Comic Dudes With Attitudes

73: NYCC 2023 Was A Blast! 🗽

• Matt & Dave • Episode 73

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Dave went to NYCC this year and wanted to share the experience. About a year ago we released an episode called The Death of the Comicon - maybe we were a little ahead of ourselves..

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Dave (00:01.233)
Welcome back to the Comic Dudes, a podcast about comic books and comic book related things. If you've been around for a while with us, you might remember in year one of the podcast, we did an episode called Death of the Comic Convention. And I went pretty hard at some of the larger cons and even some of the smaller regional cons that have... and San Diego is a great example of this, but they've really leaned more into pop culture.

movies, TV, Funko pops. We've left the comic book behind a little bit in some cases in my opinion, and it's not a dynamic that I'm super comfy with as an old time comic collector. So very recently, I was fortunate enough to attend this year's New York Comic Con. This was actually two weeks ago. My girlfriend and I went and spent five days in New York City.

Matt (01:00.462)

Dave (01:01.665)
One of those days was spent at the Javits Center at New York Comic-Con 2023. It's a convention that Matt and I have both gone to before. We've gone to together and one that we absolutely loved. And this episode, we're just gonna talk about my experience at New York Comic-Con this year. And I think it'll probably tie back to that old episode as well. So if you were not around then and you wanna go and get a little primer for this discussion and...

get some background on how Matt and I kind of feel about the modern comic book convention. You can go back and listen to that episode and then come back to this one.

Matt (01:39.89)
Yeah, so I mean, it's been some time, obviously, since when did we go like 2014, 2015, I want to say maybe

Dave (01:44.881)
I think 2014 was the last year that I went and that was the year that you and I drove down there from Syracuse and stayed with Paul in the city.

Matt (01:53.542)
2014 sounds about right. So I mean that at the time that was the first, I know, that was the first, like I'd gone to some smaller conventions. That's not true. I didn't go to a C2, not a C2E2, a Warriors of the World Chicago, which was like a legitimate convention as well too. But that was my first really big like convention experience. So I was just curious for you. Yeah.

Dave (01:55.705)
Yeah. It's almost 10 years.

Dave (02:18.157)
Yeah, I mean, that's the second biggest comic convention in the US.

Matt (02:21.662)
So for you, like you've gone to way more conventions. I mean, you go to like Dallas Comic-Con and stuff like that. Like, did you still get that feeling stepping into New York Comic-Con? Did you get, have those like Comic-Con jitters when you like showed up and like back in the day they had all the advertisements. I'm sure it's probably similar for the new shows and products that are coming out. But like, did you still have that? Were you like super pumped to go or is it just like, ah, it was like a thing to do. I was just curious.

Dave (02:45.897)
So there's multiple ways to answer that question. So let me start by, we had Thursday passes and the last time you and I went, Thursday was a shortened day. It was only from like four until 10 p.m. or something. Now, Thursday is the first full day. It starts at 10 a.m., goes until 8 p.m. So we got there before 10 a.m. We wanted to be there early to kind of get, you know, near the front of the line queue. And...

Matt (02:50.749)

Matt (02:56.083)



Dave (03:16.989)
The entrance was not great. So everyone was waiting outside. We didn't know what door to go to. There wasn't really anybody directing us to a specific door when they finally did say, hey, not these doors, those doors. Hundreds of people are trying to walk down to this new set of doors to line up again. And then while we're standing there waiting, New York Comic-Con employees were coming out of the doors and making announcements, but they didn't have a megaphone or anything to project their voices with. So...

Matt (03:34.194)

Dave (03:46.309)
Unless you're standing directly in front of them, you couldn't hear what they were saying anyway. And they did end up opening the doors a few minutes late. So the pre-entrance part of day one of New York Comic Con 2023 wasn't super great. But once the doors opened and we got in there, man, it was exactly as it was every other time I've gone to that convention. You're in this massive convention center at the Javits Center in New York City. And...

Matt (03:46.446)

Matt (04:06.951)

Dave (04:15.773)
There's huge booths right when you walk in. You first enter the show floor and they typically have some really big flashy like exhibitor booths, not vendor booths. It's a really big sort of punch in the face presence. They have the big banners hanging up. They didn't have a ton of movie and TV stuff because of the strikes happening right now. So that stuff was a little limited this time. And even actors that were in attendance.

Matt (04:36.592)
Yep, that was fine, okay.

