Comic Dudes With Attitudes

78: The Boys Read The Boys Part 1 - WTF Did We Just Read?

Matt & Dave Episode 78

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In this episode, the hosts discuss their impressions of Volume 1 of The Boys comic book series. They cover various topics, including the differences between the comic and the TV show adaptation, the use of slang and language, the controversial themes and writing style, and the explicit content and shock value of the comic. Despite some difficulties with certain aspects, they appreciate the unique and subversive nature of the story and characters. The conversation covers the differences between the comic and the TV show, favorite and least likable characters, the similarity between comic and TV show characters, the character 'The Female', the desire for more character development, and the acceptance of the comic book world vs. the TV show world. The hosts also discuss their future plans for the podcast.



·       The writing style of Garth Ennis, the creator of The Boys, can be polarizing, with some appreciating his subversive and boundary-pushing approach, while others find it excessive.

·       Despite its flaws, The Boys comic offers a unique and thought-provoking story that explores the dark side of superheroes and the corporatization of the industry. The comic and the TV show have significant differences, with the comic being more graphic and edgy.

·       There is a desire for more character development in the comic.

·       The comic book world allows for quicker acceptance of certain elements compared to the TV show world.



00:00 Introduction and Podcast Overview

02:20 Recap of Volume 1: The Name of the Game

06:07 Good Things About the Comic

10:04 Different Perspectives on the Comic and Show

13:43 Difficulties with Slang and Art

18:06 Controversial Themes and Writing Style

21:43 Uncomfortable Scenes and Storylines

27:02 Explicit Content and Shock Value

31:48 Differences between the comic and the show

36:19 Favorite and least likable characters

41:34 Similarity between comic and TV show characters

43:08 Discussion about the character 'The Female'

45:05 Desire for more character development

46:31 Acceptance of comic book world vs. TV show world

47:00 Closing remarks and future plans

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Original Music by Alex Productions
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Dave (00:02.383)
Welcome back to the comic dudes, a podcast about comic books and comic book related things. We're kicking off our let's read for 2024. We're reading the boys this year. Before getting into all that, just a quick reminder. You can follow Matt and I on Twitter. Our Twitter handles will be in the description of the episode. You can also follow me on threads. I'll put our TikTok in there as well. Come talk to us about comics, share the podcast. Growth helps. We like growth. If we grow.

We continue doing the podcast. That's good for everybody. I think also with us is our friend, Eric. Uh, you may remember Eric from our, something is killing the children episode. Um, Eric does another podcast about ICP related things. Eric, remind me what that is again.

Wee Erik (00:47.154)
It's twisted with us. That's T-W-I-Z-T-I-D with us.

Dave (00:53.211)
We'll link to that in the episode description as well. So if you wanna go check out Eric's podcast, you can do so. Eric will be with us all year. He's reading the boys with us. Maybe some of you would like to read the boys with us. I don't know, you can. You can talk to us about it on Twitter. I'll even, I'll put Eric's Twitter in there too, if you want. He doesn't know how to log into Twitter anymore, but.

Wee Erik (01:06.698)
Hell yeah.

Wee Erik (01:11.306)
you put it in there. See if I see what you I actually do not remember my password or log in anything. I'm still logged in on my work laptop though. So I check it once.

Matt - CDWA (01:13.253)
I'm sorry.

Dave (01:22.679)
There's this crazy thing that Google Chrome can do where it saves your passwords for you. I think lots of other things can do that, too. So maybe that'd be something to look into at a future time. I don't know. Yeah, you know, you do you, man, you do you. So if you're new to this podcast and you don't know how we do these, these let's read episodes, it's very simple. I'll recap what we read. I'll hit the high notes.

Wee Erik (01:31.327)
Yeah, maybe. If I wanted to remember that stuff.

Wee Erik (01:39.638)
That's all I can do.

Dave (01:52.195)
I try not to give away too much in what we read but a lot of the big stuff we end up talking about anyway And we'll talk about it in three parts. We'll talk about the things that we liked We'll refer to that as the good the things we didn't like the bad and then Partially typically we do like hot takes and controversial opinions But given the content that we're gonna have this year with the boys We're gonna talk about things that are outrageous that happened in that trade that week will be doing that month Not that week. We're doing one trade per month

The Boys is a complete and finite comic in 12 collected editions if you read it in trade paperback. So that's what we'll be doing. And we'll also be talking about our favorite and least likable characters every month because there sure is a lot to talk about there too. Without further ado, here comes a recap. Volume one of The Boys, the name of the game. And issue one really starts off very similar to the show.

We see Huey's girlfriend being murdered because of A-Train. We also see Butcher fucking the director of the CIA. He talks to her about how the boys are needed again because there are so many soups and they need to be monitored and held accountable. We also, and this is no shock to anyone that's seen the show, we also find out in issue one that he has a very personal vendetta, or at least some sort of vendetta.

against the seven, which is like the premier superhero team in this universe that Garth Ennis has created. More about that later. Butcher then goes to visit Huey. Huey lives in Scotland, by the way, he is not an American. And then in issue two, we also see Butcher kind of putting the band back together. He goes and sees mother's milk. He goes and sees the female, which I'm sure we'll talk about why we call her that later.

We'll also see him kind of recruiting Huey in parallel to all of these sort of like flashback montage type of things happening. And also Butcher seemingly has powers, but we'll probably get to that later too. Issue three sees Starlight joining the seven. We also learned that she's from conservative middle America and is also relatively conservative and pretty, I don't know.

Dave (04:10.711)
Innocent, I guess might be the word herself. Butcher gets the boys back together. They set up shop in the Flatiron building in New York City. And he tells them that they're going to let the Supes know that they're back in business. They're going to do so by going after a team of teenage heroes named Teenage Kicks. That's kicks with an X. I don't know if that matters, but now, you know. Issue four is a bit of a bridge issue. The boys surveil the teenage kicks.

Matt - CDWA (04:32.139)

Wee Erik (04:33.158)
matters to me.

Dave (04:40.851)
They're a bunch of fucking freaks We also learned that compound V is what has created all the superheroes We learned this when butcher injects Huey with it without warning And this is intended to give them super strength so they could take on superheroes in a fight for at least a couple of days Homelander also shows his truer colors not gonna say true colors, but his truer colors in this issue and Huey at this point is like man. I've had enough. I'm

going back to Scotland. This sucks. However, in the very next issue, he decides to come back and the plan to blackmail teenage kicks goes off as planned. He also has a very casual encounter, not like the Craigslist kind, but like he's in Central Park and Annie slash starlight is sitting on a bench and they have like a little chat that happens in a show to you know what that is if you watch the show. But there'll be more on this relationship as the series goes on to

Wee Erik (05:28.404)

Dave (05:39.683)
Um, Homelander tells the seven during a team meeting that he knows who it is that was going after teenage kicks. And it's seemingly obvious that Homelander is the one that tips off teenage kicks as to what happened. Um, he also tells starlight sheen's a new costume, uh, which is just a sluttier version of the current one that she's wearing. Um, and this issue ends with teenage kicks confronting the boys, uh, in the street.

