Comic Dudes With Attitudes

87: The Boys Read The Boys Part 5 - Herogasm

Matt & Dave Episode 87

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In this episode of the Comic Dudes podcast, the hosts discuss the comic book series 'The Boys' and specifically focus on volume five, 'Herogasm'. They apologize for the delay in releasing the episode and discuss their recent life events. They provide a recap of the volume, highlighting the annual hedonistic superhero event known as Herogasm. They discuss the good aspects of the volume, as well as the bad aspects. Overall, they found the volume to be boring and lacking in significant plot development. The conversation covers various outrageous and offensive moments, including a lifetime achievement award incident, the portrayal of Soldier Boy, and explicit sexual content. The hosts discuss their favorite and least likable characters, as well as upcoming episodes and recommendations for G.I. Joe comics.

00:00 Apology for Delayed Episode Release and Content Warning
03:02 Discussion of 'The Boys Volume 5: Herogasm' and Explicit Content
10:05 Opinions on Herogasm Concept and Character Development
29:14 Personal Experiences and Insights on 'The Boys'
34:23 Favorite and Least Likable Characters in 'The Boys'

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Original Music by Alex Productions
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Mah Dicky Hat (00:01.856)
Welcome back to the Comic Dudes, a podcast about comic books and comic book related things. My name is Dave with me as always, my esteemed co -host, Matt. Matt, how are you?

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (00:14.51)
I'm doing well Dave back in the saddle once again, ready to go.

Mah Dicky Hat (00:17.536)
Yes, indeed. Also, it's a boys month, which means Eric is here. Eric does another podcast about all things ICP related, but he's ours once a month to talk about the boys for better or for worse. Eric, how you doing?

I want mah dicky sucked (00:31.788)
doing great. Happy to be talking with both of you. And it's true, sometimes it's for better and other times it's for worse. We'll see how this episode goes.

Mah Dicky Hat (00:40.96)
I have a feeling I know. Before we do that, I would like to apologize for the delay in this episode coming out. You know, if you're a regular listener, you know that we had some life things coming up in May. I had to move into a new house. I know Matt had some busy work stuff going on. I don't know, Eric, did you have some travel this month? I don't remember. I thought you had some stuff for work.

I want mah dicky sucked (00:42.604)

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (00:42.99)

I want mah dicky sucked (01:01.132)
I've been Yeah, I've just been working really long days and extra time. And yeah, yeah.

Mah Dicky Hat (01:08.384)
Yeah, so life got in the way, it happens, we're sorry. Life also got in the way of our social posting. I had been bragging for many episodes in a row about how we regularly post on Instagram and TikTok, and that also has fallen by the wayside as life took over. I've got some new stuff ready to go. We're gonna start posting again this week on social. So you can follow us there. The handles are in the episode description as well as our Twitters.

This is also the part of the episode where I let you know that there will be spoilers for the boys comic book from here on out and unintentional spoilers maybe for the boys TV show Also, this is your content warning and disclaimer. There's a lot of fucking and in this episode just all of the fucking Any kind you can imagine we probably have that a female soup asked someone to come on her hump. That's just where we're at now, so Get ready

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (01:53.486)

Mah Dicky Hat (02:06.144)
buckle up or if you don't like that kind of stuff, hit the road, man. I won't judge. I'd actually be a little jealous. And if for some reason this is your first one of these episodes, weird place to start as I always say. However, this is how a Let's Read works. We read the thing. I'll do a quick recap of what we read, hitting the high notes, but leaving some things out. So if you do want to read this stuff yourself, there's something new for you to explore or experience there. And then we're going to talk about it. We'll talk about the things we liked.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (02:13.454)

I want mah dicky sucked (02:15.5)

Mah Dicky Hat (02:35.648)
the things we didn't like, and then any sort of hot takes or outrageous moments worth discussing. Also for the boys, because I think that it would be interesting. We'll talk about our favorite and least likable characters in the trade that we have read. This month, we read the boys volume five, Herogasm. Before I get into the recap, I would like to point out there's dick in this trade.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (03:02.894)
There is, I was gonna say it. We're equal opportunity this trade. That was hidden.

Mah Dicky Hat (03:06.688)
There earlier in the year I brought up dick and you guys were quick to correct me. There was no dick It was Austin Powers. It was always something in the way a plant or whatever. I think was math that said it I am vindicated Vindic Kated there's dick I win

I want mah dicky sucked (03:24.192)

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (03:24.718)
What does the outline of love sausages bulge cow? Cause that was pretty pretty out there. It's gotta be out there. It's gotta be up. It needs to be exposed. Okay. Okay.

I want mah dicky sucked (03:30.796)
No, no. It needs to be exposed. Also, huge spoiler alert for later in the episode. Once you get past the recap, literally my first good bullet point is finally we got some dicks.

Mah Dicky Hat (03:36.032)
If I don't see pee hole, there's no dick.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (03:37.966)
Okay, okay. Sounds good.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (03:48.11)

Mah Dicky Hat (03:48.544)
Nice! We've also, we hit a new low too. There's bestiality present in this. So...

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (03:53.998)
What the hell, guys?

I want mah dicky sucked (03:55.628)
was suggested beast well there's there was bestiality previously yeah yeah that's that's true

Mah Dicky Hat (03:58.688)
No, there's full on, there's a dog fucking a woman. It happened.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (04:00.27)
I'm just kidding.

Mah Dicky Hat (04:05.376)
Anyway, enough about that. Let me recap what we've read. So this story kicks off pretty much right where volume four left off. Homelander's addressing the press and he blames the death of the G -Men on an intergalactic threat that they are all about to go and defeat. When I say all, I mean literally every soup on earth. It is all a cover.

I want mah dicky sucked (04:07.998)

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (04:08.174)
There's the recap!

