Comic Dudes With Attitudes

80: The Boys Read The Boys Part 2 - Get Some

Matt & Dave Episode 80

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In this episode of The Comic Dudes, the hosts discuss Volume Two of The Boys, titled 'Get Some.' They provide a content warning for explicit and offensive content. Overall, they express their discomfort with the offensive content in the comic. They delve into the presence of homophobia and repressed sexuality in the story, as well as the use of comic books as a PR tool for superheroes. They also analyze the change in art style and the outrageous and graphic scenes depicted. The hosts express their dislike for certain characters and highlight the offensive comments made by Butcher. Overall, the conversation provides a critical examination of the themes and elements present in 'The Boys'.



·         The comic book 'The Boys' contains elements of homophobia and repressed sexuality, which are explored through the characters and their actions.

·         The use of comic books as a PR tool for superheroes is examined, raising questions about the necessity of comic books in a world where superheroes exist in real life.

·         The change in art style in the later issues of 'The Boys' is noted, with a shift towards more cartoony and exaggerated character designs.

·         The comic book includes outrageous and graphic scenes, some of which are considered disturbing or inappropriate.

·         Certain characters, such as Tek Knight, exhibit disturbing and offensive behavior, adding to the dark and controversial nature of the story.

·         The use of offensive and explicit dialogue, as well as character names, is criticized for being unnecessary and in poor taste.

·         Butcher's offensive comments and behavior are highlighted as examples of the unlikable aspects of certain characters.

·         The hosts discuss their favorite and least likable characters, with varying opinions on their preferences.



00:00 Introduction and Content Warning

02:30 Volume Two: Get Some - Tech Knight and Swingwing

07:19 Volume Two: Get Some - Glorious Five-Year Plan

11:23 The Good

17:59 The Bad

36:04 The Outrageous

41:10 Favorite and Least Likable Characters

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LoveSausage (00:01.772)
Welcome back to the comic dudes a podcast about comic books and comic book related things Uh, my name is dave one of the hosts of this Little show here with me as always is my esteemed co-host matt matt. How are you doing?

Matt - CDWA (00:18.785)
I'm glad that the boys are back together, once again.

LoveSausage (00:21.188)
always are back together the boys read the boys we also have with us for this full year of the boys let's read episodes our friend Eric hi Eric how are you

The Male of the Species (00:30.884)
Hello, I'm doing quite well. Thanks. Glad to be here. Finally to have this conversation because I have been really eager to see how this is going to go.

LoveSausage (00:43.72)
great. That's a great segue into my content warning. From this moment on, we're going to be talking about lots of things that are not for young ears or sensitive ears or some would say anyone's ears. Regardless of your tolerance level or how old you may be or how mature you may be or may not be. There will be spoilers for the boys comic book.

Matt - CDWA (00:43.894)
good way to put it.

The Male of the Species (00:45.241)

The Male of the Species (01:01.732)
I'm sorry.

Matt - CDWA (01:02.593)

The Male of the Species (01:09.32)

LoveSausage (01:14.096)
potentially unintentional spoilers for the boys TV show. So if you don't like talking about sex and dicks and come and people fucking things and getting fucked and really over the top violence, now is the time to leave. I'll give you a second.

The Male of the Species (01:37.8)
Call your friends, tell them to listen.

LoveSausage (01:40.612)
Yeah, or yeah, get your friends in here instead. Get your sturdier friends, the ones that are made of sturdier stuff than you if you have to leave. This is, this isn't real. I'm not sturdy. I am also not sturdy. If you forgot how these episodes go, we read the thing, I recap what we read, and then we talk about the things we liked, the good, the things we didn't, the bad, and then for the boys.

Matt - CDWA (01:55.926)

LoveSausage (02:09.8)
There's always some outrageous things to discuss. We'll also talk about our favorite character so far in the comic and our least favorite character. Those will likely change over time. I know mine changed this month. Without further ado, let's get into this recap.

So, volume two of The Boys, titled Get Some. Before I start the recap, I would like to point out that we are homophobic before we even get to the first panel of the first issue in the trade paperback that I was reading. I don't know how that happened, but it did.

Matt - CDWA (02:44.45)

The Male of the Species (02:52.116)
was a weird pause there where I thought you were just gonna say I'd like to point out we are homophobic and I was like whoa

Matt - CDWA (02:57.47)
Yeah, it's like, whoa!

LoveSausage (02:59.969)
We are absolutely none of those things that Garth Ennis may and probably is. Anyway, we open with a hero named Tech Knight, who is sort of a take on Batman. He's a member of a team called Payback. He's in a psychiatrist's office talking about how he cannot stop fucking things.

LoveSausage (03:27.32)
go to see a guy by the name of the legend. He is sort of the guy that knows all of the real stories behind the comic book or the behind the comic book adventures of the Supes. So they write about the Supes in the comics. But what they put out in the comics is not necessarily what's actually happening. That's it's very much massaged for the public. But he asks the boys to look into TK Tech Knights former sidekick Ladiou.

who now goes by the name Swingwing. There was a kid that died that was somewhat involved with Swingwing and it's the Legends sister's grandson so he's got a vested interest in this. We also see Techknight send the current Latio away on a mission because Latio bent over and Techknight was gonna fuck him so he had to go so he wouldn't fuck his sidekick.

Butcher and Huey ask around about Swing Wing at a gay bar. There's more homophobic writing here. Tech Knight also finds out that he isn't getting into the seven because they heard about his little problem, the thing where he's compelled to just fuck stuff. And also they remind him that like you've seen Starlight, like there wasn't an opening. So like, why are you even asking? At this point.

Butcher and Huey show up at his house. They want to talk about Swing Wing and this dead kid. TechNet doesn't really tell them all that much. Just that Swing Wing is gay to get them to leave him alone. Swing Wing also does a lot of work with the gay community. He's sort of like the superhero that is made for the gays. Huey also finds out from the bartender at the gay bar

uh the bartender's boyfriend sorry that Stephen the dead kid was sent to see Swingwing by him to get Stephen to leave his boyfriend alone um and I think Swingwing killed the kid so Butcher and Huey go back to see Tech Night and he tells them about his problem he also tells them about a time that he and Swingwing when Swingwing was still Ladi0 uh double teamed uh

LoveSausage (05:54.476)
sort of sometimes hero, sometimes villain, female character named Talon way back in the day that Talon is supposed to be Catwoman. Lottie was supposed to be Robin if you hadn't picked up on that. The arc ends with Butcher and Huey confronting Swing Wing in his apartment. They find out that Steven told Swing Wing that he wanted to be with him. He came there looking for advice because he wanted to be with this person. He didn't think that person would be into him. He was afraid of rejection.