The boys really kick these kids' asses. Hewie accidentally kills a member of the team named Blarney Cock. There's a superhero funeral. Starlight has her big reveal publicly with the Seven at a press conference. And then after having a very long chat with Butcher about why he hates superheroes, Hewie decides to stick with the team. That is the first trade, the high notes.

Matt - CDWA (06:18.208)

Dave (06:39.119)
of the name of the game, The Boys Volume 1. Let's talk about it.

Matt - CDWA (06:45.122)
talk about.

Wee Erik (06:46.366)
Let's talk you omitted one important thing is that there's a sort of a blowbang scene with the seven and starlight. That's also different from the show. But that's kind of a key

Matt - CDWA (06:54.163)
Yeah, I-

Dave (06:55.984)
Yeah, I have that and I have that in some of my other notes.

Matt - CDWA (06:59.271)
To the notes.

Wee Erik (06:59.498)
Okay. I just, yeah, that was part of the story, but.

Dave (07:02.011)
Yeah, I was saving that, but yeah, you really just wanted to jump right into it. That's okay.

Wee Erik (07:08.602)
I've no I just you know thought that was part of the overview. I don't know

Dave (07:12.955)
Well, I try to hit the high notes.

Wee Erik (07:15.078)
Oh, that's definitely a low note, so.

Dave (07:17.752)
It feels a little more outrageous to me.

Wee Erik (07:20.31)
Oh, I see. I see. I see. I see. We'll get we'll get to that then.

Dave (07:23.792)
Yeah, I've just done a lot of talking. So I think someone else should start with some of the things that they decided were good about this.

Matt - CDWA (07:33.634)
Man, Eric, you wanna go? I don't even, I don't.

Wee Erik (07:33.758)

Okay, yeah. I'll say that the first thing that stood out to me is that having watched the show, my expectations were fully subverted while reading the book, because although there are some story notes that come through in the show, and I don't want to just compare this to the show, but I do want to get this out of the way right at the top, is that it's a sort of like an alternate universe story with these characters in it. And some of the characters are

Dave (07:56.103)
Yeah, same.

Wee Erik (08:05.586)
different. And some of the things that happen with the characters are different, even in this first volume. And I know that it's common for TV and film adaptations to take liberties and make changes. But I think this is like wildly different than the show. So I kind of think that's a good thing in a lot of ways, you know, it gets to be its own thing. I also like the morality in this book, the series so far.

is equally well defined and also very ambiguous, right? Like, you know, when somebody is doing something bad, like somebody is being victimized, or you know, when somebody is doing something that may be bad in the conventional comic book sense, but in the real world is something that...

is a little more morally ambiguous. Like you can identify on some level, although I don't want to identify with a lot of these characters with them because there isn't the pure good, pure evil. I think a lot of people are on different sides of the same good, bad coin, and they all have good and bad things that they do. It sort of humanizes them. So I think that's kind of cool. And then I'd say my third good is, it,

This is a specific scene that made me do a super double take. Because you were talking about that fight with teenage kicks, and they are just destroying them, like really graphically violent, like smashing of faces and stuff. And then all of a sudden, Huey punches through the stomach of Blarney Cock, and they're like, Whoa, dude, you're not supposed to kill him. And I'm like, I went back and I'm like, let me were they not killing them this whole time? I'm like, Oh, no, I guess.

Matt - CDWA (09:38.978)

Dave (09:50.503)

I'm going to go to bed.

Wee Erik (09:55.078)
They were hurting them just enough. But that was a very funny moment for me, whether that was intentional or not, I don't know. So those were my three goods.

Dave (10:04.211)
Matt, before you go, I have a question. Have you watched the show? Yeah.

Matt - CDWA (10:04.554)
So you're gonna, yeah. You're asking me? Yeah, that was gonna be my whole lead in. So like, I'm kind of glad that Eric actually went because I have not seen this show. I have seen the most of this show I have seen. I was sold on this show, but the most I've seen the first episode and I think that's it. With Huey and the altercation at his job, I am a big Carl Urban fan.

Dave (10:16.822)

Wee Erik (10:17.022)
Ha ha.

Wee Erik (10:25.822)

Matt - CDWA (10:33.434)
I loved him from Star Trek. I love Dr. McCoy, like the asshole doctor. I love Dr. McCoy. And then when he was in Dread, I loved him in Dread. So I saw him in this role and I was like, oh man, I got to watch the boys, but I have not gone deep in this show. So I don't know a lot of the themes. I don't know a lot of the stuff you're talking about. It's good for me. One of the good things for me is to hear from Eric that like,

Dave (10:44.039)
Me too.

Matt - CDWA (10:59.882)
This is kind of a variation almost of the, you know, of that, of the comic or whatever. The show is a kind of in an alternate time there. So I'm kind of excited now to watch the show. So I'm, I think I have a little bit different of a perspective and I probably won't watch the show until I read the series now. But yeah, like I kind of know, like some of the overall themes just from like the one couple of episode that I saw was like, I really find this whole like idea of like.

the corporatization of like superheroes to be like really fascinating because like if we really had superheroes in this world, in my opinion, someone would try to capitalize off of them and make serious money off of them and their powers. Like I immediately think of like back in the day, I don't remember in the NBA, they didn't have these logos on their shirts that you know, in the NBA or like, I like NASCAR and that's all just logos everywhere and advertisement and product placement. So that is something that just really fascinates me about.

this world because you don't see that in Marvel comics. I mean, that's not even, that's non-existent. I love the line by Butcher. It was just this line I liked. He said that they're like the seven Ps, proper preparation and planning prevent piss poor performance. I just love that. That's kind of how I like to live my life. I love that like quote by the Butcher. It is, like it is, it's such, that's probably why. It's such like a head coach like thing that I, I really liked it. But like another thing when he's

Dave (12:12.437)
I'm sorry.

Dave (12:17.415)
That's such a sports guy quote too.