Mah Dicky Hat (04:33.696)
a cover to go to herogasm. What is herogasm? Well, I'm glad you asked. It's an annual hedonistic superhero fuckfest that they organize under the pretense of some world -threatening threat that all Supes need to combat. The boys are there too. They're monitoring a meeting between Vaat and Vic the Veep. Also, Homelander fucks Soldier Boy, but don't worry, it's not gay.

I want mah dicky sucked (04:58.988)
Mm -mm.

Mah Dicky Hat (05:00.608)
Vic the Veep shows up, he fucks around at Hierogazm with some of the prostitutes that are there, he's getting his stuff on, we'll talk more about that later for sure. And the Vought man, who still is nameless, tells Homelander that he's going to make Vic president. And that's why Vic the Veep and his entourage of Secret Service agents are there. There's a bunch of weird sex stuff that happens in this issue. Vought mentions that they want to have payback, the team payback.

take out the boys. Huey and Starlight have some phone sex. And the issue ends with the boys preparing to make a move on Vic the Veep, or so we think. Their plan works, but they do not go after Vic. More about that later. After their abduction is complete, Black Noir follows Huey into a sewer, and I'm pretty sure he sexually assaults him. Also in this issue,

A -Train and some other dickhead from the Seven whose name escapes me. They talk a lot about Fahd and Homelander. They're throughout the entire trade. These two are just doing their own thing and just like they provide a lot of context and a lot of exposition. They don't really actually do anything, but they're interspersed throughout. We also find out at the end of this issue that the real target was

I want mah dicky sucked (06:02.38)

Mah Dicky Hat (06:27.936)
one of the Secret Service agents that is assigned to the VP, not the VP himself. In our next issue, the boys interrogate this man. We learn a lot about what Vaught is really up to. The 9 -11 attacks, they were orchestrated as a way to introduce Supes to national defense. Vic the Veep is also a fucking moron. Vaught has people all over the Secret Service and planted throughout Washington, DC.

They like Vic de Vip, again, because he is literally stupid, very low IQ individual, easily controlled, but a great politician, probably an allegory to what Karthik thinks about politicians, thinly veiled, like most things. And we find out that Vought's plan is to kill the president, install Vic de Vip as president, and then start dictating policy through him in the most puppeteering way you can imagine. It is very

It is very direct, very candid. They tell him, hey, we're gonna make you president and you're gonna do what we say when we tell you to do it. As we're wrapping up and getting close to the end, there's an awards event called the Soopies that happens at the end of every hero chasm. More about that later. The Secret Service agent that the boys have abducted is let go. He goes back to his team at the Soopies.

Homelander is about to tell the entire super community what he did during herogasm and I didn't say it yet, but what he did was just fly up into the air naked and destroy an entire passenger plane full of people for no good fucking reason. He tried to distract the guy from Vought with a prostitute so he could tell everyone this, like basically say, hey, we can do what we want and like, no one can stop us like ever. But the Vought man figured it out.

and he showed up. So HomeLander didn't finish the story. He was very, very mad. People were confused as to why he was so mad and why he stopped his acceptance speech for winning Soup of the Year, or whatever the word was called. I'm sure we'll hear more about that in subsequent volumes. While this is happening, the VP's team of Secret Service agents is searching the island for the boys and they will likely find them.

I want mah dicky sucked (08:24.812)

Mah Dicky Hat (08:52.8)
When they do, the Secret Service agent that the boys had captured earlier, who is not a V .O .T. plant, turns on the rest of his team, along with one other guy who's not a plant, and then all hell breaks loose. There's fighting, they kill the plants, the VP's handler gets killed by the Secret Service agent who they interrogated, and he also dies, Vic the Fee leaves, the female stops the other V .O .T. plants from escaping in a plane.

and then all the soups just like fly away from this island and our story is over. A lot happened and also not a lot happened.

I want mah dicky sucked (09:30.516)
I'm really disappointed. In the fact that everything you said, I was like, yeah, that's that's what I got out of it too. And I was really sure I missed something.

Mah Dicky Hat (09:33.984)

Mah Dicky Hat (09:41.12)
Hmm, no sir.

I want mah dicky sucked (09:43.148)

Mah Dicky Hat (09:44.896)
Unless I missed something too, I suppose that's possible that we've all missed something.

I want mah dicky sucked (09:49.324)
No, no, no, no, I don't think so. I think what you said is what happened. I think that it was more reaffirming things that they had already stated previously, so it was a lot of rehash.

Mah Dicky Hat (10:04.704)
Yeah, I think Garth Ennis just wanted to have an orgy.

I want mah dicky sucked (10:08.908)
which does happen. Here's a spoiler for the show in the show, but completely different than this. This is like, yeah, this is this is an analog for the actual event hedonism that happens in the Bahamas. And in the show, it was just a party, a random party at you know, so

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (10:09.198)

Mah Dicky Hat (10:15.776)
Yeah, completely different.

Mah Dicky Hat (10:26.4)
Mm -hmm. Yep. Which was pretty absurd and pretty out there. You know, there was a massive cum shot in that episode.

I want mah dicky sucked (10:32.331)
yeah, yeah.

I want mah dicky sucked (10:37.252)
Yes. Spoilers.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (10:38.382)

Mah Dicky Hat (10:41.632)
Man, you got two kids. You'll forget I said this by the time you watch that show.

I want mah dicky sucked (10:44.748)

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (10:44.75)
You're damn right. I'll forget that before noon, midnight, I'll be out.

Mah Dicky Hat (10:47.52)
Who wants to start with the good?

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (10:52.975)
me, because I don't have a lot. I was going to be really quiet, just because I think the good thing is I've learned that I need to read these earlier in the day, because a lot of this stuff went over my head. So I'm glad that you provided such an expertly done recap, because I picked up on some of the threads, but a lot of it went over my head. I really like the concept of this herogasm thing. I thought that was hilarious. So every year they stage this.

I want mah dicky sucked (11:09.644)
Mm -hmm.