Dave (04:43.441)
we're not allowed to speak about any of their current works because of the strike. They can only talk about old stuff or non-actor related stuff.

Matt (04:50.08)

Huh. Interesting. How was the image booth? Was the image booth like right up front? Cause like that, that was the one that like stood out to me.

Dave (04:55.663)

Dave (05:03.109)
So it wasn't. In fact, I didn't get to see a lot of those exhibitor booths because of the way that we walked the show floor. It was set up very similar to the last time we were there. But some of the exhibitor booths in the middle, we just skipped over because there were some line cue issues for some booths. There was just like people lined up in walkways. And.

Matt (05:11.526)

Dave (05:30.781)
We just sort of avoid that whole section because I knew there wasn't anything that I was going to be buying from those exhibitors anyway. So we went, we saw the Marvel booth. There was no DC booth that I could find. And if there was an image booth, I never saw it. I did find the alien books slash volume entertainment booth.

Matt (05:36.992)

Matt (05:41.818)
I'm not surprised.

Matt (05:49.094)
Yeah, dude. Yeah. So you, you guys went for how many days is it even now? I don't even know. Four. Was one day sufficient or did you feel like you could have like, would you have like, no?

Dave (05:51.153)
Valiant's back, baby.

Dave (05:55.74)

Dave (06:01.522)

Well, so yes and no. I mean, I knew going into it, we were only going to spend a day there. So I did everything that I absolutely wanted to do that day. But it's three floors of convention. There's the main level, which is all the exhibitor and vendor booths. Then there's Art of Sally upstairs. And then downstairs is all of the panels and stuff. But there's also.

Matt (06:08.61)
Yeah, you-

Matt (06:14.421)

Dave (06:29.245)
There's like a gaming area set up. There's a family area. There's tons and tons and tons of things to do with this convention. And you, the only way to do everything is probably to do multiple days. I'd say three, I'd say two is probably enough to just do all the things you want to do without being rushed or feel like you have to stay like on task at all times, if you're looking to go to artists Sally and get commissioned work done, um, you probably need three or four days and you better have one of those days be the first day.

Matt (06:31.627)
Yeah, that was...

Matt (06:42.946)

Dave (06:59.377)
because a lot of those commissions, if they're not doing like quick on the spot sketches that you take with you, and you have to come back and get a commission piece of art, probably gonna have to go back after a day or two because a lot of the more prominent artists, they get a lot of commission requests and it takes time to draw. And they're at the convention all day. So they're doing this in the hotel, after 8 p.m. or 6 p.m. or whatever, they're leaving their booth. And between the next morning when they go back to their booth.

Matt (07:05.866)
Yeah, they take time.

Matt (07:28.542)
you met that that's got to be some pressure that's got to be a whole different life like going back in like

Dave (07:33.765)
Yeah, I mean, I would, you know, a lot of the, a lot of the really popular artists are not doing commission work all the time, or they're doing, they have limited commission slots, they know what they can produce in that amount of time. And that's it, once those slots are filled, like no more. I mean, Ryan Otley was there this year, he wasn't doing any commission, he was just doing signings. He didn't do any commission art this time.

Matt (07:40.13)
taking a bunch of commissions.

Matt (07:49.742)
I'll just...

Matt (07:54.602)
As I say, did you get a commission, an hourly commission?

Dave (07:56.549)
I was going to, but he wasn't doing commissions. He was only doing signings, and he was splitting his time between his booth in Artist Alley and the booth that was selling his mystery box.

Matt (08:06.798)
That's awesome. What was the vibe like with your girlfriend there? That's gotta be kind of a different vibe. And like, I don't, I mean, I've engaged with her that much. Is she into that kind of stuff or is that like an... Okay.

Dave (08:18.321)
So she's not a comic book person, but the vibes were immaculate. She's a very supportive and positive person and even going into it, she kept saying, I'm just your assistant, I'm holding the comic books while you're looking through boxes, like you just tell me what you need me to do and I'm gonna do it, I'm just here to support you. And I was, a lot of the time I was like, no, like don't, like you're not my assistant, like you're my girlfriend and I love you and we're gonna enjoy this day together, like.

Matt (08:24.929)

Matt (08:28.77)
There you go.