Dave (12:23.227)

Matt - CDWA (12:26.314)
like kind of said that. I know Dave has seen it. I'm sure Eric, you've probably seen it. But like, one, like reading this, and then like some of the back matter, like before I got to the back matter, like reading the butcher, I like almost immediately thought of the Punisher. I'm like, this dude is the Punisher. And then they actually confirm that in the back matter of the trade that like, it was like a Nick Fury Punisher kind of character motif they were kind of going off of. But when he was saying that proper planning, whatever line

It made me think of the old Thomas Jane Punisher when he's like getting all his weapons ready. Do you remember that movie like where he's like stringing the bow and it's like sicker. He's saying like all these military quotes and he's getting everything ready. And it's just like that just triggered in my head for whatever reason. I'm a weird fucking guy. And then also the just the origin of the superpowers. I'm like, how does everyone get these superpowers? And it's like this void of void. I don't know exactly how you pronounce it. Vought that's like

Dave (13:00.047)
I remember the movie, but...

Dave (13:08.707)
Alright. Nuh-uh.

Wee Erik (13:11.112)

Wee Erik (13:20.766)

Matt - CDWA (13:23.102)
you know, pass down. Well, it's some people had it and the traits keep passing down through generation, generation. I thought that was really interesting. I didn't know, you know, is this a Kryptonian son or how these people get these powers? Like I had no idea. So, uh, yeah, that's, that's what I kind of thought was interesting.

Dave (13:43.047)
So I agree with several things that you've both said. The first thing that I wrote down was that, just reading this now with a new lens, because I think I read the first three or four trades of this a long time ago, and I don't remember a lot of it, but having kept up and kept current with the show, and I've actually watched the first two or three seasons twice because...

Abby started watching it earlier this year. She'd never seen it before. So I was just like, if she was watching it, I'd watch it with her. So I got to rewatch a lot of it. I think that the comic is far superior to the show. And I'll tell you the reason why. And this is probably more of a controversial opinion, because I think a lot of people go, I kind of like the show better because the comic is really there's some things that are just really if you've never read the comic before and only watch the show.

that I can see people being a little put off by. But the entire point of the boys is to. Hunt down and keep accountable the superhero population. It's a really interesting dynamic where the government is really behind funding and helping and assisting the boys and doing so, while large corporations. Are the ones to your point, Matt.

they're the thing that are perpetuating superheroes in this world. And you know, the show just doesn't, the show doesn't really do that. And it dips its toes into those waters a little bit, but it doesn't go all the way in. I think the show is more comfortable treating these characters a little bit differently and the world a little bit differently. And you know, you have to do this when you translate comic.

to screen, but you know, they're TV showifying the story. I think it's far more interesting for the boys to just like, from the jump, they're like a well-oiled machine, a team of people that temporarily get powers from using Compound V and they go and they take out superheroes, that's such a simple and cool concept. And that's why I think that for me, the comic version of this is just a lot more interesting to read because I think it's a cool premise.

Matt - CDWA (16:07.394)
Do we have like an Avengers build in the show? Does it take them a while to kind of get together like the whole first season or something or like, well, you said that like, you know, it's fine. I just, yeah. Like we really hit the ground running in the comic. I feel like, I don't know. Okay, okay. No, that's fine. That's fine. No, no, that's fine. Okay. All right, all right. Bet.

Dave (16:23.063)
Yeah, I don't want to spoil the show, but I mean the.

Wee Erik (16:25.341)

Dave (16:28.655)
Yes and no, the answer is yes and no. And again, I don't wanna continue to compare comic to show, but the second point that I have about the good things that I liked, I just think in general, Butcher's relationships are so much more tolerable in the comic. He's a lot more likable. I think that he's nicer in the comic.

Matt - CDWA (16:36.987)

Dave (16:53.575)
The version of Butcher in the show is just such a fucking raging asshole almost all of the time. It's so rare that he is nice and or selfless that those moments in the show feel so wildly unlike him. And I don't necessarily think that is at least in volume one of the comic. That's not necessarily my take on the character reading the comic book version. The source material is that he's actually not like super intolerable.

Matt - CDWA (16:53.878)

Dave (17:22.2)
Did you really add to that, Eric? You look like you had something to say.

Wee Erik (17:24.718)
No, I'm just, you know, it's interesting. I'm just listening to you talking about this. And in a lot of ways, I feel the opposite, because there are things about the character and world building of the show that I think are handled better. Like, for instance, they lean super hard into the corporatization of superheroes in the show. Now, I'm only through one volume of the comics. So it's yet to be seen where that goes. We might see a lot more of it.

Dave (17:32.016)

Wee Erik (17:53.222)
It's too early for me to say definitively which one I like better, but there are things about the way the show develops and reveals things that I think are done better than in the book, not necessarily in general though.

Dave (18:06.795)
fair. I don't mean I'm not gonna disagree it's an opinion but yeah that's fair. That's fair. And then my last good and this is really this is kind of like a there's a personal take but it's more about Garth Ennis than the book itself. But just in I'm a Garth Ennis fan for the most part there are some things that he does and writes that I'm not really into and I will I'll talk about that in a second in the bad but.

Wee Erik (18:11.726)
Well, yeah, I mean...

Wee Erik (18:22.814)

Dave (18:36.755)
I just love that he writes so much wild shit like this comic really flips back and forth between like Voyeuristic adult content and absolutely pointless gore with no warning and for no reason and I just kind of love that

Wee Erik (18:54.226)
That's it. End of statement. Ha ha ha.

Matt - CDWA (18:54.236)
Can I, can I, yeah, yeah. Can I start my bad?

Dave (18:56.593)

Dave (19:01.04)

Wee Erik (19:01.492)

Matt - CDWA (19:03.474)
So, only saying like that one episode of the show and we said, hey, we're gonna do this as a trio here, let's read through this. For the future, guys, I need like a text message or something like I was not at all prepared for this. I was out of my depth when I picked this book up. I felt like Starlight, I am a Christian, but I felt like I was like Starlight, Middle of America.

Dave (19:24.266)
I'm out.

Wee Erik (19:28.51)

Matt - CDWA (19:32.626)
a prude. I open this up and there's this CIA director getting her back blown out. I'm like, what is going on right now? This book hurt my soul, dude. Like this hurt me to my core, but I loved it. I was just like, it was just very jarring. So I'm just putting that out there. Like, I don't know what the show is. Obviously I haven't seen it. I know there are some wild things that happen in the show, but I'm a Sue. I've heard, I've heard some things, but if this is where we're

Dave (19:40.502)

Dave (19:43.821)

Matt - CDWA (20:01.926)
I was reading this at work too. So like, let's just, let's just make sure that you're ready for that content. Uh, but seriously, well, like one, one thing that was kind of difficult for me was like, I'm sorry, some of like the European slang, I just couldn't get all the British slang. It was just, it was a lot. I know some words and some phrases, but it was just, I've just read like kind of like traditional American comics. So this was, it was a little bit difficult, difficult for me to get through with the butcher primarily. Um, but.