Swing Wing says, hey, just tell the person. Turns out that it's Swing Wing. We also learned that Swing Wing is viciously homophobic, rejects Steven, pushes him off the roof, he says accidentally, and that's how Steven dies. So Butcher, in true Butcher fashion says, well, I think now you're gonna owe me some information on the superhero community pretty much whenever I need it. Like you basically work for me now, but.

He also secretly removes a screw on Swing Wing's jetpack that ultimately leads to failure of the jetpack and Swing Wing's death. I think he was crushed by the Staten Island fairy, if I'm remembering correctly. Kiwi goes back and tells the bartender what happened, just so they can get some closure. And then we get a tech night epilogue that is, I'm gonna say absolutely unhinged. I don't think that quite does it justice.

But we're gonna talk more about that later I'm not getting into the details of it now because I know that's coming up if one of you doesn't bring it up I will it's on my list Yeah, so this trade is split into two stores actually didn't realize it was like eight seven eight issues long So the first story is the tech night story with swing wing. The second story is called glorious five-year plan And in this the boys go to Russia and they're investigating two supervillains whose heads just

The Male of the Species (07:26.096)
So it's on the list.

Matt - CDWA (07:41.399)

LoveSausage (07:48.484)
randomly exploded. They get some help from a former Russian superhero named Love Sausage, who now just goes by his regular name Vos. Vos gets them into the morgue to see the bodies, and all signs point to these villains having been created using an unstable version of a more powerful compound V that had stopped being used many years ago.

We also see a US government agent asking a Russian organized crime boss named Little Nina to stop the boys from interfering in what's going on there. Nina sends some of her gangsters to take care of the boys. They suss out what's going on and they kill them and find out where Nina is at after torturing the one they left alive. Mother's Milk finally

does something in this comic, goes to the hotel that the American agent is staying at, who also wants them dead and just sort of waiting to see who it is. And then Butcher and Huey pull on the thread of where Nina is at, and they find that she's stashed like 150 supervillains in a warehouse somewhere that she got from the United States government. Butcher thinks that she's going to stage a coup of the Russian government. What's really happening is that

that American agent works for Vought American. And it's really Vought trying to stage a coup of the Russian government. They also find out that Vought is trying to kill little Nina, which they let happen. So Butcher puts this together when he figures out that this guy works for Vought American. They're poisoned by little Nina's thugs, the boys are.

But because they're all on compound V, it saves them. But Voss and Huey are not affected by this poison. It's in like some borscht or something. I forget what he was making. It was poisoned, poison borscht. Huey and Voss had been taking shots of like essentially brake fluid. And that has made them immune to this poison somehow, some way, I don't know. This story kind of wraps up quick. We find out that

The Male of the Species (09:56.697)

LoveSausage (10:15.128)
The director of the CIA does not want to take on Vought American. She's going to be no help here. Nina gets blown up when she turns on a vibrator to take care of herself when she's on a plane taking off. The guy from Vought heads back to New York City. He talks to Homelander on the phone. There's more to come there, I'm sure, when we get to the next trade. And then Butcher ties up the final loose end of this whole thing by going to that warehouse and killing all of those Supes.

at once and a very graphic and violent looking end to our story. And that is volume two of The Boys. Get some. I left out quite a bit. There's a lot there I didn't talk about because we'll get to it. Or, you know, if you do want to go and read this yourself for some reason, you'll find some new stuff in there potentially for yourself.

Matt - CDWA (11:05.349)
for some reason.

The Male of the Species (11:07.128)
But you know what, you actually did a way better job of recapping that than I could have. Because I think your comprehension in this, there's a few things I was like, Oh, okay, I don't think I picked up on that. But that makes sense. So that was great. Yeah.

LoveSausage (11:20.209)
Thank you.

Who wants to start with the good?

The Male of the Species (11:27.153)
I'll do it.

Matt - CDWA (11:28.23)
Is there any? Go ahead Eric, go ahead Eric, give him a break.

LoveSausage (11:28.368)
So I need someone's got to give me a break. I don't care who someone's got to take it.

The Male of the Species (11:31.684)
Yeah, I'll start. I'll start. So my first good is probably not as much a good as a for better or worse kind of thing. But we are on the second trade. And we have officially moved away from anything that's remotely similar to what has happened in the TV show up to this point. So we've got three seasons of the show and one season of Gen V, which is essentially part of the story of the show. And

Matt - CDWA (11:48.334)

The Male of the Species (11:59.608)
like I there was actually one moment where I'm like, Oh, we're going to see some alignment with the show didn't happen. It was not what I thought was going to happen. So I thought it was interesting that across the two arcs in this trade, the storylines events new characters introduced, none of it is similar to what we saw on the show. So to me, this was completely new. I there was nothing to compare it against or I had no specific expectations or anything. And

Yeah, I thought that I guess I'm putting that in the good because I think that's interesting. Now, I have very conflicted feelings about this concept as it relates to adaptations from games and comics and books into film because a lot of times I'm like, just tell the story that's already there. This is great. But in this instance, I'm okay with them being two very different things so far. So that's one of my goods.

LoveSausage (12:29.456)
Yeah, that's fair.

LoveSausage (12:47.292)
I mean, you couldn't just translate this directly. It would be terrible. Yeah, it would be terrible. They also they've made a very intentional effort to pull things from the comics that they liked and then put them in the show where it makes sense for the story that the show is telling, because there's stuff that happens in like volumes three, four, five, six, seven that have already happened in the show. They just happened out of order.

The Male of the Species (12:50.208)
No, and you shouldn't. No, you should not, you shouldn't. Taking the.

The Male of the Species (13:11.212)
Yeah, it's pretty clear that they went, okay, there's something to this, and the whole thing we can't use, but we can make a new thing out of the stuff we can, which is interesting. The other thing that's a good is I really like that, and I hate to compare it to the show again, but I liked that in the comic, there's numerous superhero groups, and we actually get to hear and see more about them. I think...