Mah Dicky Hat (11:10.4)
Thank you.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (11:22.51)
Like they staged some earth shattering crisis level event and no one like catches on to this that like everyone has to go every year at some point. I think that's even the villains. I think that's just, I think it's a funny concept though. And I do like like in mainstream comics, like, yeah, they might take like a little vacation or something, but not anything to like this kind of extent or this like hedonistic. Like you said, I just thought herogasm was a cool idea. And then.

Mah Dicky Hat (11:24.544)

Mah Dicky Hat (11:31.904)
Even the villains.

I want mah dicky sucked (11:33.164)
Yeah. Yeah.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (11:52.114)
I hope you're right, but I don't kind of don't hope you're right. I thought the whole Homelander thing, I thought there was something more sinister going on and not just like him going up and killing those people. Like I thought he like poisoned everyone or something. That's kind of how I took it. But I didn't know if there's something else going on that like while you were all gone, I did XYZ to you all. So I was going in with the understanding that that was what was going on. So I was like,

I really want to find out what Homelander's real secret is or what he really did. But if it is just like, hey, we can go up and do whatever we want. That's, that's cool as well too. But I thought there was some more nefarious means, but we'll see.

Mah Dicky Hat (12:36.576)
That kind of is pretty nefarious in itself.

I want mah dicky sucked (12:38.828)

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (12:39.534)
Yeah, you can take over the planet, I guess, but I didn't know if it was like, hey, I poisoned all of you and you're gonna die. You know, I got, that's what a, that's kind of where I was going with it, but.

Mah Dicky Hat (12:46.656)
I think that's giving the Homelander a little bit too much credit for intelligent thought and planning. He's a very... Yeah, he is an ego -driven being.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (12:50.958)

I want mah dicky sucked (12:51.18)
Yeah, I think it's just it's just a plain thing. Yeah.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (12:56.206)
True, true, but yeah, there's my good guys.

Mah Dicky Hat (13:00.512)
Okay, brief. We like that.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (13:02.382)
Brief, there's gonna be a lot of brevity from me this episode.

Mah Dicky Hat (13:06.912)
Okay, I respect it.


I want mah dicky sucked (13:11.468)
You know, I also, I liked the premise, the setup of like, there's some big intergalactic thing, we need to go to space, all of us. So you're not going to see us for a while. And then they would just come back and be like, you couldn't see what happened in space. But we did it. We won. We're heroes. Yeah. And instead, they're going off to weird sex party. For the year, I hope they change the date every year because I feel like people are going to catch on. They'll be like, there's an intergalactic

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (13:28.238)
Did it guys. We did it.

Mah Dicky Hat (13:40.768)

I want mah dicky sucked (13:41.676)
thing every every year at this time like but yeah I think my other big one was I feel like they've been afraid to show dick and at first I noted I noted the first one I was like here it finally happened this is gonna be the only one we get this stupid limp dick right here and then we got several other dicks and I was like all right here we go I was stoked I was stoked on it let's go yeah

Mah Dicky Hat (14:05.696)
Dick Scalore. Yeah, me too.

I want mah dicky sucked (14:12.588)
That's my god, that's it.

Mah Dicky Hat (14:12.736)
that it? Okay, all right. I mean, I only have three so I don't know why I'm like, is that it? I don't have much more than that. I will, so you both brought up the the the guise of a world conquering threat that they need to go and thwart. I like that for different reasons. I like it because it is like everything else a direct shot at

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (14:15.246)
Brevity, brevity.

I want mah dicky sucked (14:18.764)
I'm sorry.

Mah Dicky Hat (14:40.16)
the big two at Marvel and DC and their annual summer crossovers and summer events that they've been doing for like 40 years. I love that. I tend to not really care for a lot of what Karthinus is doing in this comic, but I did appreciate that one because as a hater of the summer event, in particular the way Marvel has started to do theirs, well I shouldn't say started, they've been doing it for like 15 years now, but rather than the event crossover into the mainline books,

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (14:43.278)
Summer event. Yeah.

I want mah dicky sucked (14:47.116)

Mah Dicky Hat (15:08.416)
It's like a six -issue maxi or an eight -issue maxi for the event and then like a bunch of three -issue minis of Secret Invasion X -Men, Secret Invasion Spider -Man, Secret Invasion Hulk, Secret Invasion Wolverine, Secret Invasion Who Gives a Fuck. Just do the crossover for fuck's sake.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (15:21.43)
Yeah. Yep.

I want mah dicky sucked (15:23.436)
And it pisses me off because every once in a while, one of those like little three or six issue arcs is really cool. And I'm like, I hope they keep doing this. And it's like, no fucking way. That was just for this. Now go fuck yourself.

Mah Dicky Hat (15:33.472)
Yeah, we're there's a lot f -bombs even dropping this episode I can tell we're all really fed up. I like that Everything okay on to my good. I Thought it was hilarious how the Secret Service was calling Victor V Einstein as like the code name I absolutely love that because of how absolutely fucking stupid that person is I also thought it was a really interesting way to show us

I want mah dicky sucked (15:37.9)
With everything.

I want mah dicky sucked (15:52.308)

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (15:54.798)

Mah Dicky Hat (16:03.84)
Another example of the deep depths that Vought is willing to go to set against such an outrageous event like Herogasm. You know, it wasn't a very sinister feeling story or setting or six issue series, but it sure was when looked at through the lens of what Vought was doing there and why and all the things that they are up to.

You know, I've appreciated the way that there's almost always some sort of juxtaposition where the thing that is happening in this comic is always in a set piece that is like wildly inappropriate or outrageous. And I'm starting to appreciate that tiny bit. And also I mentioned this, I think I mentioned this last month, but there's still some tension building for the reader.

between like the Huey and Starlight reveal and they finally figure out what the other one is doing, I thought for sure they would bump into each other at Herogasm and this would be when they like put all their cards on the table and it still hasn't happened. So I'm getting more and more excited for that, when that does eventually take place, who knows when. I'm still waiting for Butcher to go to Huey and show him the blowbang tape from like volume two.