It was all good. But, um, I mean, I guess my other last bad was like, I mean, this whole starlight arc, like what, not even arc, but what happens to her was like really difficult for me to kind of read this and like, I was like, I don't know, man, I don't know if I'm, I'm liking where this is trending so far in trade number one. I hope that she kind of gets her come up. It's one day or in the whatnot. And I'm interested to see where it's going.

Dave (20:55.773)
That's an interesting choice of words.

Matt - CDWA (20:58.51)
come up again. Yeah, yeah, there's a lot of a lot of really not so great sexual stuff that happens to her and yeah, I don't know. I felt really bad for her.

Wee Erik (20:59.19)
I'm sorry.

Dave (21:09.199)
I probably should have started this episode with a content warning, huh?

Wee Erik (21:13.043)

Matt - CDWA (21:13.61)
It's pretty, it's, yeah, I mean, like, I'm not even a prude, like, saga, saga has stuff in it, like, and there's a lot of like wild sex, yeah, I know there's a lot of wild sex stuff in saga, like this is, I mean, I haven't read a lot of NS, like, I know whatever, but this is like, I don't know, man, this is a whole different level, I was not prepared for it, but I'm ready now, I'm locked in now, so. That was it.

Dave (21:14.587)
I didn't even think about that.

Wee Erik (21:15.783)

Dave (21:22.511)
Not like this.

Wee Erik (21:23.975)
Yeah, I know, like.

Wee Erik (21:37.268)

Dave (21:43.443)
Shall I go I can go mine will be mine will be quick. So I agree with you, Matt The the British and Scottish slang was just super hard to understand at times It's interesting because Garth Ennis is Irish So I Don't know why yeah, but what's whatever doesn't matter it's interesting And then I I'm gonna caveat this with I know that this comic is almost 20 years old

Matt - CDWA (21:45.014)
You should dance.

Wee Erik (21:45.118)

Matt - CDWA (21:56.736)

Matt - CDWA (22:00.174)
Well he's... I need to pick a Scott, yeah, yeah

Dave (22:12.379)
The mid 2000s were a different time and place. But the casual racism and homophobia are a little tough to read. Gore and completely ridiculous sexual things, not really a problem for me, but racism and homophobia kind of are. So I didn't super love that stuff, which takes me to my third bad, which I...

Matt - CDWA (22:14.618)
Oh yeah. Oh yes.

Matt - CDWA (22:23.399)
Haha! Well tough.

Matt - CDWA (22:31.054)
No problem.

Dave (22:41.935)
All I wrote down was Garth Annis with a question mark. Because I think that, well, I do really enjoy a lot of the stuff that he writes and creates. I also think that he sometimes, in his effort to be subversive and pushing the boundaries, takes it just a step or two too far. And, you know, I get it. This is his thing. Some of his things are just maybe not for me. That's okay.

Matt - CDWA (23:02.742)

Dave (23:12.719)
Like some of the stuff that he's written, I literally cannot get through or start.

Matt - CDWA (23:19.246)
What was this? Was this? Oh, Wildstorm. Okay. Dynamo. I'm like who? Yeah, I was like who published? Yeah, alright, this seems like a dynamite book. I don't know, like, yeah, I can see that.

Dave (23:23.523)
It moved to dynamite though. It moved to dynamite. Yeah, it was. It was DC wildstorm did I don't know how many issues and then they're like, I don't know if that I don't know. I don't know if they distance themselves or not. I'm just making jokes. I don't know the story of the history behind this. But I wouldn't be surprised if that's what happened.

Wee Erik (23:28.358)
Yeah, it does.

Matt - CDWA (23:34.33)
Yeah, no. I wouldn't, yeah. That's good.

Wee Erik (23:47.514)
All right. So you both touched on some of the things I have on my list. One of them is the English and Scottish slang because it had me going back to reread panels and go, Oh, okay, wait, now I think I understand what's going on here. Because sometimes it was slang I recognized and other times, it was slang that made me go, wait, what are they talking? Are they talking about something else? Because it was like they used words that seemed unrelated. And I was like, Oh, okay, whatever. Yeah.

Matt - CDWA (23:53.39)
All right, good, I'm glad I'm not feeling well.

Dave (23:56.177)

Matt - CDWA (24:11.99)
Sentence structure. That's what I put. I was like, the sentence structure of these words, like, I don't know.

Wee Erik (24:16.582)
some of it I think is trying to emulate the accent therefore when you see it in print feels really weird to look at although I think it was the worst at the like the first issue or two it seemed like it was a lot more of it and then lessened as it went and then I did have I have it here and in outrageous and over the top is just the constant slurs throughout I'm like I know 2006 was a different time but I almost forgot what a different time it was

Dave (24:28.284)

Dave (24:45.334)

Wee Erik (24:47.774)
there were some things about the story. And I'm tempted to omit this because it's really me comparing it to the TV show, but the sort of casual, like inconsequential reveal of what V is and it turns you into a soup and they just used it like, and I was like, oh damn, okay, whoa, that's just not a big deal here. We're just moving past that and moving on like, okay. But overall, my big bad is, I think the art's kind of ugly.

Uh, like the here's the, here's the thing I have to say about it though. As much as I dislike it and like it, it's, it's the things that I do like about it is because it sort of reminds me of some of some of that, like eighties underground comics that were like trying to circumvent the comics code authority stuff. And they all kind of had that sort of. Amateur artist vibe to them. And the art here did like sometimes from panel to panel.

Dave (25:18.471)
Come on, man, I like Derek Robertson.

Matt - CDWA (25:24.373)
I love this guy.

Wee Erik (25:46.17)
I didn't recognize a character. I'm like, oh, they just look different. It was just, I just didn't connect with the art style and character designs too much.

Dave (25:54.087)
Derek, Mr. Robinson, if you ever find this podcast, I just want you to know that I don't think your art looks amateurish.

Matt - CDWA (26:00.11)
It got in my amatuer. I banged on it the whole invincible, so I'm not doing the art thing. I'm gonna try to try to move off this. I banged on Cory Walker the whole time. Yeah.

Wee Erik (26:00.634)
I'm sorry.

