So this one's really exciting for me. Not that anyone cares, but I'm excited. You have to say

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (45:57.954)
Yeah, that's unfortunate.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (46:11.904)
I That's a... No, I ca I think it's... I think it's generally a great thing you're doing. I just... That's a cool looking figure, if this is the one I'm thinking of. Okay.

Dave (46:20.325)

Yeah, yeah. I have one more fun fact about GI Joe. This one's not necessarily about the movie, but it was supposed to be released this figure, supposed to be released the same year that the movie was released. Hasbro had a pretty cool partnership in the works. And this ties a little bit to Burgess Meredith, who is the voice for Galobulus in the movie.

I'd say probably Burgess Meredith is best known for playing Mickey in the Rocky films. So Hasbro was cooking up a Rocky Balboa figure and he was going to be like a GI Joe, like an actual GI Joe figure. He was going to be like a trainer of the Joes, like kind of like they did with Sarf and Slaughter. They wanted to keep like the celebrity inclusion coming. The deal fell through, but they already had done

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (47:05.602)

Dave (47:22.991)
the mold and the prototypes for this Rocky Balboa figure. So what they did was swap out the head and release the figure as a Cobra trainer named Big Boa. It's the dude that's like shirtless and like has the boxing gloves.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (47:37.026)
That's cool.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (47:42.21)
That's really cool.

Dave (47:44.059)
Yeah. They also just released a big boa figure in the classified series that is also super badass.

And then, you know what, fuck it, one more fun fact about the movie. When the movie came out, there was something like 94 action figures in the line. Out of those 94, they managed to fit something like 83 of them into the movie. They didn't all have speaking roles, but pretty good. I didn't notice seeing 83 different characters in the movie, but I did.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (48:16.642)
Like Lady J was in there and didn't talk and like, I don't know. I like, he's like Lady J. I don't think so. Maybe. I don't, he. They were just like background dialogue, weren't they? I don't, I don't remember.

Dave (48:20.005)
Lady J didn't talk? A lot of people didn't talk. You know what Quick Kick? Quick Kick spoke in the movie.

Yeah, but that was was Quick Kicks first speaking scene since the first episode of the first series.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (48:41.762)

Dave (48:42.831)
That man spoke at the very beginning and at the very end and not a lick of dialogue in between.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (48:47.448)
Bro, you came with all the trivia.

Dave (48:49.883)
I know a lot about GI Joe. I'm wearing a GI Joe shirt. Big GI Joe guy.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (48:52.962)
This big boa figure looks like Rocky, but he's got like a Battlestar Galactica helmet. I don't know, like he's got a weird looking helmet.

Dave (49:01.509)
Yeah, well that's because it was supposed to be Rocky and then they had to change the head at the last minute because Rocky's likeness was not

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (49:08.568)
This is pretty cool, man. I never knew that.

Dave (49:10.309)
Very cool. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, that's it. Those are our top moments from G .I. the movie. If there's some moments that we left out that you think we should have talked about, come join the Discord and tell us about it. Just be prepared for some pushback because I might push back a little bit. I don't know. I don't know. Maybe Matt will. Or if you hate Superman. We found out a lot of guys in the Discord

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (49:13.132)
Good stuff.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (49:26.978)
Very active.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (49:39.966)

Dave (49:41.231)
Don't like Superman, Matt's on an island right now. If there's some Superman supporters, Matt needs your help.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (49:46.419)
I'd like to get one of you if possible. Not a lot, I just need one. Just need one.

Dave (49:52.549)
Yeah, well good luck there. Yeah, that's it. I think we're gonna try to do a second boys episode this month. You're gonna get three episodes in July if all goes according to plan. And then in August we'll be back to just two, but we gotta do a double up. If you listen to last week's episode, we did the boys part six. You heard that we had to double up one of these months and I think July's the month, so stay tuned for that and we'll keep cranking out content in between boys episodes.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (50:15.726)
We can do it.

Dave (50:20.017)
Tell your friends tell your co -workers tell your mom your dad your brother your sister your husband your wife Your partner your dog your cat your lizard your snake whoever can get an account on a podcast platform and listen to this podcast tell them about us I feel like calm books and stuff because we'd like to bring them into the community We'll see in a couple of weeks or so until then. My name is Dave Take care of yourselves everybody. Bye.

Matt Shoots And He SCORES!! (50:42.542)
and I'm

Go Joe!

Dave (50:47.321)
I love it.

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