Matt (08:42.923)

Dave (08:48.497)
you're not on the clock right now. And that's just, I mean, that's her personality. She's just very much, she wants to support the people that she loves and she wants to be there to help them in any way that she can. And there were times I took her up on the offer of being the assistant. You know, she'd have to hold some Ninja Turtles books while I was rooting through long boxes. But yeah, man, she had a great time. It was the first big convention she's ever gone to. I should say great time as relative because

A lot of this was her just sort of taking in the culture, right? Like this isn't a thing that she's used to or that she's seen before. So, um, but that's one of the great things about the big conventions is that. There really is something for everyone. You know, we saw like these really elaborate, um, transformers, robots that. Are voice activated in command and also like on an app have commands and like.

Matt (09:20.386)


Dave (09:43.953)
They were doing all kinds of crazy. Optimus Prime dropped down and was doing pushups. He transformed into his truck form. He was doing like spin kicks and stuff, like cool stuff like that you just won't see at a convention. She even got some stuff for herself. There's, you know, they always have the booths at the conventions that are selling t-shirts and they always do deals, you know, two for 45 or whatever. So I found a shirt I liked. She found a Twilight shirt that she really liked that was done in like...

Matt (10:05.772)

Dave (10:13.829)
you know, 70s grindhouse style movie poster t-shirt, but Twilight, so she picked that up. I say that was a good time, man. It was a good time.

Matt (10:22.314)
I'll carry your books. All I gotta say to that is.

Dave (10:24.485)
Yeah, she did say that she would go back. She would go to another convention. And she's been to some of the small regional conventions with me here already. So.

Matt (10:35.361)

Oh, face it Tiger, you hit the jackpot. That's all I got to say to you about that.

Dave (10:41.229)
I did. I really did. I really did. I couldn't be any luckier.

Matt (10:47.422)
So you kind of you talked about it. I was just curious, like with things like in strike mode so that the. The actors, they could only talk about previous projects. Like, was there less of a presence? Cause that was a big presence when we were there. Um, I was like, you said they, they could only talk about previous work, not things they're working on or upcoming works. Was there a decline in that or like. Not.

Dave (11:10.169)
No, it didn't look like anyone pulled out that I saw, but again, I'm not the guy that's going for like celebrity photo op. So I didn't pay super close attention. I think the biggest name, I think Chris Evans was there and he followed through with doing his photo session. And a lot of others did the same. I don't think anyone pulled out. But I would imagine that some of the panels potentially suffered, but.

Matt (11:15.17)
You're not like dialing on, yeah, that. Gotcha.

Matt (11:25.666)

Matt (11:34.862)
Got you.

Dave (11:39.165)
that con is so, it's so densely attended that if you wanna go to the really good panels, you have to show up before the convention opens and then run to the line queue for where that panel is happening and probably just stand there all day to make sure you get a seat inside the room that the panel is happening in. You wouldn't be able to do anything else at the convention. You really have to commit to that kind of stuff. And I, that my mission was not to attend panels. My mission was to get some comics this year and get that.

Matt (11:57.951)
Yeah, that's...

Dave (12:08.506)
that Ryan Otley mystery box.

Matt (12:10.718)
So you were, that was my thing. So I was like, is there anything specific you're hunting? I know you're always on the grind for teenage mutant ninja turtles, mirage stuff. Was there anything, you talked about this mystery box. Like what is that? And like, what were the objectives? Cause we had, we had like definitely had objectives when we went, we were like a SEAL team. We all like, all right, if you see this, like call me or take pictures and send me. Like I was just curious how the hunt went.

Dave (12:30.448)

Dave (12:38.233)
Yeah, so they had over 60 comic book vendors. So my time was absolutely spent going and asking every single one of them, do you have Eastman and Laird Mirage Ninja Turtles comics? Do not give me IDW comics. I want the old stuff. I want the good shit. So objective number one was how many issues from volumes one, two and three of the Mirage Ninja Turtles?

Matt (12:42.379)

Matt (12:54.707)


Dave (13:08.765)
can I fill out? And I only need, I spent a couple hundred dollars on TMNT comics there. I only need two more issues for volume one. And I think two more issues for volume two. Volume three need a few more than that. I think I need probably 10 or 15, maybe 20. But I got quite a few. I got another print of number two. I got a third print of number two.

Matt (13:16.991)

Matt (13:21.246)
Oh my gosh, you're so close.

Dave (13:37.733)
I already had a second print of number two. I didn't have a first print of number two because it's thousands of dollars because they're always slapped and you know how that goes. Yeah, that was a primary objective was, can I get some Ninja Turtles stuff? Secondary objectives were anything just cool and collectible related to Ninja Turtles and or...