Dave (26:08.244)
Yeah, within a year long for invincible anytime Cory Walker showed up this man went in on him so hard Cory Walker knows no peace. Thanks to Matt

Matt - CDWA (26:14.237)
Can't do it.

Can't do it.

Wee Erik (26:18.959)
This will be the only time I mention it because it's the first issue, unless there's something egregious later that I'm like, Jesus Christ, that was awful.

Matt - CDWA (26:23.963)

Dave (26:25.871)
I will say that I think it takes a special type to agree to draw so many tits and cocks and weird sexual stuff.

Matt - CDWA (26:32.478)
Yeah, it's true.

Wee Erik (26:33.478)
Yeah. There's no, there's really no dicks in it. I don't see, you don't see them. They're obscured. Yeah.

Matt - CDWA (26:37.654)
There's no dicks. You don't see dick. There's always a plant. It's like Austin Powers. There's always a plant in the way or a fire hose or something like we, you know, it is, yeah, it's okay. It's true. We're still, we're still on that DC branding wait till next month. It's, it's common. No pun intended.

Dave (26:47.507)
We're only on volume one, fellas.

Wee Erik (26:49.997)
All right, all right.

Dave (26:51.943)

Wee Erik (26:56.091)
Okay. When they get to dynamite, all bets off.

Dave (26:59.803)
Dynamite's penis friendly.

Wee Erik (27:01.915)
Hell yeah.

Matt - CDWA (27:02.214)
It sure is, it sure is.

Dave (27:03.879)
God, I really should have put a content warning at the start of this.

Matt - CDWA (27:06.258)
Yeah, you should have. It's okay.

Wee Erik (27:08.073)
It's the boys. Like, I feel like whether you've seen the show or read the comics, it's implied.

Dave (27:15.315)
However, if you've done neither, you needed a content warning.

Wee Erik (27:17.274)
Yeah, that's true.

Matt - CDWA (27:21.139)
That's true. Over the top. I don't have much except issue number four. That's all I'm going to say. That's the whole team, the team kicks issue. I was, I, as you may or may not know, I read on my computer a lot of the time. So we, I think we all have PDFs. So I was reading this on a massive monitor at work and I was like, Whoa, I don't even know if I'm gonna flag. I don't, I don't.

Dave (27:31.114)
Teenage kicks in the brothel

Dave (27:37.533)

Wee Erik (27:44.96)

Matt - CDWA (27:46.338)
Think they will do that, but I don't know. Can't do this. Can't do that one. So close it out. Oh my gosh, that is some wild stuff. But issue four, that's all I gotta say.

Dave (27:52.883)
Mm-hmm. I have that one on mine too.

Wee Erik (27:59.282)
I don't have the whole issue, but I just said aside from the Blumpkin scene, because that was that was the one panel that I was like, Oh, okay. By the way, I read almost all of this on a plane. So there were certain times I would swipe and I was like, Oh, let me just I was like, whatever. Yeah, yeah. Here's, here's the one straight. I don't know if this is over the top and outrageous, but it was really strange to me that

Matt - CDWA (28:05.227)

Dave (28:07.228)

Matt - CDWA (28:07.842)

Matt - CDWA (28:11.534)
Oh my no! Eric, no!

Dave (28:13.779)

Matt - CDWA (28:16.302)
You gotta get that blackout screen. Oh no.

Wee Erik (28:27.506)
they get dirt on teenage kicks, right? And teenage kicks is like, somebody's gotta take the fall. You're gonna have to tell everybody you're gay. And that was like, he had to apologize for the people that he hurt by being gay, and he had to quit the superhero team. And I was like, that just seems like completely ridiculous now that would happen.

Matt - CDWA (28:44.21)
Even back, even 2006, that sounds like crazy, like, I don't know, that sounds... That there... I mean...

Dave (28:45.391)

Wee Erik (28:47.324)

They even come back around in issue five or six, like I guess it's six, it's during the funeral where they're like former member and I'm a gay superhero and I'm like, what is happening here?

Matt - CDWA (28:56.078)
FUERA yeah.

Matt - CDWA (29:01.318)
Yeah. I don't f-

Dave (29:02.831)
Yeah, the Garth Ennis might have some things to work out.

Wee Erik (29:07.11)
Yeah, maybe.

Matt - CDWA (29:07.751)
I was gonna say that earlier, like, he might have some things he needs to work on, that's all. Hehehehehehe

Dave (29:09.391)
Yeah. Yeah, he may. He may need to go to therapy. I don't know. I mean, he's 53, so I feel like he's probably not open to that sort of thing.

Wee Erik (29:13.714)

Wee Erik (29:18.034)
Maybe Ireland is different too, I don't know.

Matt - CDWA (29:20.11)
That's true.

Dave (29:20.519)
Maybe, maybe.

Dave (29:24.753)
Is that is that all you guys had there's so I have so much

Wee Erik (29:28.33)
There's so many, but those were the big ones.

Matt - CDWA (29:28.778)
You're always like-

Dave (29:30.595)
Yeah. So, OK, so the starlight blow bang, as you so eloquently put it at the start of this episode, Eric, you know, in the show, it's just the deep. But in the comic, it's Homelander. And then a train and black noir just casually walk over. And like they all expect it. Yeah.

Wee Erik (29:35.848)

Matt - CDWA (29:47.966)

Wee Erik (29:50.09)
They're like, this is normal. This is a spoiler for the show, but I don't think in the show she doesn't. I think she doesn't do it. And then it becomes a thing. And in the comics, she does. Does she? I thought she was like, no.

Dave (30:01.863)
She does it in the show. No, she does it, because that scene in the bathroom where she's throwing up with Queen Mae, if that happens in the show too.

Wee Erik (30:10.926)
Mm hmm. You're right. I watched it when it was like freshly out. So there's things that I'm like, vaguely remember.

Dave (30:21.095)
So there's that scene I forget which issue it's in but where Butcher is talking to Huey on a bench and that woman walks by she's got like that tiny little dog and It's like barking non-stop and then it shits on the sidewalk She doesn't clean it up and Huey's like pissed off about it To try and make him feel better butchers like you want to see something funny And he just goes he looks at his English Bulldog named terror. He just has terror fuck it

Matt - CDWA (30:33.642)

Matt - CDWA (30:44.095)

Dave (30:48.539)
and that dog is over and fucks that little dog.

Matt - CDWA (30:50.602)

Dave (30:52.827)
Ridiculous. The dog's not even in the show.

Wee Erik (30:53.942)
And it cheers Huey up. He's like, oh yeah, okay.

Matt - CDWA (30:56.702)
Oh, terror's not in the show? Oh.