I want mah dicky sucked (17:28.236)
I'm still trying to figure out if that's definitely what Butcher saw.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (17:29.102)

Mah Dicky Hat (17:32.96)
has to be.

I want mah dicky sucked (17:35.372)
I guess, maybe.

Mah Dicky Hat (17:36.64)
has to be. Maybe it's not. I don't know. We'll find out. Maybe. Who knows? Who knows? The any anyone wants to start with the bad? We got bad takers.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (17:37.87)
We'll see. Maybe, we don't know.

I want mah dicky sucked (17:47.948)
I've got a not bad and not good, but I thought that it was interesting that usually in writing this Garth Ennis is fairly coy about even though you can easily suss out what he's trying to say, any of the direct comparisons, right? You know what this character is supposed to be. In this one, he all but called Vic the Veep George Bush. Like there were so many things that were direct, like real world references that I was like,

Mah Dicky Hat (18:09.664)
Mm -hmm.

I want mah dicky sucked (18:15.308)
tell me you wrote this book in the late 2000s without telling me you wrote it in the late 2000s. You know, it was wild.

Mah Dicky Hat (18:18.508)

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (18:23.854)
I suffered from too many other similar white guy syndrome that we had talked about before. Like there's a lot of people sitting around the table. I feel like there could have been a little bit more to distinguish some of these guys, you know, character models or whatever. There's just like a lot of like white guys in polo shirts. I really suffered. I called this, I love the show, ended up, I ended up liking the show a lot, but.

I want mah dicky sucked (18:28.876)

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (18:50.414)
this trade really had like game of throne syndrome for me. Like when I first started that show, I had no idea like what was going on because there was just too many characters and it's just a lot for me to kinda like, you know, you have your core people, the boys and the homelander, but there's like all these other people. You were even talking about Dave, the A train and this other hero. Like I have no idea who this guy, like I had no idea who that guy was. Like, okay. I had no idea who it was. It wasn't.

Mah Dicky Hat (19:14.016)
I do know his name, I was just being funny.

I want mah dicky sucked (19:16.332)
Was it was it lamp lighter? Who was it?

Mah Dicky Hat (19:19.264)
No, it's Jack from Jupiter.

I want mah dicky sucked (19:21.356)
Jack for okay. It's the Martian Manhunter. Yeah. Yeah, got it.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (19:22.994)
Okay, that makes sense from the costume, but I was just like, yeah, you know, idea who this person was. And was this arc out of this contravert virtual or not? I mean, was it kind of skippable? Like, could this has just been like a mini series like do it? I guess when we read next month, we can find out. But like, I don't know, like there were some things that happened, but I don't know. I'm still.

Mah Dicky Hat (19:23.776)
Yeah. Yeah.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (19:50.958)
up in the air about that a little bit. Like you said, we dove deeper on established things in the story already, but nothing really happened outside of this fuckfest on this island. I don't know.

Mah Dicky Hat (19:54.304)

Mah Dicky Hat (20:08.32)
I feel like if it was skippable, it would have been released as a non -numbered trade. It would have been, it'd be like 11 volumes of the boys, and then there'd also be a volume called Hierogasm that you could just read out of context whenever you'd like.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (20:16.078)
Yeah, yeah.

I want mah dicky sucked (20:17.004)

I want mah dicky sucked (20:21.772)

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (20:22.958)
Dynamite's trying to get that money, or whoever's trying to get that money though. We're gonna have you buy that trade. Dynamite's trying to get that. Yeah. They want that money, so. That was all I had.

Mah Dicky Hat (20:25.504)
Yeah, true. It's dynamite. It's dynamite. Dick friendly dynamite, as I like to call them.

I want mah dicky sucked (20:30.316)

I want mah dicky sucked (20:34.156)

Lamp lighter stuck in a shit dungeon somewhere being brought back from Brack to life, right? That's okay Different different actually in in the TV show. We never even really see lamp lighter

Mah Dicky Hat (20:42.144)
Yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (20:42.67)

Mah Dicky Hat (20:50.176)
We don't he's dead already this show, right? Yeah

I want mah dicky sucked (20:51.66)
No. Yeah, yeah. And the show he's already dead. And yeah. I it is it is the show is does a better job with character development and story development and all of that just makes more sense. But I can do my bad if you want.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (20:54.702)
You're making me want to watch this show. Like every time we do this.

Mah Dicky Hat (20:58.112)
Man, she knows kind of better.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (21:00.27)

Mah Dicky Hat (21:12.192)
Yeah, sure.

I want mah dicky sucked (21:14.476)
there was some truly bad art in this issue. Truly, truly bad. Not all of it, but there were moments like a lot of those secondary background characters at herogasm. They didn't even try they didn't make an effort to make them look like a human shaped character. But also, there were two or three points where they drew terror. That was like, what the fuck happened here? How did this get past anybody somebody needed to look at this and go, is that a dog or?

Mah Dicky Hat (21:17.216)

I want mah dicky sucked (21:43.34)
did a child draw this? What's going on? It was Yeah, there was a couple of moments.

Mah Dicky Hat (21:45.44)
I don't even remember terror being in this.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (21:49.262)
It was cause he was drawn so bad. We're going to pass the collection plate around for brother. Brother Eric is preaching the gospel. That was my number one point, but I always complain about art. So I didn't say anything. I'm glad someone else took it, picked it up for me and ran with it. I'm so happy.

Mah Dicky Hat (21:51.68)

I want mah dicky sucked (22:05.388)
I noticed it in this volume specifically, there was some real sloppy art.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (22:07.95)
Dude, that terror was bad. Like, Eric, that was a bad terror. It was bad. It was bad. Bad.

I want mah dicky sucked (22:11.372)
hat. There's two of them. There are two really bad terrors. Because like, I noticed I'm like, some of this art's a little whack. And then it hits that terror. And I was like, what the hell and then later, like way near the end, I was like, there was another even worse terror. Like you forgot how to draw a dog. I don't know what happened.