LoveSausage (13:22.436)

The Male of the Species (13:38.904)
It's interesting to not just be purely focused on the seven, even if they're the central group, but there's a lot of potentially interesting storylines and characters that are left on the table when you don't. So I like being able to hear about and understand some of these other groups, and I hope we continue to hear more about them. But my favorite thing about this volume is the truly random shit. Like there's a completely inconsequential scene. I guess all of these help to continue developing character,

There's a scene where Huey walks in and they're like, what are they doing? They're playing reverse strip poker and putting more clothes on. And I was like, that's random. Or the scene where Tech Knight needs to answer the door. So he hurries up and hides his like Iron Man suit of armor under a tiger skin rug right in front of the door that obviously you can see. And of course, a tiny woman that's obsessed with dildos. And the thing that is random there for me is that

LoveSausage (14:22.448)

The Male of the Species (14:35.768)
It's not until you get deeper into that arc that you see a panel with her next to other normal size people and you're like, holy fuck, she's really little. So even a normal size dildo would be fucking huge to her. And yet there are multiple times when fully grown men see the dildo she's using and are just blown away by how big they are. So like I probably shouldn't have found that as humorous as I did. But all of that random stuff like I love that. Keep the random shit in here.

Matt - CDWA (14:44.034)

LoveSausage (14:48.389)

LoveSausage (15:01.393)

The Male of the Species (15:05.156)
I think that's cool. So there's my three.

Matt - CDWA (15:10.658)
man. I mean, not just floored. I'm here to listen. I didn't like the whole concept with the legend that like the legend was the one who was like the keeper of the lore. And I liked the whole comic book acts as a comic book guy. I like that whole aspect of like, they're using the comic books to tell these stories. With that said, these comic books are clearly propaganda that like, it's not the real you're not getting the real story. You're getting the fluff story. I thought that was like

LoveSausage (15:10.746)
Matt, do you have any?

The Male of the Species (15:13.668)

LoveSausage (15:34.117)

Matt - CDWA (15:39.074)
cool and I like when in superhero stories, like if there's comic books in the universe that like those are kind of like newspapers essentially, I guess. I mean, very distilled down newspapers, but I don't know my good for this. Yes. Absolutely. Please add to that.

LoveSausage (15:53.924)
Can I add something real quick to that? That concept of those comics being propaganda for the superhero community, that really ties back to Garth Ennis and his absolute disdain for the superhero. That is absolutely by design. It's a clever thing to do in the comic, but also a direct shot at

Matt - CDWA (16:13.439)

LoveSausage (16:22.32)
Marvel and DC.

Matt - CDWA (16:24.066)
Did he- he did work for like DC and Marvel though, right? That's right, he wrote a lot of- hhheh

LoveSausage (16:26.172)
Mm-hmm. Yeah, he has written The Punisher. He wrote Superman. He wrote a Batman story. He used to write Hellblazer, which is John Constantine.

The Male of the Species (16:27.227)

The Male of the Species (16:35.327)
Can I add something additional to that?

Matt - CDWA (16:37.247)

The Male of the Species (16:39.196)
I was thinking about this as I was reading this volume that really this is him railing against not only superheroes, but the people that he worked for that sort of put him in a box and forced him to do specific things. And for a comic called The Boys that should be mostly focused on this team of people hunting and killing superheroes, this arc, especially that first arc, is really focused on the superheroes. It's very much a superhero story.

Matt - CDWA (16:45.87)
No pun intended.

The Male of the Species (17:09.07)
not a lot of boys and I was like for hating superheroes you write a lot about superheroes in this series.

Matt - CDWA (17:15.538)
Eric, would you say there's a lot of projection on Garthinus' part? With... E-

The Male of the Species (17:19.664)
wait until we get to the bad. Just wait till we get also the legend is seems to be probably a composite character but sort of an analog of like a Stanley or somebody like that. Yeah.

LoveSausage (17:22.37)

LoveSausage (17:32.256)
Oh yeah, absolutely, so is to be stan.

Matt - CDWA (17:34.19)
Good point. Yeah.

LoveSausage (17:36.42)
Everything is something in this comic. This is this is a very thinly veiled attack on many, many things. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Go ahead, Matt. What else do you any other good? No hates this.

The Male of the Species (17:44.396)
Yeah, we've got our Batman, Robin, Nightwing, it's all there.

Matt - CDWA (17:48.439)

Matt - CDWA (17:52.884)
I mean, no, just, I have some, but they're not, go ahead. Yeah, you're good.

The Male of the Species (17:58.396)
Thank you.

LoveSausage (17:59.3)
As I just want to, I'm going to remind everyone of this probably monthly. Um, this was Matt's idea to read the boys this year. He signed himself up for this. He wanted it.

Matt - CDWA (18:11.806)
It's making me a man, I guess, but this is this is not what I.

LoveSausage (18:14.392)
I don't think that's what it's doing. That's a weird take.

The Male of the Species (18:15.62)
I don't think that's it. Yeah, real, yeah, that's weird. That's a weird one.

LoveSausage (18:20.836)
I don't think that's what's supposed to be happening. Okay, Matt has no good. That's fair. Honestly, that's a fair take. I struggled but I did get some things so this my first my first one this I'm gonna get a reaction here, but the tech night epilogue in the first story that's in my good I Thought that was such an insane and hilarious way

Matt - CDWA (18:24.13)
That's one.

Matt - CDWA (18:27.999)

Matt - CDWA (18:38.669)

The Male of the Species (18:39.149)

Matt - CDWA (18:46.553)
It's... It's something!

LoveSausage (18:50.12)
to end that character's story. I won't get super in the details, but what happens is there's like a giant asteroid coming towards Earth and it has some sort of like, like biological orifice on it. So tech night flies into space and fucks it to save Earth. And on top of that,

Apostomously we find out that the reason why he was compelled to fuck everything is because he had a fist sized tumor in his brain

LoveSausage (19:30.692)
So, you know.

Matt - CDWA (19:33.474)
And that was all like, that was all in his mind, right? Like that's how I kind of took that. Like he, that whole epilogue was in his mind, wasn't it? Cause of the tumor. That didn't actually happen, did it? I didn't think that.

LoveSausage (19:44.112)
Pretty sure that actually happened. He died. Yeah.

The Male of the Species (19:45.524)
No, I'm pretty sure that actually that's I think he sacrificed himself and like that was his redemption.

LoveSausage (19:51.16)
Yeah, like, yeah, like Huey and Huey and butcher talked about having that tumor in his brain that was making him want to fuck everything.

Matt - CDWA (19:59.043)

The Male of the Species (19:59.504)
It was that was his Tony Stark go through the portal and battle the Atari like that was his moment. Yeah.

LoveSausage (20:03.59)

Matt - CDWA (20:06.026)
the Chitauri moment. All right.

LoveSausage (20:06.244)
Yeah. This is, you know what? I actually, I even have, I even have what the, if the tumor could speak, I think this is might be what it would say.

The Male of the Species (20:28.752)
Yeah, I hate that. Ugh. Gross.