Dave (30:58.007)
Nah, no terror, no terror.

Matt - CDWA (31:01.026)
I like terror.

Dave (31:02.583)
Yeah, there's obviously the whole teenage kicks thing, but there's one specific. Like after that all happens and they're listening to the recordings of their surveillance and what's that, what's the dude's name? I forget, I should have wrote it down, the one member's name that has like he looks like Judge Dredd. He was like.

Matt - CDWA (31:14.839)

Matt - CDWA (31:24.77)

Wee Erik (31:24.858)
He does. He has the judge dread like helmet. Yeah.

Dave (31:26.839)
Yeah, I forget his name, but he like makes some like snarky comment or something. And then someone says, oh, I'm sorry. I wasn't the one licking my own shit off of my gun. And there's like during that like brothel scene or whatever, they're like, I'm like the one like hooker or whatever is like holding his gun and like lubing it up and he says, like, shove it in him like. Yeah, there's just so there's so much.

Matt - CDWA (31:37.378)

Wee Erik (31:37.39)
Yeah. Yes.

Matt - CDWA (31:48.271)
Oh really? Oh wow.

Wee Erik (31:49.902)
Yeah, I remember reading that line and then picturing it. And I was like, oh, yeah, okay.

Matt - CDWA (31:51.758)

Dave (32:00.529)
I also think the story that Butcher tells Huey about his wife and like what happens to her. I mean, wildly different than the show and extremely graphic talking about like beating a baby superhero to death.

Wee Erik (32:12.829)

Wee Erik (32:19.172)

Matt - CDWA (32:21.506)
Based on your show experience, is that real? Did that happen?

Wee Erik (32:27.128)
Like on the TV show? No.

Matt - CDWA (32:27.954)
Or is he like, is, okay. Well, no, I'm just, is he deceiving Huey? Like did that actually happen? Those events actually happened? That's what I was trying, like the first time I, okay. That was, I was like, is he just trying to get him on the team and is gonna make something up? That was what I was like. Okay, all right, all right. Good stuff.

Dave (32:31.355)
But I still...

Wee Erik (32:39.431)
Yeah, well...

Dave (32:39.816)
I don't know.

Dave (32:43.151)
Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. Could be. We don't know yet.

Matt - CDWA (32:52.462)
What's the... oh yeah, okay. Yeah, it's all different, like you said, it's different shades of kind of gray, like I don't know.

Dave (32:53.607)
I think that's, yeah.

Wee Erik (32:53.726)
Good stuff in the sense that it's bad stuff.

Wee Erik (32:59.698)
that it's just such an edgelord book. Like everything is like, can we get your attention? Can we get you to gasp? That's like really, like the show has moments and there's things where you're like, wow. But the book is like, you know, just if here's the line, we're like fully on the other side of it.

Matt - CDWA (33:04.069)

Matt - CDWA (33:20.47)
Well, you can't, it's on Amazon or something, right? Like you can't, my mom has Amazon. You can't do all this on Amazon.

Dave (33:22.812)

Wee Erik (33:23.962)
Yeah. Yeah, it goes. Yeah, it's pretty intense.

Dave (33:26.188)
There's still quite a bit of...

Mm-hmm. There's a lot of stuff that happens on this show that you wouldn't imagine

Matt - CDWA (33:31.158)
Do ya?


Wee Erik (33:34.01)
Some stuff that you wouldn't believe could be in an Amazon show for sure.

Dave (33:37.615)
Yeah. Oh, yeah.

Matt - CDWA (33:39.65)
Do we have the shit on the gun sequence? Is that on the... We got a lot of time. Okay. All right. We still have time.

Dave (33:43.001)
Not yet, but a lot of the stuff in this show has happened out of order. So

Wee Erik (33:44.053)

Dave (33:49.691)
We do still have time. It's crazy to think that Garth Ennis had multiple successful runs with Marvel on The Punisher, isn't it? Like, he really tones himself down to do like, big two work too.

Wee Erik (33:51.338)
I'm sorry.

Matt - CDWA (34:05.057)
Well... Ye-y

Dave (34:05.211)
It's really good.

Wee Erik (34:05.502)
Do you think that this is sort of a, I have to work within color within the lines when I work for DC and Marvel. Here's my chance to like all the crazy fucking ideas that I had for Punisher, but I couldn't use. I'm gonna pack it all into this book.

Dave (34:19.511)
And maybe. I mean, he's Darth Ennis has made no he hasn't made it a secret that he hates superheroes. And this comic was always intended to be like his giant middle finger to the superhero trope. He really wanted to just deconstruct the superhero and really just take it to it.

Matt - CDWA (34:29.793)

Dave (34:46.607)
It's obvious that he is doing everything that he possibly can as shocking as he possibly can be to Just absolutely destroy superheroes

Wee Erik (34:56.198)
And not just superheroes, but I really think the gatekeepers to the superhero stories too. I think it's when you read this, it feels like a big middle finger to standard comics, like to mainstream comics. It really does.

Matt - CDWA (35:04.28)
Mmm, that's a good point.

Dave (35:14.884)
Yeah, for sure.

Matt - CDWA (35:16.574)
It's just like the only Garth Innis I've read, like he does a lot of war books. So I was like, oh yeah, like Garth Innis, this is good. And then like I should have had the Punisher as a bridge because it was like war comics that are like somewhat historically accurate to this. Like it's not even anywhere remotely close. So it's like, yeah, this is this is something here. I'm ready though. I'm prepared now. But no, I've wanted to.

Dave (35:33.697)

Dave (35:37.511)
Have you read Preacher? Okay. Well, you won't like the art. That's also Derek Robertson, I believe. But Preacher's good. Show's good, too.

Wee Erik (35:50.682)
All I remember is that there's a person with an asshole for a mouth.

Dave (35:53.551)
Yeah, arse face. Yeah. Yeah, he tries to kill himself and he doesn't succeed and his face is just like puckered up like a butthole because of where he shot himself in the mouth. And he like has a hard time talking and he's always like drooling spit coming out and they call him arse face.

Matt - CDWA (35:53.61)
and preacher.

Wee Erik (35:56.09)

Wee Erik (36:04.272)
a hilarious

Matt - CDWA (36:05.16)
Oh no.

Matt - CDWA (36:12.596)
Alright, well, that's DC Infinite. Here we go. That's on there.

Wee Erik (36:16.122)
I'm sorry.

Dave (36:19.178)
Shall we move on to our favorite and least likable characters? Let's do favorites first. I'll go first too. My favorite is Butcher. Yeah. Partially because I think he's so much more likable than in the show. I'm not a huge fan of Butcher in the show. And this show intentionally sets you up to not like him.