Matt (13:42.477)


Dave (14:05.769)
G.I. Joe, Transformers, you know, my big properties. There's no invincible stuff that I need other than that mystery box. I did get the last remaining quarter scale NECA TMNT figure from the live action movies. I didn't have Shredder yet, so I got me a Shredder. So that's done, that's complete. And then I also, this is a new one. Have you heard of G.I. Joe Classified?

Matt (14:08.746)

Matt (14:22.085)

Matt (14:34.302)
class 5 line of figures? They're like newer guys but they're like super detailed and intricate and all that? Yeah I've seen them. They're awesome.

Dave (14:40.101)
Yeah, there's six inch, six inch figures. Yeah, so I made the decision before that convention that I was gonna start collecting those too. So I was looking for some bargains on those while I was there too. Did not find any, didn't buy any of those. They're so cool. Yeah. And then the Otley mystery box, that was one of the coolest things that I got. So it was, he had announced via Instagram that he was going to have an exclusive

Matt (14:51.566)
Dude, they're so cool. That's such a cool line. Like.

Yeah, what is that, yeah?

Dave (15:10.169)
reprint of invincible number one with a new cover that he drew that would only be available at new york comic con and it was only available from his booth or from this booth that was selling comic mystery boxes and his mystery box contained that issue number one and then you would get four other ryan otley variant covers from either invincible or his other works they were all signed

Matt (15:18.024)

Matt (15:34.939)

Okay. All the issues were? Oh man, okay.

Dave (15:41.413)
Yes. And then one in 17 would also have a ticket where you'd win an additional Ryan Ottley piece of something, a graded copy of an issue of invincible, some original art, another variant cover that signed lots of different things you could win. I didn't get one of those, but, um, I was happy just getting the box. I, my, my additional stuff I got, um, an invincible number 16 with a battle beast variant cover, you know, I'll, you know, I love that.

Matt (16:09.59)
Perfect for you, yeah.

Dave (16:11.477)
And then the other things were I got two Hulk variants and an amazing Spider-Man variant and he signed all those

Matt (16:15.367)

Matt (16:19.798)
That's pretty awesome. I didn't know that number one was guaranteed in that box. So that's like, that's cool. And then you're just getting some oddly art too. So that's, and signed, that's, that's pretty cool.

Dave (16:27.396)

And they were limited to, I think, 250 or 350 boxes. And that's it. I knew they're only available at the con.

Matt (16:37.302)
Did you get any like certificate or anything or was there like CGC or not? That. Okay. Uh.

Dave (16:40.941)
No coda. No, no coda.

But if you were gonna, if you wanted to get this stuff graded, the people running that booth were CGC employees and they all saw him sign everything. So I would imagine if you're going to do a CGC grade, you could say, Hey, I got these at New York Comic-Con and they could provide a CODA at that point. But I don't know how that stuff works. So don't quote me on that.

Matt (17:03.638)
Got you. So what were like, what kind of was, were things like, things were probably more expensive, but were they like crazy out of line? Or do you feel like prices were good when you were hunting for comics or like, they were reasonable? Okay.

Dave (17:17.745)
Yeah, prices were reasonable. Yeah, it's not like anything got jacked up just for the convention, any more than they do at any other convention. There's a box set of Ninja Turtles action figures that's like Mirage Volume One inspired action figures. And at Cowtown Comic Con, we actually went to that before, it was a New York Comic Con this year. We went to that here.

Matt (17:39.212)

Dave (17:47.909)
There was a vendor that had those boxes. He had them, it's two boxes for the whole set. There's four figures in each box. So you get two turtles and like two foot soldiers in the box. And he had them tagged at a hundred bucks each. And the guy was like, oh, I've had these forever. I'll let them go for 75 a piece. And I was like, oh, I'll think about it. And I was like, if he's, I told my girlfriend, she walked away. I was like, if he was willing to.

Matt (17:53.632)

Dave (18:14.829)
I didn't even ask about the boxes. He was just like, oh, I'll knock it down in price. I was like, there's no way that that's a reasonable price because he was way too willing to give me a deal without even having to ask. Yeah, some multiple vendors with the same boxes at New York Comic Con, one was selling them for 45 bucks each. So, you know, there's some stuff there that was like priced below. Just depends, it just depends on who's selling it, man. Just depends.