LoveSausage (20:28.976)
I've been waiting to use that sound for like, I don't know, a year.

Matt - CDWA (20:32.79)
The board's back.

LoveSausage (20:35.004)
The board's back. Putting it to good use. I put a content warning in the beginning of the episode. If you're still here and this bothers you, you were told to leave. You did this to yourself. My other two good butcher killing all the soups at the end of a glorious five-year plan. I just thought that was really cool. He took such satisfaction in exploding all of them and gave me a break from homophobia. So I appreciated that. And then,

Matt - CDWA (20:41.134)
You sure did.

LoveSausage (21:04.888)
My third good, this is a deep cut and may not even have been noticed by you, Eric. Um, but there was a gender swap for the show. Uh, storm front is a woman in the show. Storm front is a dude in the comic. And I, the, my good here is that, uh, they did the gender swap for the show. I love Iacash and I love her playing.

that character. I think the relationship with her and Homelander was so good in the show. It wouldn't have worked had they not made Stormfront a woman. So I just thought that was really cool for the show. I guess that's not really a good thing for the comic.

The Male of the Species (21:51.384)
I did know that. I was reading the book and I actually went and looked at like the list of comic characters. And I'm like, oh, okay. Stormfront was, is a male character in the comics. All right, that's interesting.

LoveSausage (22:03.324)
We see him for one panel, two panels in this one. Just a quick cameo.

The Male of the Species (22:05.863)

LoveSausage (22:12.834)
Um, on to the bad.

The Male of the Species (22:15.864)
I just gotta say, you both have made me feel really guilty for having so much good to say right at the top. I should not have gone first.

LoveSausage (22:23.025)

Matt - CDWA (22:24.802)
No. I intentionally wanted you to go first, because I know your good would be more solid than mine. Like, I put, one of my good was the butcher's an equal opportunity asshole, which like... He was saying all kinds of homophobic shit, but like, he's not really homophobic. It was kind of like the Inge justifies the means. And like, when mother's milk, what's that? But yeah, but, and then like, yeah, but it's like, well...

The Male of the Species (22:30.478)

LoveSausage (22:37.242)

The Male of the Species (22:44.36)
But he is. But he still is. Yeah, he is.

LoveSausage (22:47.056)
He is. He is, though.

Matt - CDWA (22:52.674)
How on the scale homophobic is, you know, like, it's just like everyone is messy. Like, and you said that like in the first, you know, our first episode, it's like, there are no good people here. So it's like, the devil you know, the devil you don't know. I don't know, they're all horrible people. So it's tough to pick anything. I don't know. I gotta pick something. So, I don't know.

LoveSausage (22:59.664)

The Male of the Species (23:12.892)
Fair. That's fair.

Matt - CDWA (23:16.888)
the best.

LoveSausage (23:17.088)
I'll go I'll go first for the bad. I'll go first. I actually I actually have more than three But the up will hit it will hit him will hit him quick. So the British slang again, it's too much It's so annoying. I Get it. Yeah, I know why it's there. I still don't like it

The Male of the Species (23:19.197)
Oh, okay. Okay.

Matt - CDWA (23:24.151)

The Male of the Species (23:24.58)

The Male of the Species (23:35.14)
I think it's worse than this one.

Matt - CDWA (23:35.17)
From what you've read, does it get any better? Or is it like this the whole time? Okay, I don't, all right, okay. Okay.

LoveSausage (23:38.544)
I don't remember dude. I didn't remember half of what I more than half of what I read this time I wear it's all new to me. It's somewhere in my brain. I read it. I didn't stick

The Male of the Species (23:41.647)
Thank you.

Matt - CDWA (23:47.254)
Alright, I'm assuming it's not going to, but I didn't know. Heh heh. Yeah.

LoveSausage (23:49.48)
It's probably because of all the slurs. I think that's why it didn't stick for me because I wanted to forget. Which brings me to my next point. The homophobic content is just too much. It's too much. By page 18, we said the F slur.

I just can't deal with it. I can't deal with it.

Matt - CDWA (24:14.346)
Like, I'm like really trying to set my mind like back to that time. And, and yes, people threw slurs around like that. A lot. I don't remember anyone talking like, I don't remember anyone like talking like this. Like...

LoveSausage (24:21.872)
Yeah, yes.

The Male of the Species (24:23.925)
not this much.

LoveSausage (24:28.08)
Well that's because you weren't friends with a bunch of fucking assholes.

Matt - CDWA (24:31.302)
Yeah, I guess. I guess, but you know, we were young and dumb and we said some things that we shouldn't have, but like, I don't know. Not to the- that's what I'm saying. Like, this is like, and I get that this is- sorry, I'm like kind of jumping off on your screen board, but I had to phone a friend on this one now. I didn't call you or Eric because I knew we were going to talk about it on the air, but I had to call our other friend, Sheridan, and I'm like, bro, I'm reading the boys right now.

The Male of the Species (24:31.434)
Ha ha

LoveSausage (24:40.356)
Not to this extent.

LoveSausage (24:47.761)
Now, go ahead.

LoveSausage (24:56.304)

Matt - CDWA (25:00.066)
I'm having a real difficult time making it through. I was like, no, but I was like, you read that you read that book Crossed. You remember Crossed, right? And I was like, this is worse than Crossed. And then for a second it dawned on me Garth Ennis wrote Crossed. I completely forgot about that. So I was like, makes sense. Like, yeah. So.

LoveSausage (25:02.928)
Has he read it? Okay.

LoveSausage (25:09.572)
Yeah. Oh yeah.

LoveSausage (25:14.49)
Oh yeah.

LoveSausage (25:20.464)
He sure did.

LoveSausage (25:26.96)
I will say he did temper the misogyny a little bit this time in favor of the homophobia. So we're not super... It's not everything all the time. That's nice, I suppose, but it's still a lot. Even there's that interaction with Huey and Butcher when they're either going into that gay bar or right afterwards, or Huey's like, dude, come on.

Matt - CDWA (25:33.714)
Yeah, I mean, oh my gosh.

Matt - CDWA (25:52.408)


LoveSausage (25:55.344)
Like, are you are you serious right now? And there's like a justification sort of conversation coming from butcher. To me, that whole thing just screams that like that's Garth and is trying to justify the everyday person speaking that way, because that's probably the way that he speaks and thinks. That it doesn't land, brother. Sorry.