Matt - CDWA (36:22.903)

Matt - CDWA (36:27.242)
Yeah, you go first. Really? OK.

Matt - CDWA (36:42.418)
I'd say mine was Huey just because I feel like he's our point of view character in this whole experience. But my caveat was the butcher. Once I got his origin at the end, or not the origin, the whole why he hates superheroes at the end of issue six, that really was like, man, all right, it's got me now. I want to start reading. And also, he's doing being a hard ass butcher or whatever, but when he goes to visit Mother's

and is recruiting him that whole scene with like mother's milk starters, like acting a fool. And he's like, you got a good dad. You appreciate it. Don't you know, F it up. Like that was, uh, I was like, all right, but sure. He's got a redeeming quality. He's not just an asshole banging out the CIA director or whatever. He, he does have a part of a good side. So

Dave (37:31.123)
Dude, MM is so different in the show too. I know we didn't really talk about Mother's Milk at all, but, and also, I can't get past the goatee on Huey, I'm sorry. He looks so stupid. Yeah, he's great value Simon Pegg. Yeah, Simon Pegg did the foreword for the trade too.

Matt - CDWA (37:34.549)

Matt - CDWA (37:38.399)
We didn't.

Matt - CDWA (37:43.687)
How he looks like Simon Pegg too. Yeah, he's Simon Pegg.

Wee Erik (37:45.554)
I literally have that written that he looks like Simon Pegg. Yeah.

Matt - CDWA (37:51.998)
Yeah, that's what... yeah. It intentionally looks like him, but uh... Who- Jack Quaid played- Quaid Kid plays him in the show, right? Yeah, like completely different. Like... Uh... yeah.

Dave (38:00.687)

Matt - CDWA (38:06.796)
We hear you.

Wee Erik (38:07.402)
So you both went with Butcher. I do like Butcher in the show because he's kind of got like that Joel slash Din Jaren sort of like I'm 100% never going to soften and then you get to see glimpses of it. I don't hate what they did in the book so far either giving him a little more humanity from the jump isn't a bad thing. But I would say

Matt - CDWA (38:15.232)

Matt - CDWA (38:22.935)
Love that.

Wee Erik (38:33.51)
My favorite character so far is probably Mother's Milk, only because they haven't given me a reason to dislike him yet, and he seems pretty chill. And this might be getting into unlikable characters, but I think by design, characters on all sides of this story are pretty unlikable. They're not designed to be idolized or favorited. They're kind of shitty, so.

Dave (38:38.843)

Dave (38:51.239)

Wee Erik (38:58.074)
I actually, my pick for least liked is probably Huey so far, just cause I'm not sure I love the stylization of this character and what they've done with him so far.

Matt - CDWA (39:02.37)

Matt - CDWA (39:09.234)
Stupid face. Stupid face.

Dave (39:09.511)
fair. I don't like a stupid face.

Wee Erik (39:12.708)
and his stupid face.

Dave (39:16.956)
Go ahead, Matt.

Matt - CDWA (39:17.382)
Uh, I mean, the, the comic is a little bit different for the show, but from the show version, uh, I gotta, I gotta pick on another brother. Uh, Atran. I don't like him. I don't like him at all. There's not even that much of him. He kills Huey's girlfriend. He's making advances on Starlight. Kind of seems like the, like a shitty version of The Flash that's super impulsive. Like, don't like the dude. I just don't like him. Like, that's, that's his character. I know Homelander's like the easy pick. Yeah, like I know Homelander's probably the easy pick, but

Wee Erik (39:38.952)

Dave (39:42.011)
Yeah, this is exactly what he's supposed to be.

Wee Erik (39:44.179)

Matt - CDWA (39:46.706)
I mean, all the seven suck, but I don't like him at all. I don't know.

Dave (39:52.367)
Y'all are gonna, you're both gonna dislike what I say next. But my least likable character is Starlight.

Wee Erik (39:57.235)

Matt - CDWA (40:01.314)
Of course it is.

Wee Erik (40:03.458)
I don't dislike that and I debated it as well. Again in the show, they give you a little more of who Starlight is. In the book, I don't find Starlight to be super likable.

Matt - CDWA (40:14.478)
Why don't you like her? I'm serious.

Dave (40:14.619)
Yeah, I think they in the in the comic. And maybe this is just because Garth Ennis wanted to stretch this out longer, but the way that she is so naive and. I don't know if idealistic is the word, but she is that you're right. But man, she's just so.

Matt - CDWA (40:30.224)

Matt - CDWA (40:36.588)
You hate it.

Dave (40:39.479)
And again, I understand that Garth Ennis and his goal here is to deconstruct the superhero. I get it. And this is a type, you know, this is a type of superhero, the altruistic, young do-gooder. And we want to really make sure that we abuse this person for as long as possible. But Starlight's probably my favorite character in the show, because she is, she is so strong and probably the only person that is

consistently trying to do the right thing in the show for the majority of the show. She kind of gets to that point pretty quickly. But in the comic, I just she's just so lame. Like, yeah, yeah. There's not there's not a fan of it.

Wee Erik (41:26.646)
very one-dimensional in the comics so far. Yeah.

Wee Erik (41:34.106)
So here's a random question for you both. Well, I guess actually, Matt, you won't be able to answer this. This is a question just for Dave. Which character from the comics so far do you think is most similar to that character in the TV show?

Matt - CDWA (41:34.702)
That makes sense. That makes sense, though.

Dave (41:48.207)

Wee Erik (41:50.986)
there was one that stood out to me as being pretty close.

Dave (41:57.767)
Now I feel like there's a right and a wrong answer. So now I'm, I would say, I would say Frenchie is pretty, pretty similar and so is Homelander.

Matt - CDWA (42:00.93)
Put you in a box. It's good stuff.

Wee Erik (42:02.242)
Yep, it was not.

Wee Erik (42:12.262)
Homelander was the one to me that seemed at almost a one-to-one translation so far as like how they built the character and how the character acts in the sort of, you know, public facing version versus the behind the scenes version. That was the one that really seemed similar to me.

Dave (42:29.487)
Yeah, I would agree. And you know, looking, since you asked that question, so I had to really quickly like catalog the characters and then think about both versions. You know, thinking about how Queen Maeve has been so far in the comic versus what she is in the show. I also think that Garth Ennis may hate women.

Wee Erik (42:52.99)

Matt - CDWA (42:54.043)

Dave (42:54.211)
Um, I don't know, uh, but it sure feels that he doesn't really care much for women and, and how they're treated. Um,

Wee Erik (43:03.23)
Doesn't seem to. Speaking of women, we haven't talked about the female at all.