Mah Dicky Hat (22:13.376)
I gotta go back and look at this.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (22:32.29)
I think there are some fill -ins because I feel like there was some decent art and you could see the change but I didn't go look through. Normally I check credits but I was just like whatever.

Mah Dicky Hat (22:33.024)
So sad.

I want mah dicky sucked (22:38.028)
Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. Also, considering the contents of this volume, and this might be speaking somewhat to what Matt was saying is, how is this whole volume about sex party with superheroes? Boring. I was bored with it. I read it in three separate sittings because I just couldn't get through it. I was like, man, something needs maybe it's because not much happened. Maybe it's because it was skippable. I don't know. It's

There was weird shit that happened, but.

Mah Dicky Hat (23:10.816)
Yeah, I mean, yeah, but there's still not a ton of stuff.

I want mah dicky sucked (23:15.212)
Yeah. Yeah. And then like after the second issue, I started to feel a little confused. Like I'm like, am I missing something? Maybe I'm just confused because it's a bunch of characters that look the same and don't have names. I don't know. But yeah, I felt I felt like I wasn't really following everything. But then when you recapped it, I was like, No, that's what I remember. Okay. So those are my bads.

Mah Dicky Hat (23:29.472)

Mah Dicky Hat (23:40.736)
Okay, I've got a few. I still, I would like confirmation, but also not wanting confirmation that Black Noir did sexually assault Huey. I'm like 90%. I just don't know, I don't know how he did it, but I know he did it.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (23:43.982)

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (23:52.974)
That's how I took it. That's how I took it.

I want mah dicky sucked (23:58.636)
So I have in my outrageous and over the top, and I guess I didn't catch that that's what happened with Black Noir, but it just says Huey's random itchy ass. Is that going to come back as something meaningful? Yeah.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (24:10.67)
Yeah, that's how I took it.

Mah Dicky Hat (24:12.736)
Yeah, that's what that is. Yeah, that's what that is. That's what that is. Dogs fucking people, I thought that was bad. I'm actually a little disappointed that neither of you did too.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (24:15.214)
There's your confirmation. There's your confirmation.

I want mah dicky sucked (24:15.34)
It's gotta be that. It's gotta be it.

I want mah dicky sucked (24:23.148)

I want mah dicky sucked (24:27.82)
I was just upset about how poorly they were drawn. Yes, yes.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (24:31.726)

Mah Dicky Hat (24:32.512)
Clearly, your only dog takeaway here is that they weren't drawn well enough for your distinguishing palette. I was more appalled by the fact that the dog's penis was in a person.

I want mah dicky sucked (24:45.448)

Mah Dicky Hat (24:46.048)
But whatever. At the Soopies, they gave a lifetime achievement award to a very sweet old man who then proceeded to piss himself and rattle off a bunch of slurs. And poor Starlight had to help him off the stage while he was dribbling piss out of his pants. And I didn't like that.

I want mah dicky sucked (24:49.708)

I want mah dicky sucked (24:53.42)
I want mah dicky sucked (25:01.164)

I want mah dicky sucked (25:06.476)

Mah Dicky Hat (25:11.808)
It wasn't enough to get in the outrageous category, but I definitely did not like it. And then my other bad is really more aimed at the show. I think Soldier Boy would have been a whole lot more interesting in the show if Homelander would have fucked him there too. Unfortunately, we just got like sort of a hard ass Captain America knockoff if Captain America was a jerk and didn't love it.

I want mah dicky sucked (25:26.092)
Hell yeah.

I want mah dicky sucked (25:37.612)
Yeah, that's not Soldier Boy in the show at all.

Mah Dicky Hat (25:40.512)
Mm -mm. Like, opposite take. Almost completely opposite take.

I want mah dicky sucked (25:43.756)
Yeah, totally opposite. Actually, they go to great lengths to paint him as the opposite character. Yeah.

Mah Dicky Hat (25:50.464)
Yeah, yeah, like in the comic he's like a, golly gee, pal, I hope that it's okay that we're doing this. And he's just not like that in the show at all. It was very strange.

I want mah dicky sucked (26:02.124)

Mah Dicky Hat (26:05.568)
Outrageous time.

is where we spend most of our time.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (26:09.006)
I don't... There's a lot of outrageous, just obvious stuff in this. I don't know what... I wrote the page number down, but not the trade. But it was just when someone was walking past the pool and talking, there was just some... I don't know why this was the one that got me, but there was just some superhero either ripping ass or shitting in some... This chick's face. And I fucking lost it at like 1130 at night when my family's in bed.

I want mah dicky sucked (26:10.636)

Mah Dicky Hat (26:32.352)
Yep. Yep. I wrote that down.

I want mah dicky sucked (26:32.684)
yeah, yeah.


Mah Dicky Hat (26:37.44)

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (26:38.67)
almost woke my children. I don't know why that broke me. And like, normally I'm just, you know, we got the big iPad. I read like normal. I was going panel by panel and that panel popped up, broke me. I don't know why that was what it did, but it did. Yes. And they're smiling. Yes. Exactly. Okay.

Mah Dicky Hat (26:49.696)

Mah Dicky Hat (26:54.592)
I wrote down, some dude farts in the mouth of a girl eating his ass. Question mark, cause I wasn't sure. It was in the second issue, by the way, I did write it down.

I want mah dicky sucked (26:58.732)

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (27:05.39)
Gotcha. I put page nine or 10, but I don't put the issue. So yes. Thank you, Dave. The citation, MLA format.

Mah Dicky Hat (27:07.9)
Yeah, issue two, issue two. You're welcome. If there's ass eating around, I'm documenting it, don't you worry.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (27:16.718)
Like you got that MLA format like school. Like this is proper citation.

Mah Dicky Hat (27:19.616)
I've got footnotes.