Matt - CDWA (26:02.359)

The Male of the Species (26:18.084)
thought that was really an interesting thing because you have Huey speak up and be like, Hey, this isn't cool. And then when they get to the gay bar, Huey flips and he's like, see, you're homophobic too. Cause it was almost like trying to be like, you can say whatever you want on the surface, but deep down we're all homophobic. Like, just admit it. And I was like, dude, what are you doing here? The, the, to your point though, like, and when we are in high school, I feel like everybody called everything gay. That's gay. That's

Matt - CDWA (26:25.518)

Matt - CDWA (26:35.339)

LoveSausage (26:38.012)
Yeah, it's a bit much. It's a bit much.

Matt - CDWA (26:47.006)
Yes, that's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying.

The Male of the Species (26:48.632)
right? But I think a lot of that was sort of a passive ignorant, like, we weren't stopping to think what you're saying is super hurtful and offensive. To be because we'd be like, Oh, I wasn't talking about somebody who's gay. I'm just saying that thing is stupid or whack. Well, equating being gay with being stupid and whack is not good. That's no better, right? But it was easy to just fall into the mindset of what all the other people did in this book. They're not doing that. This is not passive.

Matt - CDWA (26:55.892)

Matt - CDWA (27:15.986)
Yeah, that's true.

The Male of the Species (27:17.4)
It's all very pointed and focused on people who are homosexual, which is what makes it difficult.

LoveSausage (27:17.71)

LoveSausage (27:25.092)
Yeah, very much so. My last two bad are sort of tied together. Mother's milk and his black scent I do not enjoy. I feel like I really feel like we're writing M.M. a little disrespectfully.

Matt - CDWA (27:47.27)
the resident black on this podcast that's how we're portrayed in media it's i'm not saying it's right i'm not saying it's right that's barrett walsh in final fantasy 7 i got my pre-order coming like that's how it is man

LoveSausage (27:51.164)
That's it, but yeah, no, I know. I know.

LoveSausage (27:59.084)
Yeah, I understand that's how it is, but that doesn't make it right. Like you said, and we're talking about the bad. And you know what? Garth Ennis has shown the kind of dude that he is. And now, because we had that conversation last month about that and about how he seemingly is as a person. Everything now is going to be viewed through that lens for me. Like now I'm just trying like, how else can I get this guy like?

Matt - CDWA (28:02.198)
That make it right. That make it right.

You're right. You're right.

The Male of the Species (28:09.989)

Matt - CDWA (28:24.822)
Yeah. You're fine with this. Hehehehe

LoveSausage (28:28.5)
Where's the gotcha? There's always a guy there's always gonna be a gotcha for me because I think this guy's a piece of shit Tied to that in Gloria's five-year plan when Foss says the n-word didn't super love that either Yeah Yeah. Yeah, I wish you wouldn't read that during black history month

The Male of the Species (28:29.565)
Thank you.

The Male of the Species (28:43.677)
Hard R as well like ooh, come on

Matt - CDWA (28:44.99)
Hard R. Hard R.

Matt - CDWA (28:50.034)
Happy Black Reznor's sad. He took off my list. That was Happy Black History. Yeah. Yeah, like, maybe that's what he, that's maybe that's what Garth was going for. It like really came out of nowhere. We'll just, yeah. Yeah.

LoveSausage (28:52.196)
Yeah, sorry, sorry.

The Male of the Species (28:54.072)
I got so used to all the homophobia and I read that panel and I was like, what? What just happened?

The Male of the Species (29:03.216)

LoveSausage (29:05.196)
Well, that's what he does. Everything is like shock value, but it's not always shock value done. I don't want to say done like sensitively, but it's like you can be shocking without being like offensive.

He doesn't do that or doesn't want to.

Matt - CDWA (29:27.481)
I can't even get offended after this man spent literally four issues bashing the gay community. I just got one bad word. I'm like, this is crazy, dude.

LoveSausage (29:36.1)
Nah, you can still get offended. He's still a 54 year old white man. You can get offended. You know he wrote that, you know he wrote it down with the hard R in the script when he was writing that issue.

The Male of the Species (29:40.081)

Matt - CDWA (29:44.144)
I'm just... Hard on. Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. I'm just loving these balls so much. Get them, babe. Get them. So I'm glad that, so this was, well, nevermind. I was gonna say this was difficult to get through and I think we all echo that sentiment, so.

LoveSausage (29:52.182)
You know how I am man, I'm like you just got to turn the key and wind me up man, and I'll go

The Male of the Species (29:57.4)
I'm sorry.

LoveSausage (30:11.318)
That's it for my bad. Someone else. Baton is yours run.

Matt - CDWA (30:13.482)
You got everything on the list.

The Male of the Species (30:13.844)
let me give you let me give you some ads I want to give you some ads some of some of mine are the same as yours the slang definitely was challenging and I think more so in this one because there were points where like I actually lost context of what was happening and I'm like okay it's a slang thing that's what happened there but I really I we talked about the homophobia and if you haven't read this like

Matt - CDWA (30:16.842)
Yeah, I want to hear X-Beds.

LoveSausage (30:17.201)

LoveSausage (30:22.748)

Matt - CDWA (30:40.03)
It's... No. It's...

The Male of the Species (30:40.032)
I don't think it can be overstated, because this was one of the strangest books I've read, I think. This trade is so, that first arc is so hyper fixated on homosexuality, so much so that as I was reading it, I started out thinking, wow, this is really outdated and homophobic, but it was so over the top that I started wondering, wait, is this an attempt to satirically roast people who are homophobic? And in the end,

I don't think it was, unfortunately. I was searching, I was searching for an answer to make this make sense. After several issues of just such unsavory attitudes and language, like you've got mother's milk explaining that, hey, Butcher doesn't hate gays. He just hates, you know, he doesn't hate anyone for the sake of hating them. But then Butcher and other characters continue to use offensive slurs, and some of which I've never even heard of. They had to explain them to me.

Matt - CDWA (31:11.738)

LoveSausage (31:12.593)

Matt - CDWA (31:33.846)
Yeah, I was.

The Male of the Species (31:37.344)
It just seems to me that the perspective of Garth Ennis as a writer is very clearly that being gay is bad and frowned on by society. It just, he thinks it's weird. And I actually went and did some research because I'm like, help me understand this. Please tell me Garth Ennis is gay. Because if he was, I'd be like, I get what this is. I totally understand what's happening here. But he's married to a woman named Ruth. So, did you?

LoveSausage (31:51.728)
I did too.

LoveSausage (32:01.124)
did the same research. I did the exact same research and I was like, Oh my god, he's married.