Dave (43:08.559)
No, we have not. That's right. And I even said during the recap that we'll get to it later. And I expected someone else to because I wasn't planning on it. Thank you for reminding me. Yeah. What is that all about? Why are we calling her the female? I don't.

Wee Erik (43:15.827)
I'm gonna go.

Wee Erik (43:20.774)
Is it because she doesn't speak and they don't have a name?

Dave (43:23.067)
I mean, maybe, could be that. I mean, I don't remember the comic. Yeah, or that. I mean, I don't remember if all the stuff from the show with her makes it, or is like show exclusive or came from the comics. So I guess we'll find out. Yeah.

Matt - CDWA (43:27.215)
Because Garth Hinnis hates women, that's why. That's why.

Wee Erik (43:43.55)
We'll have to find out. She's kind of got the like Korean water demon vibe. Like before you die, you see the female kind of thing, you know.

Dave (43:48.068)

Matt - CDWA (43:53.474)

Dave (43:54.159)
Yeah, I mean, that's I mean, as a mob hit man. Yeah.

Wee Erik (43:58.79)
Yeah, that's true. I just, I thought maybe they call her the female because she's the only non-male boys member.

Dave (44:00.507)
That would be the last thing you'd see.

Matt - CDWA (44:05.695)

Dave (44:06.991)
Yeah, you know what, maybe this is a rare Garth NSW where he's calling out the fact that we sort of tokenize women in superhero comics.

Wee Erik (44:19.142)

Matt - CDWA (44:20.546)
We're not giving them the best of that. You said you read like, you said you, yeah, sorry. You said you had read like three volumes of this, but you don't remember them Dave? Okay. I just like, I wish there was just more, I don't know. I do like that they kind of hit the ground, they hit the ground running, but like, I feel like I don't want like a full six issue thing of like all their origins, but like.

Dave (44:22.668)
Eric doesn't want to give him credit for it.

Wee Erik (44:24.818)
I don't know.

Dave (44:30.611)
three or four, no.

Matt - CDWA (44:46.866)
I guess they want me to come back for more, which is fine, mission accomplished. But you don't know anything about these characters outside of, they're just forming this group. And that was something that left me a little underserved. I would wish I got a little bit more from that, but it is what it is. I'm coming back, so.

Wee Erik (45:05.338)
My prediction is we will learn more about these characters, pasts, and origins and stories as we go bit by bit.

Matt - CDWA (45:12.33)

Dave (45:13.275)
Yeah, most likely that I mean that what you just mentioned, Matt, is one of the things that I appreciate about the comic format more so than a show is that we don't have to go through multiple episodes of set up to do like a big reveal and get a cliffhanger ending for episode six before episode seven. It's just like, yeah, I'm reading a comic book and if you're, if you're a comic book person and you jump into a comic and you know, the synopsis is there's a team that hunts and holds superheroes accountable.

Matt - CDWA (45:22.379)

Dave (45:39.707)
but you can accept a lot of stuff really, really quickly. Like your comment about how like they just did the compound V thing like that. Like it's just really quick and then we just accept that it's there. Yeah, cause I'm reading like a superhero universe comic and I just accept certain things about this type of a comic without needing an explanation. But when you're making a TV show to appeal to such a wide audience, you've got to really slow it down and spoon feed some of that stuff so people can accept it a little bit easier.

Wee Erik (45:45.576)

Matt - CDWA (45:46.219)

Matt - CDWA (45:50.186)
You... Yeah...

Matt - CDWA (46:00.814)
That's true.

Wee Erik (46:05.65)
Yeah, I mean, when it comes to comics or even animated movies, you are accepting the world that's been built pretty much instantaneously. The fact that you're engaging in this thing, you've accepted that whatever's happening here is possible and makes sense. And that stuff is a lot more difficult to swallow and believe in live action no matter what.

Matt - CDWA (46:26.55)
Yeah, yup, you hit it. You hit it right there.

Dave (46:31.151)
Well, this was a good first discussion. Thank you both. I'm excited to read more of this. I'm also a little nervous. Matt, I hope you don't get called into HR this week. Eric, if you're in a fly list somewhere, I'm sorry. I read this in the comfort of my own home. So I have nothing to be concerned about, but you two are the risk takers here.

Wee Erik (46:36.702)
Thank you.

Wee Erik (46:42.858)
I'm going to go.

Matt - CDWA (46:43.288)
Hahaha, it worked!

Wee Erik (46:48.458)

Matt - CDWA (46:48.598)
Uh, I think I'll be okay. We'll see.

Matt - CDWA (47:00.386)

Dave (47:00.623)
Hopefully we'll see you next month when we do this for volume two. If not, if anyone listening wants to join the podcast to talk about this comic, we'll have an opening soon. I don't know.

Matt - CDWA (47:13.134)
I'll be here, I'll have more time on my hands, I'll be unemployed, like I can read all of it.

Wee Erik (47:13.247)
I listen.

Dave (47:14.942)

Wee Erik (47:17.53)
Same, like I've got a bunch of flights lined up and if I'm on a no-fly list, I guess I'm here, reading comics.

Matt - CDWA (47:23.223)

Dave (47:23.751)
All right, well, maybe we'll double our episode output then if we all have more free time, I don't know. Either way, I appreciate you guys. I appreciate everyone that took the time to listen to this episode. Matt and I will be back in a couple of weeks with something. I don't know what, we've been talking about doing like maybe some Energon Universe stuff now that Kirkman's got Transformers and G.I. Joe under Skybound, we might talk about that. Maybe we'll pull something else out, we don't know. And then we'll be back with Eric in a month to do volume two of The Boys.

Matt - CDWA (47:26.795)

Wee Erik (47:27.029)
I'm sorry.

Dave (47:53.699)
So until then, my name is Dave.

Matt - CDWA (47:57.206)

Wee Erik (47:58.768)
And I'm Eric.

Dave (48:00.151)
and we'll see you all soon. Bye everybody.

Wee Erik (48:02.194)
I'm sorry.

Matt - CDWA (48:03.79)

Wee Erik (48:05.874)
I was like, oh, we're going to say our names. Okay, cool.

Matt - CDWA (48:07.346)
Yeah, yeah, should have warned you. Yeah, we did that.

Dave (48:09.416)
Oh yeah, we do that at the end, sorry. You went with it though, that was good. Yeah, proud of you.

Wee Erik (48:10.97)
Yeah, no, got it. I picked up on it.


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