I want mah dicky sucked (27:25.068)
got a real life story about that sort of phenomenon.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (27:28.558)

Mah Dicky Hat (27:29.472)
great. Are you going to tell it now or is that after we're done recording? I don't care.

I want mah dicky sucked (27:32.78)
Up to you. It's it's pod appropriate, I can tell you. So

Mah Dicky Hat (27:37.536)
Okay. Dude, we've talked about so much ridiculous stuff. Anything at this point is pot appropriate.

I want mah dicky sucked (27:43.052)
When I was in college, I moved in with a bunch of friends in a house, I was living in Pittsburgh. And we used to hear the neighbors fighting, just screaming and fighting. And we realized at some point that we're only hearing one person. And we're walking out to school in the morning and that one person comes out and she's like, Hey, I hope I didn't wake you guys up. I had to yell at the psychic intruders this morning. So

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (28:09.486)

I want mah dicky sucked (28:11.5)
It became a funny thing that we would listen to this woman go on her wild trips yelling at psychic intruders. And the one day she is screaming about.

I don't even know how it started, but she gets to when they fart in our faces while we're sucking their dicks, we got to be strong about it. And she's like screaming and yelling and we're like, hell yeah. I think we actually got that one on tape. We recorded it.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (28:44.014)
Mah Dicky Hat (28:44.864)
I'm speechless.

I want mah dicky sucked (28:46.124)
Yeah, she said so many things, but that was one of my favorites. And it's exactly that moment in the book.

Mah Dicky Hat (28:53.216)
Sounds like a real trooper.

I want mah dicky sucked (28:55.052)
She was a treat.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (28:59.854)
Gosh, I love it. that was it. That was it. That was it. That was it.

I want mah dicky sucked (29:01.004)

Mah Dicky Hat (29:02.144)
What else you got, Matt?

That's it? Okay.

I want mah dicky sucked (29:06.668)
man, there's so much more.

Mah Dicky Hat (29:09.504)
Yeah, there really is.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (29:11.886)
I left it to you boys.

Mah Dicky Hat (29:13.344)
All right. Eric, would you like me to go or do you want to go?

I want mah dicky sucked (29:15.052)
One of mine is your, well, I was gonna say one of mine is your screen name.

Mah Dicky Hat (29:19.968)
Yeah, one of mine is yours. So, yeah.

I want mah dicky sucked (29:22.668)
hell yeah. Yeah, that secret service dude being forced to put on Vic the VEAPS condom I was like, damn. That

Mah Dicky Hat (29:29.984)
Yeah, but the context of which he does it like he just walks out of the room and goes help my dicky hat

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (29:34.414)

I want mah dicky sucked (29:36.268)

Mah Dicky Hat (29:38.432)
And I was like, the dude's like, just looks at me, he's like, well, he goes, help my dicky head. And it's like, if any figures it out, and you just see this poor man on his fucking knees, like rolling the condom on him, God, I would fucking cut my hands off.

I want mah dicky sucked (29:42.604)

I want mah dicky sucked (29:51.14)
One of my other ones was, there's this big reveal of like, okay, we're already at this super debaucherous event. But if you go behind doors in the secret room, there's stuff you can't even imagine going on. And I'm like reading this and I'm like preparing I'm like, what is going to be happening in this room? And then they get into the room, and they're smoking fetuses.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (30:19.373)

I want mah dicky sucked (30:20.748)
And I was like, what? Why is that even a thing somebody would want to do? What do you get out of that? I guess because you can't and they're also injecting vaginal mucus. And I was like, again, why? Like, there was a very what the fuck sort of aspect to it. But also I was like, I'm shocked it wasn't something far more extreme and really just unsavory happening in that room. It was equally shock shocking and also far more tame than anticipated.

Mah Dicky Hat (30:26.464)
you can, just because you can.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (30:50.478)
Where those stages of grief or whatever you had last, we just accepted it, Dave. We just, yeah, the stuff that we've just accepted it at this point moved on.

I want mah dicky sucked (30:53.296)
I was like, that's it. Normal. Move on.

Mah Dicky Hat (30:54.208)
It was the symptoms of Stockholm Syndrome.


Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (31:03.598)

Mah Dicky Hat (31:03.872)
Yeah, no big deal.

I want mah dicky sucked (31:06.124)
And then I had the thing about Huey's ass, which now I think we have all put the pieces together. Yeah.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (31:10.35)
Yeah, he...

Mah Dicky Hat (31:11.04)
Yeah, yep, yep. Yeah, so I had all of those things on mine. The, I want Maduki sucked. That was also, yeah, anytime, anytime Vic the Veep says anything about Maduki, I fucking wrote it down, because it was ridiculous. And then just in general, just calling out all the sex was outrageous. There wasn't.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (31:19.982)
That really stuck with you. Dicky.

I want mah dicky sucked (31:20.308)

I want mah dicky sucked (31:30.668)

Mah Dicky Hat (31:39.744)
All the sex was outrageous. Invisalas was mentioned multiple times throughout the story as just being what amounts to like just holes to use at all times. I don't know why Invisalas was abused so much, seemingly by Mr. Ennis, but seems to be a target. But also the thing that really stuck out was I'm going to go back to the Homelander and Soldier Boy sex and

soldier boy very earnestly asking Helmander if what they do is gay. I think that that is outrageous for like multiple reasons. I am really desperately seeking insight into the mind of Garth Ennis.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (32:27.662)
don't do that Dave. We've been down this road. Don't do that.

Mah Dicky Hat (32:30.399)
Because we have, no, we have in four trades, we have mentioned like slurs and homophobia more than once. And now we have this scene with the titular member of the seven, and also what is essentially like the main villain in this story as well, Homelander, having sex with a man and being like, hey buddy, it's okay, this isn't gay. I just, I, I,

I want mah dicky sucked (32:59.34)
Because I said so.

Mah Dicky Hat (33:01.088)
Right, like I just desperately want to know why. Why Garth Ennis? Why are you doing this?