Matt - CDWA (32:01.55)

The Male of the Species (32:06.68)
Yeah, that would be the only thing if that happened. I would be like, oh, puzzle piece dropped into place. I see the bigger picture here. He's trying to hold up a mirror. It just didn't work.

Matt - CDWA (32:09.451)
Hell yeah.

LoveSausage (32:17.06)
Now, I will say that given that he is 54 years old, his generation, not really in touch with their feelings, they don't really talk about things, still a chance that he's gay. He.

The Male of the Species (32:33.233)
That's possible.

Matt - CDWA (32:33.787)
That's not where I thought you were going. Yeah, like, that's not where I thought you were going at that point at all.

The Male of the Species (32:36.557)
Yeah, I, I didn't.

LoveSausage (32:36.792)
He could be extremely self-loathing.

The Male of the Species (32:40.248)
Yeah, which this reads like he is working through something repressed. And I actually sent a message to both of you after reading the first couple issues that I was just like, I think Garth Ennitz needs to just accept the fact that he's gay.

Matt - CDWA (32:45.334)

Matt - CDWA (32:54.706)
Yeah, yes, it's okay. Come on.

LoveSausage (32:55.28)
Yeah. Honestly, it he might the whole world might just make sense to him if he holds a dick in his mouth for five or 10 seconds.

Matt - CDWA (33:02.87)

The Male of the Species (33:05.1)
Yeah, that might be it. That might be it. Maybe maybe that would be better for all of us if we just did that. But anyway, I also think that he just has bizarrely as edge Lordy as these books are, he's got really conservative views towards sex in general, because they build out this scene between tech night and swing wing and talent to be like really

LoveSausage (33:14.129)

Matt - CDWA (33:26.862)

The Male of the Species (33:34.792)
traumatizing to him and I'm like, this isn't that weird. This is not that strange of a sexual activity. But I understand again, they loop back around to the homophobic tones because he doesn't want to look at Swing Wing's face while they're doing what they're doing. So anyway, the homophobia really was weird. It was so over the top in this. Here's another bad the fact that there are real life superheroes, but there are also comic books about the superheroes

LoveSausage (33:56.904)

The Male of the Species (34:04.816)
But when superheroes exist in real life, why would we need comic books to live that fantasy? It's like they're playing it as a PR arm for Superheroes Inc. But it's just a weird way to spin things because they acknowledge that not everybody even reads those books.

So it's kind of strange. And as I was writing that, I realized that the TV show actually changes that they actually have a PR team that's on the news, trying to spin things and they're using movies like the MCU to do it. I wasn't even thinking that as I was writing it, but I did think it was kind of a strange thing. Again, it's a symbolic thing. He's he's railing against the comics community. And the other thing is a really weird one.

LoveSausage (34:36.432)
Mm-hmm. Yep.

The Male of the Species (34:50.864)
Did the artist change for the last few issues? Okay, starting at issue 13, because all of a sudden everyone had huge cartoony eyes and I was like, what the fuck is happening right now? Yes.

Matt - CDWA (34:52.19)

Matt - CDWA (34:57.962)
Yes. I almost sent you both that picture of Vlad with the alcohol where his eyes are like that. Like I was like, this needs to be used, but I was going to send it to you yesterday, but I really, yeah, I did it.

LoveSausage (34:58.928)

LoveSausage (35:04.634)

The Male of the Species (35:11.044)
Yeah, because I went back and looked in the cover. It was like, I'm like, I couldn't tell if it was a different artist, but it had to be. Okay, that makes sense. Those are my bads.

Matt - CDWA (35:13.934)
It's not Roberson.


Filling-ish, filling artists, my favorite thing. Dave knows that. I don't, I didn't want to break it up. Thank you, Eric, for opening that door. Yep, I didn't want to open it up. I don't want to say the same things.

LoveSausage (35:26.088)
I'm surprised you didn't.

The Male of the Species (35:31.484)
There you go, there's my bad.

Matt - CDWA (35:36.066)
What's up? I mean, you guys literally, you guys said everything else I was gonna say. Just all the homophobia. That's fine. The outrageous, what did I have? Oh, my outrageous, she talked about too, but it was that tech night. I thought it was a fever dream. I didn't think that actually happened. So I put tech night fever dream, like going to have sex with this vaginal asteroid and save the world, like.

LoveSausage (35:36.092)

LoveSausage (35:42.776)
Well then you're gonna have to go first for the outrageous.

LoveSausage (35:55.365)


The Male of the Species (36:04.648)
I'm sorry.

LoveSausage (36:05.916)
The Vagasteroid.

Matt - CDWA (36:06.066)
ridiculous. Vagastroids, with the vagasteroid, like just absolutely ridiculous. So, yeah, that was something. Not as graphic as our big orgy scene in the first trade, but yeah, that was something. Interesting. Thanks Garth. Thanks. Appreciate you.

LoveSausage (36:22.354)

LoveSausage (36:27.077)

The Male of the Species (36:30.)
This whole trade was visually less graphic than the first one.

LoveSausage (36:33.659)
It was.

Matt - CDWA (36:34.11)
Yes, I would agree. I would agree with that. Yeah, that's why over the top.

LoveSausage (36:41.456)
That's it. Just that one thing.

Matt - CDWA (36:43.242)
Yeah, I thought it was just like the one thing that was the most over the top to you. Oh, all right. I'll do that for next time. I didn't, uh, what else? I mean, what's her little, the little lady, what's her name again? Little Nina's untimely demise and how she goes out. Little over the top. Yeah, those would be my two. I was just like, that's one way to take out a character. So.

The Male of the Species (36:46.325)
I've got like five.

LoveSausage (36:48.537)
Yeah, I have several.

LoveSausage (36:55.74)
Little Nina, Little Nina.

LoveSausage (37:02.32)
Yep, I have it on. Both of those are on my list.

The Male of the Species (37:02.449)

LoveSausage (37:10.544)
Did you read this at work this time?

Matt - CDWA (37:12.874)
I read two of the issues at work with my office doors closed, but I read most of them on my iPad.

LoveSausage (37:15.164)

LoveSausage (37:19.248)
Did you have the lights off too? Like incognito mode?

Matt - CDWA (37:21.67)
No, I had it definitely had an incognito mode but like lights were on.

The Male of the Species (37:22.772)

Matt - CDWA (37:33.25)
Sorry, house-take.

LoveSausage (37:33.616)
Go ahead. Go ahead, Eric. I'll just take, I'll pick up, I'll take the scraps. Whatever you guys don't mention, I'll speak about if it's still on my list.

The Male of the Species (37:35.377)
Are you on?