Matt (18:24.894)
Yeah. Yeah, you don't have to do anything.

Matt (18:33.204)

Matt (18:40.384)

I feel like you've kind of spoiled your girlfriend going from that place that was in an abandoned mall or whatever. I can't remember what you said. And then you jump up to New York Comic Con. It's kind of hard to hold a Victoria's Seat. That's right.

Dave (18:57.041)
It was in an old Victoria's Secret inside of a shopping mall that's like on its way out the door. A dying mall.

Matt (19:08.232)
You've come a long way.

Dave (19:08.489)
Well, so here's the thing. We've gone since that first one we went to, we went to another small con that was like just okay. Then we went to Dallas Comic Con, AKA Fan Expo this year. So she saw a large convention, but Dallas Fan Expo is not a comic book convention. It is like, it's pop culture and movies and TV and celebrity photo ops and panels.

Matt (19:12.61)

Matt (19:18.015)

Matt (19:23.27)
Okay, that... Yeah, she been over...

Dave (19:37.425)
And they also have some comic books there too, but it's definitely not a comic convention. Cow Town and then went to another one year called Retropalooza. Those were both like more comic book focused conventions. So she got to see some, she got to step up into like what New York Comic-Con is like, but no one's prepared for New York Comic-Con the first time. You can't prepare for that. It's massive.

Matt (19:57.966)
Yeah, you can.

I agree. And you got you flew, obviously. So you were you're trying to be conscious of how much you brought back very somewhat strategic, right? I'm assuming like, because you think this man's gonna buy half the GI Joe declassified line trying to catch up like

Dave (20:07.378)
We did.

Dave (20:13.253)
I mean, it didn't stop me from buying a two-foot tall shredder action figure.

Dave (20:21.893)
We had a plan, dude. We had a plan. We're ready to buy another checked bag and put it all in there if we had to. We're ready. But there were no... I have... Dude, for the GI Joe classified figures, man, I got a spreadsheet with median price and high-low prices. I wasn't buying nothing if it wasn't at or below the median.

Matt (20:27.198)
Yeah, if you had to. Yeah. Nah, that's good stuff.

Matt (20:42.966)
Bro, I might have to chase some of those with you. Like, I'm not gonna get crazy ones, but I might have to look into these.

Dave (20:50.693)
It's so brutal, man, because once those figures are gone, they're gone, and a lot of those are like HasLab or Hasbro Pulse exclusives. If you don't preorder them through, you're gonna be getting gouged on the secondary market. It's bad. They are.

Matt (20:53.762)
they're impossible to get.

See you again.

Matt (21:05.473)
They're so damn cool.

No, man, I don't have a lot. I just had a couple of questions. I wanted to see how your experience, because we honestly didn't even talk about it at all. So I was just offline. So I was just seeing how good of a time you had. And I know it's probably a different vibe with the girlfriend and me screaming hard at you that I need trade paperback. So I'm sure that was probably a little bit better of a vibe. But no, I had a blast when we went, honestly. That was great. We definitely should.

Dave (21:21.981)
This is incredible, man.

Dave (21:29.789)

Dave (21:35.041)
Me too, man. I hope we get to go again someday. It'd be fun to go round two on New York Comic-Con. I will say it wasn't without its negatives. It was so crowded, even for a Thursday. The Wi-Fi there couldn't handle all the people that were trying to use it, and even cell reception, cell towers were a little overwhelmed. It was very difficult to get any service, which meant a lot of vendors...

Matt (21:39.062)
But yeah. I agree.

Yeah, it was the pitfalls, but yeah, what happened?

Matt (21:59.521)

Dave (22:03.345)
were not able to take credit card payments because they couldn't connect. So a lot of people were, I heard people saying, sorry man, I can only do cash right now, like I can't get anything to connect. I showed up with cash because I know how this stuff goes. Like I was ready to pay cash for everything if I had to, but that was frustrating. The food situation, they had a bunch of like, food vendors sprinkled throughout. A lot of those people were unprepared. They were just like,

Matt (22:16.102)
Yeah, you... Yeah.