I want mah dicky sucked (33:06.412)
I can give you my thoughts on why. I think I think that thanks. I think this is the trade where Garth Ennis wanted to really drive home. That I don't want to say like a heel turn for Homelander because Homelander has not been good all along, but this is the one where Homelander realizes I can do anything I want.

Mah Dicky Hat (33:09.408)
Yeah, please do. You're the next best thing. You're welcome.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (33:12.046)

I want mah dicky sucked (33:36.62)
I can kill anybody I want. I can do anything I want. And he's about to even tell everybody, hey, we can do anything we want. And I think Garth Ennis views homosexuality as bad or evil or something like that. And what everybody else is doing at Herogasm, normal, totally fine. But behind closed doors, we are seeing that Homelander is bad. He is doing something wrong.

And he is okay with that bad thing. It's another way to drive it home. Hey, hey.

Mah Dicky Hat (34:09.248)
Very insightful. Very insightful. I like that. Well done. Well said. Yeah, thank you. Okay, favorite and least likable.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (34:09.454)
Damn. Damn. Damn.

I want mah dicky sucked (34:14.86)
Well, thanks. Thanks.

Mah Dicky Hat (34:21.92)
I'll go first. I'm finally on board, Eric. My favorite is the female.

I want mah dicky sucked (34:25.964)
Hmm. Me too. Dude, when she tears that plane apart, bad the fuck ass that was dope. She doesn't she the one character who has done nothing offensive in this entire thing.

Mah Dicky Hat (34:30.336)
She doesn't speak. Yeah. It's just that she doesn't say anything, man. It's just she's...

Mah Dicky Hat (34:39.776)
Yeah, she's completely unproblematic in every way and I needed that. Needed something to hold on to. Bad, favorite, we know Eric's.

I want mah dicky sucked (34:42.764)


Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (34:51.214)
Michael Lucero, the agent who flips and works with the boys. He tries to rectify things at the end. Obviously he ends up biting it. The whole 9 -11 story, he like explains everything what happened. Like I knew they like orchestrated it, but getting that understanding, like telling us that whole story. And then he tried to do the right thing in the end, but he ends up biting it, you know? So.

Mah Dicky Hat (34:53.472)

I want mah dicky sucked (34:55.5)

Mah Dicky Hat (35:17.312)
This is a very Matt Ward choosing of favorite character. This is, that's, it's just, yeah, you pick the guy that like does the right thing and like is heroic in the end, like probably the only character in this comic that's ever gonna do that. Like yeah, of course you picked him.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (35:21.198)

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (35:29.582)
Yeah, he, yeah, yeah, that's true.

Mah Dicky Hat (35:33.408)
It wasn't an insult, man. It's just... It aligns with your character. Sorry. Bro, sorry. I was trying to compliment you. Fuck.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (35:35.566)
Fuck me, right? Homelander. Homelander's my favorite.

I want mah dicky sucked (35:42.316)
You're saying it Matt is chaotic good.

Mah Dicky Hat (35:42.912)

Mah Dicky Hat (35:50.688)
Yeah, sort of. He's also just like, his favorite character is like Superman. Like he just loves these like altruistic, like do the right thing, like good old boy types and that's okay.

I want mah dicky sucked (36:03.18)
Yeah. Yeah.

Mah Dicky Hat (36:04.704)
I don't know, your favorite character is probably Superman, but he's up there, I know he's up there.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (36:04.91)
He's he's up there speaking of good old boys. Do you want me to talk about my worship character? Well, the most unlikable character it's not homelander but uncle dreams was pretty unlikable to me the old man at the awards banquet, Who is losing his mind who's dropping the hard the hard n -word and talk about we've

Mah Dicky Hat (36:11.552)
Yeah, go for it. Bookend it.

I want mah dicky sucked (36:11.596)

I want mah dicky sucked (36:22.444)

Mah Dicky Hat (36:32.32)
Hard R'd, bro, hard R.

I want mah dicky sucked (36:33.516)
Yeah, yes.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (36:34.094)
Hard R, like we fought the hard R and the Nazis and he pissed himself and then the line, you guys are cracking up about that. My dicky hat, my dicky hat sucked. When he was talking about Starlight was wheeling him off the stage, he was talking about how he had one of those Klan hats. Once again, I broke on that when he said that. So Uncle Dreams, come on down, come to the front of the congregation, brother.

Mah Dicky Hat (36:53.792)
I'm not sure.

I want mah dicky sucked (37:01.804)
It's a good pick. It's a good pick.

I want mah dicky sucked (37:07.148)
I'm going Vic the Veep this time.

Mah Dicky Hat (37:11.552)
Anything you want to say there? Nope? That's it? Okay.

I want mah dicky sucked (37:14.764)
I feel like we've said a lot about Vic the Veep already. I think he here's the the problem is he is a character manufactured not to like and I hate that that's that it worked on me that I'm like, you made me not like the guy I'm not supposed to like but yeah, he sucks.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (37:18.094)
You can't put a car number on.

Mah Dicky Hat (37:34.112)
Yeah, fair. My least likable is Jack from Jupiter. This one's been building for a while, that dude just fucking sucks. Shut up. No one cares. You're such a fucking asshole. Shut your fucking mouth. No one wants to hear you talk. Especially me.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (37:41.806)
Shut up.

I want mah dicky sucked (37:50.892)

Mah Dicky Hat (37:51.104)
I hate A -Train and in those interactions I was like at least A -Train is being like tolerable. Yeah, yeah, the worst. The fucking worst. Well, that about does it for another episode of Let's Read The Boys. We only got seven to go, fellas. We're almost halfway. This episode is going to release in June.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (37:53.422)

I want mah dicky sucked (37:55.724)
The two of them together are awful. Just terrible. Yeah.