The Male of the Species (37:43.949)
Uh, I have that redemption arc at the end of get some. And I do want to say, I think there was a massive missed opportunity for the asteroid, not to have an asshole instead of a vagina. So it was an asteroid. Because he still would have fucked it. He fucked it till it exploded. It's just hilarious that there is a an asteroid the size of Texas that has a tiny human sized vagina.

LoveSausage (38:00.344)
Yeah, I agree. He would have. He fucks everything. Yeah.

Matt - CDWA (38:02.191)
Well played.

LoveSausage (38:12.539)

The Male of the Species (38:17.008)
the scene where he we can't get into the bathroom and shits on the floor

Matt - CDWA (38:21.358)
Oh, that's a good one. That's a good one.

LoveSausage (38:22.103)

The Male of the Species (38:24.276)
didn't serve much of a purpose. It just it just happened. I think it was probably there to help reestablish that Huey is not a tough guy. He is not he doesn't have his shit together. Here's a really bad outrageous tech night fucking animals. I didn't like that at all. That was not cool to me, really. Twice he kills one and then he tries to fuck. Yeah, and then the cat as well.

LoveSausage (38:26.223)

Matt - CDWA (38:33.811)

LoveSausage (38:44.488)
When did he fuck an animal?

Matt - CDWA (38:45.623)
Yeah, I don't remember that.

LoveSausage (38:49.793)
Oh, the hamster.

The Male of the Species (38:53.365)
in the... He did try to.

LoveSausage (38:53.468)
Oh, he didn't try to fuck the cat.

Matt - CDWA (38:56.363)
Yeah, you did, I thought.

LoveSausage (38:56.644)
No, he put his dick in the coffee.

The Male of the Species (38:59.564)
No, because at the end, right, the cat goes running out and the therapist comes back and he goes, not the cat. And he goes, leave and don't ever come back.

Matt - CDWA (39:00.15)
He was chasing the cat around though, wasn't he? He was like, yeah. Yeah.

LoveSausage (39:02.753)
No, no.

LoveSausage (39:09.968)
He says, not the cat. And then he's holding his coffee and he sees that Tech Night is actually looking at the coffee. And then there's a moment of recognition. He goes, oh, the coffee.

The Male of the Species (39:22.144)
I feel like, I feel like he tried to fuck the cat. Either way, that was the impression I got. Oh. Ah. Okay.

LoveSausage (39:25.732)
I don't think he did. I think that I think that was a misdirection. He wanted you think he tried to fuck the cat so you could make the coffee joke because there was like a common creamer joke to be made there.

The Male of the Species (39:33.6)
Oh, okay. Well, also gross and outrageous then.

Matt - CDWA (39:37.042)
Let's go with the coffee pot!

LoveSausage (39:37.052)
But also maybe he did try and fuck a cat. I don't know. He tried to fuck everything, man.

The Male of the Species (39:42.313)
Yeah, that's true. Here's another outrageous thing. This is a broad thing. How is it possible that superheroes in this universe are named things like Blarney Cock and Love Sausage? Like they're public figures.

LoveSausage (39:55.405)
Because Garth Ennis hates superheroes Mm-hmm

The Male of the Species (40:00.984)
I just thought that was random. So there you go. I, yeah, those, those are some of them. We talked about some of them already. So

LoveSausage (40:02.588)

LoveSausage (40:09.904)
The only one that we have not discussed yet. I'm gonna, again, I put in outrageous, all of the homophobic content. That's also outrageous. It's bad and it's outrageous, but it's like the bad kind of outrageous, not the good kind of outrageous. And then there's that scene when they're in the comic shop and they're waiting to go see the legend and Butcher is talking to Huey about all of the...

Matt - CDWA (40:25.188)

The Male of the Species (40:25.827)

LoveSausage (40:38.868)
characters in the books and like what he knows about them and all the awful things that he was saying. I think the worst one was the one that was very obviously supposed to be Daredevil. He talks about how Daredevil had AIDS and gave AIDS to a bunch of women so Butcher cut his dick off. So out of pocket, so unnecessary, but also kind of funny.

Matt - CDWA (40:57.582)
Thanks for watching!

Matt - CDWA (41:07.246)

The Male of the Species (41:07.846)

LoveSausage (41:10.656)
Only one more thing to talk about, our favorite and least favorite or least likable characters. And obviously I cannot use the same least likable as the first trade because Starlight does not appear in a single panel of this trade paperback. So I have a new for both of those. Matt, you go first.

Matt - CDWA (41:23.653)

Matt - CDWA (41:31.798)
Yay communism, Voss is my favorite character. He was just a jolly, fun loving character. I mean, he just dropped the embalm one time, but I can get over it. And his name is Love Sausage. And you find out why his name is Love Sausage at the end of one panel. And for some reason I missed that. And then I went back and I was like, what was that? And you know why he's named Love Sausage now. Yeah.

LoveSausage (41:38.317)

The Male of the Species (41:56.44)
me a moment as well. I'm looking at the picture and I was like, Oh,

Matt - CDWA (41:59.29)
Oh, that's like, oh, that's a, that's a, he's working with something there. And then like his kryptonite is his, his dick gets too big and he can't like, he can't move like he can't maneuver. Like, oh, great, great. Can't walk. Love it. Love sausage. Voss.

The Male of the Species (42:02.154)

The Male of the Species (42:08.552)

LoveSausage (42:09.384)
Mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm

LoveSausage (42:16.708)
I think he said his kryptonite was big titties. Yeah.

The Male of the Species (42:19.964)

Matt - CDWA (42:20.642)
Yeah, yes, love it, love it.

LoveSausage (42:25.688)
least likable. Yeah.

Matt - CDWA (42:27.174)
Oh, one of my least? I mean, that was, I think Swing Wing. I think that was pretty, he's a front dude. He's a sellout. He's like, well, I mean, a lot of the people, I'm sure in vaudeville sellouts, but I didn't appreciate that he was putting up this front. Then he ended up killing a man because of his front. You know, it's one thing to be like a con artist or not even a con artist, but like a liar to yourself. But when you...

LoveSausage (42:46.28)

Matt - CDWA (42:56.554)
affect others, that's one. I don't like that. You're fronting on yourself, but when you affect others, I don't appreciate that. So I didn't like that character particularly.

LoveSausage (43:08.008)
Fair enough. I'll go next. My favorite character was Huey.