Dave (22:31.961)
We walked up to one at like 1130 and she was like, oh, we're not open. And I'm like, looks like you have food. Yeah, we open at noon. And I was like, you can't just sell something now? And they're like, no, we open at noon. And I was like, okay. And it was like a stadium food type of booths. They had like hot dogs and you could do chili or chili and cheese. They had soft pretzels and something else. I forget what else they had there. So we...

walked around a little bit more, then we decided, okay, now we're gonna get food. There was like a little thing doing smoothies like around the corner from that. So my girlfriend wanted to get a smoothie and then I got in line to get us, like I was gonna get her a pretzel and I was gonna get me a hot dog with nacho cheese on it. So I finally get up there and I was like, okay, can I get a pretzel? Like, oh, we don't have any pretzels. Mind you, it's like same spot. And then it's like 12.30.

Matt (23:22.711)
This is the same this is the same spot the place that turned you away

Dave (23:30.053)
Like, we don't even have pretzels, we're out of pretzels. And I was like, did you ever have pretzels? Like, what do you mean? How are you out already? And I was like, okay, well, can I just get like two hot dogs, one with cheese? Like, oh, we don't have any cheese. I'm like, well, what do you have? Like, we can just do chili. You can do plain hot dog or chili dog. And I was like, just give me the plain hot dog. And of course, those hot dogs were like fucking $8.

Matt (23:32.534)
How did you order?

Matt (23:51.09)
Yeah, of course they were.

Dave (23:52.965)
Yeah, just, it was a rough, it was a rough go to try to eat inside the Javits Center.

Matt (23:58.666)
It's like you think you're being pranked when you go through that, like everything you order. Yeah, we don't have that. We don't have that either.

Dave (24:01.349)

Dave (24:06.757)
But other than that, there wasn't a ton of cosplay. We both expected to see more cosplay. That could have ended, we were there on Thursday and like those people that have jobs and they couldn't come until like Friday, Saturday or Sunday. So maybe it was just the day that we went that it was low cosplay attendance, but we didn't see a ton of that. But man, overall, you know, multiple times throughout the day, I just, I was so grateful to be at New York Comic Con afterwards. You know, I was telling my girlfriend how

Matt (24:10.153)

Maybe not on a Thursday, that's why. Yeah.

Matt (24:21.844)

Dave (24:35.205)
satisfying it is to go to that convention. It's literally the best comic book convention that you will ever go to. I haven't gone to San Diego, but I've seen enough of San Diego coverage that I think I can say it is a pop culture convention and not so much a comic convention anymore. Dude, near Comic-Con, it's the upper echelon of the comic book convention class. They execute it incredibly well.

Matt (24:48.652)

Dave (25:02.985)
for being in the most populated urban center in America. Minor, minor complaints. If you have a chance to go to New York Comic-Con, highly encourage you to do so. And if you've never gone before, it's worth saving up the money to fly to New York if you don't live there. Stay in a hotel in the city, really experience New York City, take a subway, get some $1.50 pizza slices, or better yet, go to one of the Joe's locations and pay a little bit more for probably the best New York slice.

and really take in the city and all New York Comic-Con has to offer. But if you can swing more than one day at New York Comic-Con, I highly recommend doing that too. It's definitely a multi-day affair.

Matt (25:44.974)
Sounds good, man.

Dave (25:47.921)
Well, I guess that's it. No more questions for me.

Matt (25:50.126)
That's it. Yeah, you faced the firing squad. He did very well and added even more than I expected. So we're good. Right?

Dave (25:55.773)
All right. Getting interviewed on my own podcast. I should interview you next time. I gotta think of some things to interview you for.

Matt (26:03.846)
I don't do much of anything so I think you'll be in trouble. How many diapers have you changed today?

Dave (26:06.289)
We'll figure it out. We'll figure it out. Well, if any of you, if anyone that listens to the podcast or watches the podcast has questions about New York Comic-Con, you know, you can comment them on the YouTube video or you can tweet them to Matt and I. Our Twitter handles are in the description of the episode as well as my threads handle. This episode's probably going to come out around a month after New York Comic-Con actually happened, so this might be a little bit of old news.

But also we're not talking about news, we're just talking about my personal experiences here. So it's probably timeless, I don't know. But hey, if you dig it, share it with a friend, share it on Instagram, rate the podcast, helps us grow. Growth means you can keep doing the podcast. We'd really appreciate that. And we appreciate all of you that check us out regularly already. So we'll be back soon, maybe with an invincible episode or who knows what else we got up our sleeves, but we'll have something for you soon. Until next time, my name is Dave.

Matt (26:40.494)
Good to have you.

Matt (27:04.311)
And I'm out.

Dave (27:05.725)
Take care of yourselves everybody, bye bye.

Matt (27:07.672)

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