I want mah dicky sucked (38:05.996)
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

I want mah dicky sucked (38:11.916)

Mah Dicky Hat (38:18.528)
So we only put one episode out in May. We're sorry about that. I'm sorry about that. But you're going to get two boys episodes in June. And Matt and I will be back on track with our regular content. If you missed the last episode, it was a while ago, we watched Battle of the Supersons from DC Animation. There's going to be more of that in our future. We're going to be watching more DC Animation and talking about it. And who knows what else? Also, I just want to give a quick little plug.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (38:19.502)
You can double back.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (38:26.318)
Read it.

Mah Dicky Hat (38:45.568)
If you are a fan of GI Joe and you are on Kickstarter and you missed the news this week, if you missed the news this week, my man Robert Kirkman and Skybound Entertainment, they're putting out the entirety of GI Joe Real American Hero and four hardback compendiums. If you don't know, it's too late now to get the good stuff, it's all gone. But they're doing PDFs that I'm hopeful are DRM free as well, so you can still get that.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (38:51.086)
You better not fuck this shit, dude.

Mah Dicky Hat (39:14.016)
Maybe you got a buddy that could just slide that shit in a Google Drive for you. I don't know. The GI Joe fans, rise up. There's something out there for you.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (39:22.126)
You, sir, are Sir Pinter. You are Cobra La. I mentioned this to Dave a while ago and he crushed me about it and was like, how dare you support Kickstarter, XYZ? I texted this dude on Monday. He sends me the receipt that he went and did the full, the full expensive edition and got everything. My man snaked me. Speak for yourself, Galabulus. Speak for yourself.

I want mah dicky sucked (39:23.564)

I want mah dicky sucked (39:46.764)
I love.

Mah Dicky Hat (39:46.848)

Mah Dicky Hat (39:51.936)
I didn't snake you. All I said, all I said, we'll air the dirty laundry out live on the podcast, fine. All I said was that I thought it was fucked up that they would go the route of Kickstarter first because that does not need a funding round. That shit will sell and they know it. The fact that I fell for it is irrelevant.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (39:54.318)
This is crazy.

I want mah dicky sucked (39:58.476)
Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (40:15.31)
When he swiped that credit card, that shit was like, bruh, la la la la la!

I want mah dicky sucked (40:16.396)
You're like, I still want the stuff.

Mah Dicky Hat (40:17.856)

Mah Dicky Hat (40:22.976)
Look man, I got adult money and I deserved a little treat.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (40:27.182)
You did. You did. I'm proud of you.

I want mah dicky sucked (40:29.452)
love that you called Dave Serpentor and then Cobra Law. Like, he's the person and the place.

Mah Dicky Hat (40:29.536)
Thank you.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (40:36.174)
Yeah, Galobulus too. We got, we don't forget about that. He's off Vancouver. Yeah, the beginning here.

Mah Dicky Hat (40:37.952)
I am all things. I'm the Alpha and Omega. But I digress. Anyway, if you're a fan of G .I. Joe, there's cool G .I. Joe stuff coming. If you're not reading the Energon stuff from Skybound, you're missing out. Transformers, G .I. Joe, all that stuff, it's phenomenal. Real American Heroes still going. Larry Hamm is still writing it. I don't know, that series might go until that man's dead. I'm not sure, but he's been writing it for what feels like my entire life. So yeah, that's that. We'll be back in a couple of weeks.

I want mah dicky sucked (40:38.348)

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (40:48.014)
Very cool stuff.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (40:59.95)

Mah Dicky Hat (41:07.872)
with something. In June, I have some travel at the end of June, so we'll have to turn around this next boys episode rather quickly. So you should be getting two episodes from us pretty, pretty soon.

I want mah dicky sucked (41:22.028)
Yeah, because I have to travel in the middle of June. So I'm leaving on the 10th and coming back on the 14th.

Mah Dicky Hat (41:24.608)

Mah Dicky Hat (41:31.776)
Okay, I leave the 28th, so our window is the 11th through the 27th.

I want mah dicky sucked (41:38.092)
Well, it's the 15th through the 27th. Because I I'm Yeah, yeah. No, no 14th. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, which is good. I'll have plenty of time sitting on a plane to read the boys.

Mah Dicky Hat (41:41.6)
Huh? wait, that's right, you said the 14th you get back. I thought you said you get back the 10th. I forgot already. Sorry, I was just thinking about those GI Joe comics I just bought.

Mah Dicky Hat (41:54.176)
I do love reading the boys on a plane. I had to do that actually. You know what? Fuck it. This is the longest outro ever. So I had not read the boys, I had not read Hierogasm on time. Two weeks ago I was traveling for work. I went to a conference and I didn't have much time to read during the week like I thought I would. But I was like, okay, I've got a short flight home. I'll just read it on the plane. I was flying from San Antonio to Dallas. It's like a...

I want mah dicky sucked (41:57.324)

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (42:05.774)
Right down the plane.

Mah Dicky Hat (42:22.912)
five to six hour drive or one hour plane ride. There was weather in Dallas and I got on a plane in San Antonio at 11 a and did not land in Dallas until like 8 p I read the entirety of Hierogasm on a plane and then I read like another 16 to 20 issues of random DC stuff I had downloaded on my iPad. But the point being,

I want mah dicky sucked (42:26.764)

Mah Dicky Hat (42:51.424)
Reading the boys on a plane is never a good idea.

I want mah dicky sucked (42:54.316)
especially not this volume.

Mah Dicky Hat (42:56.192)
Yeah, luckily the dude sitting next to me was pretty chill. He did not mind any of the things that were happening. Although when Uncle Dreams was giving that speech, I did tilt my iPad away. Just for the sake of everyone involved. Anyway, for real this time, we're outta here. My name is Dave.

I want mah dicky sucked (42:59.66)
I'm sorry.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (43:05.998)

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (43:16.494)
And on that...

I want mah dicky sucked (43:17.708)
I'm Eric.

Mah Dicky Hat (43:18.72)
Take care of yourselves everybody. Bye bye.

Matt "Uncle Dreams" W. (43:20.686)

People on this episode