Matt - CDWA (43:15.632)

LoveSausage (43:16.54)
I actually thought that Huey was very likable throughout both of those arcs. I think he is, and this is true in the show as well, but he is sort of the most altruistic out of all of those shitheads. Even though he's kind of shitty sometimes himself, but I, I really enjoyed Huey and in both of those stories. So he was, he was my favorite. I actually,

Matt - CDWA (43:19.35)

Matt - CDWA (43:29.54)
I'm sorry.

LoveSausage (43:45.136)
Don't even wanna say my least likable right now after everything that you just said because I feel like I've picked the wrong one and I'm gonna hear about it from you, Matt. But it's mother's milk.

LoveSausage (44:05.168)
Don't I don't like I don't like him in the comic man in the show. He's so awesome. I hate to compare this Good dude in the show

Matt - CDWA (44:10.682)
He does look cool in the show. He looks... He's got the swag. He's a good dude. Like, yeah.

LoveSausage (44:18.5)
Yeah, like I like man, he's just so unlikable and he's written so unlikably.

Matt - CDWA (44:27.214)
You guys better stop watching this show.

LoveSausage (44:30.448)
I can't I mean I can't unwatch it man. I watched three seasons of it. Like I can't just erase that from my memory As much as I would like to erase what we just read from my memory. The show is stuck in there a little bit a little bit stickier

The Male of the Species (44:33.149)
Thank you.

Matt - CDWA (44:36.278)
Yeah, not yet.

The Male of the Species (44:39.522)
Thank you.

That's good. That's good. That's of the two. That's the one you want.

Matt - CDWA (44:42.838)

LoveSausage (44:46.534)

All right, Eric, bring us home.

The Male of the Species (44:52.048)
Uh, my favorite character, and I had to really think about this, and there's a reason that I made this choice, is the female. She doesn't say anything, so none of the ignorant dialogue can be attributed to her. Um, plus she has one really cool scene where she just, you don't even see it happen, but she totally fucks up Tech Night and it's awesome. Um, so, she's pretty cool. And my most unlikable character is Garth Ennis.

Matt - CDWA (45:03.486)
Yes, that's what she doesn't do anything wrong.

LoveSausage (45:03.656)
I'm sorry.

Matt - CDWA (45:14.166)

Matt - CDWA (45:21.41)

LoveSausage (45:22.339)

LoveSausage (45:27.108)
I'll allow it.

The Male of the Species (45:28.552)
Ha ha

Matt - CDWA (45:28.782)
That's well played. That's well played.

LoveSausage (45:30.12)
I'm assuming that he's written himself into the book somewhere. He's a background character or something. He seems like that type of dude that would put himself in there, so we'll allow it.

The Male of the Species (45:39.192)
Yeah. Okay. I could pick another character, but the rest of them are kind of tied. They're supposed to be.

LoveSausage (45:41.896)
We'll allow it.

Matt - CDWA (45:45.762)
They're all horrible.

LoveSausage (45:45.784)
It's yeah, you know, it's really easy to pick. Yeah, it's easier to pick the favorite because it's like the one that's like the least awful in my opinion and in your opinion, whoever's opinion, the least likable, it's really difficult to choose.

Matt - CDWA (45:52.042)
Yeah. Yes.

Matt - CDWA (46:02.666)
Like, it's...

LoveSausage (46:03.128)
And again, I still feel like I've chosen incorrectly with mine.

Matt - CDWA (46:06.13)
Eric hit that on the head like the first episode. Like it really is, they're all horrible. Like they literally are all horrible people.

LoveSausage (46:11.184)
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, they are. But you know who's not a horrible person? All the people that listen to this podcast. I forgot to do this at the beginning, so now you're going to have to hear it now. You can follow all of us on Twitter. Our Twitter handles will be in the description of the episode. You can also follow us on TikTok. We post two to three times a week now. Either clips from the show with it has videos. You can see our faces.

The Male of the Species (46:12.304)
Yeah. That's the dynamic.

Matt - CDWA (46:14.146)

The Male of the Species (46:19.928)

LoveSausage (46:41.608)
and some of our reactions and also some content that is not from the episodes as exclusive content on our TikTok. So you can go follow us there and interact with that. Of course, rate the episodes on Spotify and Apple, Apple podcasts, good ratings help us grow, share the podcast with a friend or family member that likes comic books and pop culture stuff. Growth helps the more we grow. These are days to keep doing the podcast. We'll be back in two weeks without Eric and with something to talk about.

in the comic book world. We don't know what yet. And then four weeks, we'll be back with part three of the boys. I don't know how it can get worse. But I feel like it probably will.

The Male of the Species (47:22.355)
I it has to cut it has to be like there has to be peaks and valleys we have to be headed up from here right.

LoveSausage (47:29.101)
I don't know man, it kind of feels like I'm already in hell.

The Male of the Species (47:33.176)
This one was rough.

LoveSausage (47:35.115)

The Male of the Species (47:36.124)
Speaking of being in hell, hey, if you guys ever want to talk about, uh, Madam Web, let me know.

LoveSausage (47:43.152)
I'm not watching that movie. I'm not gonna do it. What?

The Male of the Species (47:47.413)
Oh, I did. I thought it'd be funny, so I went and watched it.

LoveSausage (47:50.78)
Oh, you know what, when it hits the streamers, I'll watch it so we can we can talk about it. Matt, you're muted.

The Male of the Species (47:57.424)
Hell yeah.

LoveSausage (48:00.987)
You're on mute.

Matt - CDWA (48:01.034)
Sorry, I was just gonna say that's probably gonna be hitting the streamers real quick. Real quick. Like, quicker than normal. We're on like a 60 day window, that might be a 30. They might be trying to recoup some money, probably.

LoveSausage (48:03.793)
This just.

The Male of the Species (48:04.977)
You're really... Probably.

The Male of the Species (48:10.331)

LoveSausage (48:12.688)
I like how this just turned into a zoom call for work. Me having to tell Matt he's on mute and he just keeps talking. Yeah.

The Male of the Species (48:17.904)
You're, you're, I'm sorry, I'm double muted.

Matt - CDWA (48:21.786)
I am the boomer of the group, so it's right on brand for me.

LoveSausage (48:24.584)
That's true. That's true. All right. Well, thank you all for checking out this podcast. Hopefully we didn't offend you too much. I remind again that you were warned. So if you lasted all 48 minutes and 45 ish seconds again, you did this to yourself, but we do appreciate you doing it and suffering along with us. We back in a couple of weeks until then. My name is Dave.

Matt - CDWA (48:48.919)
And I'm out.

The Male of the Species (48:50.265)
And I'm Eric.

LoveSausage (48:51.388)
Take care of yourselves everybody, bye bye.

Matt - CDWA (48:53.462)

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